Individual Details

George Thompson , Capt.

(1638 - Bef 17 Mar 1713)

Clerk of Charles County Court.

Capt. George Thompson 35A.13 I SM £51.1.9 Mar 17 1712/13 Oct 12 1713
Appraisers: William Laurence, John Nelson.
Creditors: James Bowles, Richard Lewellin.
Next of kin: Mr. Turberfeld. (Gilbert Tuberville)

George Thompson 36B.73 A SM £51.1.9 Nov 27 1714
Payments to: Richard Llewellin for judgement by John Coode, Mr. James Bowles, Barnaby Ancthill, Thomas Underwood, Mary Welch, William Aisquith.
Administrator: Joseph Vansweringen.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663. Page 42;
George Thompson Recordeth his Brand marke for horses, mares, & Cowes &c: (Vizt) The ifiower de Luce, burned

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663. Page 48;
[Att a Court held att St Maries on Twesday 8 Septembr 1663.] George Thompson aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined in open Court, Sayth uppon Oath,... As wittnes my hand Jurat in Curia Willm Bretton. George Thompson

p. 1, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber C, Page 10
20 Oct 1665; Indenture from George Thompson to John Caine, planter; a parcel of land called Beuplayne on the east side of Anacostia River on a creek called St John's; bounded by John Meekes, William Middleton; containing 1,000 acres; /s/George Thompson; wit. Thomas Allcoks (mark), William Williams (mark)

Archives of Maryland, Volume 57, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1670.
Page 594; Liber JJ, [p. 138] This Indenture made the Twenty day of Novembr one thowsand six hundred & seaventyall that Duddington Mannor
Page 596; ...Margarett now wife of The said Georg Thompson.... Georg Thompson (sealed) Sealed & Deliv. in the prsence of us Jo: Rousby Tho: Lomax Hen: Bonner Tho: Yorke . . . the 14th Day of February one Thowsand six hundred & seaventy [/71] Georg Thompson Appeared before us & Acknowledged this Lesse to be his Act & Deede. Charles Calvert Philip Calvert Will: Talbott

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0051 - Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679;
Page 0355, Liber C D: Versus George Thompson and margaret his wife Richard Moy ret 14.° ffeb: p & Teste 100 ffeb: 1670[/71]

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0051 - Proceedings of the Court of Chancery, 1669-1679;
p. 163, W.m Gwither ag.t Thomas Mathews & al Subp: to Testifie margt Thompson W.m Lucas & Jn.° Goddard rt Octr dat 3.d June 1675 Carvile,

This shows George being "of St Mary's County".
p. 50, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 190
9 Sep 1679; Indenture from George Thompson, late of Charles Co., now of St Mary's Co., Gent, to Benjamin Rozer, Esq.; for 18,000* tobacco; a parcel of land called Pomefield; (Pomfret--NJL) on the east side of St Thomas Creek; bounded by 100 acres of land formerly laid out for Robert Clarke, Esq., and Mr. Goodwicks; laid out for 100 acres; /s/ George Thompson; wit. Henry Bonner, John Godshall, Edmund Dennis

p. 60, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 253
15 Jan 1679; Indenture from George Thompson of St. Mary's Co., Gent., to John Hamilton, Gent.; a parcel of land on Nanjemy Creek and the Potomac River between land of Thomas Burdette and William Lewis; containing 100 acres; /s/ George Thompson; wit. Robert Thompson, Roger Fowke

p. 79, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber K, Page 370
28 Apr 1684; Indenture from John Cane to Susannah Cane, his daughter; mentions Potomac River, Portobacco Creek; appears to be part of a tract call Blewplaines by virtue of a grant to George Thompson transferred to Jno. Cane; /s/ Jno. Cane (mark); wit. Jno. Butterfield (mark), Giles Blizard

p. 120, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber P, Page 199
4 Jul 1689; Indenture from George Thompson of St Mary's Co., Gent., to Susanna, relict of John Posey; for 5,000* tobacco; a parcel of land called Johnson's Choise; containing 250 acres in Zachia Manor; bounded by Smoote's Choise; /s/ George Thompson; wit. John Eastwood (mark), Cleborne Lomax

p. 132, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber R, Page 7
11 Jun 1690; From Richard Boughton, Gent., to George Thompson of St. Mary's Co., Gent.; for diverse causes and considerations a tract of land called Square Adventure of 100 acres; formerly conveyed by George Thompson by indenture dated 13 Nov 1684; /s/ Ric. Boughton; wit. Robert Yates, Cleborne Lomax

Notice the mention of George Thompson of St Mary's Co.
p. 104, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber C#2, Page 263
3 Xber 1711; Recorded at request of Wm. Kellick: 20 9ber 1711; Indenture from Notley Rozer, Gent., to William Hunter; for £5; ILittlefield; bounded by land of George and Robert Goodrick and Henry Warren; containing 30 acres; said land being due to Col. Benjamin Rozer by assignment from George Thompson, Gent., now of St. Mary's Co.; also all his right in land called Splittfield on the east side of Portobacco Creek; also Hazard of 100 acres on Portobacco Creek; /s/ Notley Rozer; wit. Ja. Haddock, Luke Gardiner; 20 9ber 1711 ack. by Notley Rozer

Here is the blurb that shows that "Anne Clarke" was invented. Rebecca Mattingly was George Thompson's first wife and the mother of all of his children.
Prelude: Some sort of exchange between Jerry Clarke and Linda Reno where Jerry is whining about a mother for George Thompson's oldest son Thomas.
> Why wouldn't you think it was Rebecca Medley?
Linda Reno
And, I have the following record that seems to be what you are looking for: - namely George Thomspon married Anne __?__.
Provincial Court Records PL#3; page 14, dated 25 Dec 1707 "George Thompson of St Marys County, Gentleman sold to James Bowles of St Mary's County, Merchant, a piece of land." "Then came Anne wife of the said George Thompson."
Yes, there was another George in St Marys at the same time, but his wife is recorded as Margaret Goodrich and he dies in 1711/4 leaving a son Joseph George Thompson.
Testamentary Proceedings 46:98 Thomas Thompson was the surety for the estate of Joseph Clark on 5 Dec 1774. The widow, mary Clarke was the Administratrix of Joseph Clarks Account. In the Inventory of Joseph Clark's estate [120:427] taken 12/12/1774, his only kin is Thomas Thompson.
Ergo the suspicion of Anne Clarke as George's first wife.

Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 20:19:30 -0400
From: Linda Reno
Subject: [MDSTMARY-L] George Thompson Land Record
As you are aware, there was much discussion recently concerning a Land Records involving George Thompson and James Bowles in 1707 concerning "Rocky Point". Based on the reference given, I requested and have received a copy of the document in question.
As you will note, there was a mortgage between George Thompson and James Bowles dated 1706. However, it involves land called "Upper Straights" on Thompson Island in Dorchester County.
The document in question does state that George Thompson had a wife named Ann who waived her dower rights. However, in my opinion, this document concerns George Thompson who married Margaret Goodrick. I believe that George had a second wife named Ann. There is nothing to indicate that Margaret Goodrick was alive at this time.
There is a deposition given by Robert Goodrick in 1713 which states that his sister, Margaret Goodrick married George Thompson 20 or 30 years ago (which would have been 1683-1693 and I believe it was more in the neighborhood of 40+years at that time). This document does not state that Margaret is alive. The administration accounts of this George Thompson who died 1711/1712 do not indicate that Margaret or any wife, for that matter, was living. It does name his next of kin as Gilbert Turberville (aka Turberfield) so Ann may have been a sister or other relative of Gilbert.
I have transcribed the document and it reads as follows:
This indenture made ye 25th day of November in the year of our Lord 1706 between George Thompson of St Mary's County in the province of Maryland, Gent., of the one part and James Bowles of the sd. County and province, merchant of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said George Thompson for and in consideration of fifty pounds, nineteen shillings and seven pence of good and lawful money which he the sd. Thompson now oweth and stands justly indebted for goods of him the sd. Bowles received by the said Thompson amounting to the above specified sum of money and the sd. Thompson having from the sd. Bowles the time given him from the day of the sale hereof unto ye 25th day of December 1707 ensuing the deal herof to pay unto the sd. Bowles the aforesaid sum of money.
The sd. Thompson taking into his consideration the sd. Bowleses special favor and kindness in the premises the sd. George Thompson for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, etc. doth hereby mortgage, bargain, sell, alien enfeoff (?) and confirm unto the sd. James Bowles, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignees all of that parcel of land lying situating and being on Thompson's Island in Dorchester County in the province of Maryland and commonly known by the name of Upper Straights and now in the tenure and occupation of Hance Lawson and if the sd. James Bowles, his heirs, etc. by virtue of these presents shall and may peacefully and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the sd. messuage and tenement and every part and parcel thereof to the only proper use and behalf of him, ye sd. James Bowles, his heirs, etc., forever provided always that the sd. George Thompson, his heirs, executors, etc. or any of them do well and truly convey payment unto the sd. James Bowles, his heirs, executors, etc. the aforesaid fifty pounds, nineteen shillings and seven pence by ye 25th day of December 1707.
That this present mortgage, indenture, conveyance shall be utterly null and void and of no effect to all intents and purposes in ye law. The sd. George Thompson hereby reserving ye rents and services due from the sd. Hance Lawson as is and shall be due for the said messuage and tenement until the expiration of the time limited for the payment of the fifty pounds, nineteen shillings, and seven pence afsd. unto himself the sd. George Thompson, his heirs, executors, etc. or before the expiration of the sd. time hereby hereby limitaled(?) ye sd. Thompson by himself, his heirs or assignees shall not well and truly convey and pay ye sd. fifty pounds, nineteen shillings and seven pence unto the sd. James Bowles, his heirs, etc. that then this mortage, bargain, and sale of the afsd. messuage, tenement, and premises shall stand, remain and abide in full strength, power, and shall be good, effectual and available in the law to the sd. James Bowles, his heirs, etc., forever.
In witness whereof the parties above mentioned have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and fixed their seals the day and year above specified. Signed by George Thompson and James Bowles. Witnesses: William Aisquith and Thomas Beale.
This day came the within mentioned George Thompson and acknowledged this within specified indenture mortgage bargain and sale to be his act and deed and his wife Anne who being privately examined whether she did freely of her own good will without threats, fear, or compulsion of her sd. husband consent to the within mentioned messuage and tenement, did before us underwritten acknowledge she did freely consent thereunto with all forever hereafter freely relinquish her right, title, interest proper of same and demand her thirds thereunto. In witness whereof we have this fourth day of December 1706 hereunto set our hands. Wit: William Aisquith and Thomas Beale.
Recorded March ye 16th, 1707.
NOTE: This same George Thompson patented 600 ac. of property in Dorchester Co. in 1682.
Linda Reno

p. 10, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
St: Mary's Hundred
Eyre. 328. 0.13.1 1/2. Surveyed Nov 30, 1680 for Geo: Thompson [at] Jacksons Fresh on the bay side. [Possessor:] Geo: Thompson.


MarriageBef 1670Margaret Goodrick
DeathBef 17 Mar 1713St Mary's County, Md


SpouseMargaret Goodrick (1640 - )
ChildJoseph George Thompson ( - 1729)