Individual Details

Ignatius Matthews

(Abt 1662 - 10 Aug 1698)

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1685 To 1702 Volume II, p. 156
Mathews, Ignatius, 19th Feb., 1697; 21st July, 1698.
To wife Mary and brother William, personalty.
" son Thomas, 1200 A. (unnamed) on e. side Potomac R,
Test: Wm. Thompson, Dan'l Kelley. 6. 153.

Ignatius Mathews 18.17 1 CH £166.15.10 Aug 16 1698
Appraisers: John Sanders, Jese Doyne.

Ignatius Mathews 19 1/2 A.107 A CH £166.15.10 £1.10.10 Dec 9 1699
Payments to: John Clement.
Administratrix/Executrix: wife (unnamed, relict of deceased) of Thomas Jameson.

p. 145, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber S, Page 110
24 Apr 1693; Deposition of Willliam Williams, age 53; for purpose of conveyance of land from Thomas Mudd to John Saunders in right of his (Thomas Mudd's) wife Sarah, d/o Maj. William Boarman: In 1673, deponent was a tenant to Major, then Capt. Wm. Boarman on his tract of land where Thomas Mudd now dwells; deponent was retainer of Boarman for 18 years more or less prior to that date; he heard Boarman say that 400 acres of the 800 acres in the patent went to his dau. Sarah in marriage to Mr. Joseph Piles; the match was broken by disagreement of parents of Mr. Piles; then a match was proposed between Dr. Thomas Matthews of Portobacco and his eldest son Thomas Matthews and Sarah; when deponent returned from 5-6 months in England, Sarah and Thomas were living on land where Thomas Mudd now lives; deponent asked how Capt. Boarman "would do by ye son George to whom you have promised this land now given your daughter;" Boarman replied other provision had been made for George..; /s/ Wm. Williams; wit. James Smallwood

p. 47, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 127
Recorded at request of Thomas Jameson:
30 Sep 1703; Indenture Quadrupartite from Thomas Mudd, Gent, of the first part; John Sanders, Gent, and Sarah his wife, of the second part; Thomas Simpson, Gent, and Mary his wife of the third part; Thomas Jameson of the fourth part; to end a Chancery suit concerning a tract of land given by Wm. Boreman, Gent, [by deed of gift 5 Aug 1678] to his dau. Sarah Mudd, mother of Thomas Mudd, to Sarah Matthews for her life and Sarah Saunders and Mary Simpson, co-heirs of Sarah Mudd by her former husband Thomas Matthews, dec'd; [for details see 7 pages of document]; /s/ Tho. Mudd, Jno. Sanders, Sarah Sanders, Thomas Sympson, Mary Sympson (mark); wit. Wm. Barton, Samll. Hansen, Benj. Hall, Philip Briscoe; ack. 30 Sep 1703 by Thomas Mudd, Jno. Sanders and Sarah his wife, and Tho. Symson and Mary his wife to Thomas Jameson who paid alienation 10 Jul 1704

p. 39, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 49
Recorded at request of William Dent:
20 Jul 1703; Indenture from William Matthews, s/o Thomas Matthews, Gent., to William Dent, Gent.; for 4,438* tobacco; a parcel of land at Portobacco called The Huckleberry Branch; located on the back side of Thomas Baker; containing 178 acres part of a tract called Huckleberry Swamp; first granted William Nevill on 8 Sep 1664; conveyed to Thomas Matthews, father of sd. William Matthews, to Ignatius his eldest son; and from Ignatius Matthews to William his brother; /s/ William Matthews; wit. Jno. Elliss (mark), Henry Lindsey (mark); ack. 10 Aug 1703; ack. William Matthews 10 Aug 1703; alienation 11 Aug 1703

p. 84, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber C#2, Page 143
4 Oct 1709; George Dent requests recording of assignment of a tract of land from William Matthews (Z.49) to Maj. Wm. Dent; proving that John Sander and Sarah his wife and Thomas Sympson and Mary his wife had a right to said land; £10 paid to them by William Matthews; /s/ John Sander, Sarah Sander, Thomas Sympson, Mary Sympson; wit. John Rogers, Clerk, Robert Charlesworth; -- Oct 1709 John Sander and Sarah his wife ack. deed

Abstracts of Chancery Court Records of Maryland, 1669-1782, Debbie Hooper, Family Line Publications, Westminster, MD 21157, 1996. Page 48:
28 Oct 1721. Charles Co. Depositions taken regarding a parcel of land lying in Charles Co. containing 170 ac. in possession of Philip Hoskins, Esq, deceased; and upon his death in possession of Oswald Hopkins, now deceased, brother of Bennett Hopkins, a minor.
(1) William Thompson, age ca. 66, that John Cockshutt came into this county with his wife and 2 children and had rights for 2200 ac. Cockshutt died before he put up rights in execution. His widow later married Nicholas Causoon, reputed to be a French man, and said widow gave her husband Causoon rights to 1000 ac. of above mentioned land. The remainder she gave to her 2 daughters, Mary and Jane Corkshutt (also referred to as Ann and Jeane). Nicholas Causoon died and left his widow and one son named Ignatius Causoon. Afterwards, his widow married a surveyor, John (or Robert?) Clark and shortly after died. Her son took possession of his father's lands. This deponent was married to Bennett Hoskins' mother's sister and has a tract of land lying contigous. (Liber CL, p. 706).

28 Oct 1721. Charles Co. Deposition of John Sanders, age ca. 51, taken regarding a parcel of land lying in Charles Co. containing 170 acres in possession of Philip Hoskins, Esq. Deponent stated he knew of an Ignatius Mathis (Matthews) who is said to be the son of Jane Corkshutt. John Causeen was reputed to be the heir of the above mentioned land. Ignatius Causeen married the daughter of this deponent. (Liber CL, p. 707).

28 Oct 1721. Charles Co. Deposition of William Mathis, (Matthews) age ca. 47, regarding a parcel of of land lying in Charles Co. containing 170 acres in possession of Philip Hoskins, Esq. Deponent stated he was the son of the daughter of the above mentioned John Cockshutt, and that he sold part of the tract he had by his mother to Col. Philemon Lloyd, which land is now in dispute. (Liber CL, p. 708).

Archives of Maryland, Volume 51, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1675-76. Page 175;
March 20th 1675/76: Subpa Ignatius Mathews Jane Mathews, Wm Boreman & Mary his wife to Answer a Bill in Chanry at ye Suit of Wm Gwither rt 4th Apll next R Carvile p Comptt

Archives of Maryland, Volume 51, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1677. Page 496
In Chancery Att a Court of Chancery held att the Citty of St Maryes the 27th day of Maij in the first yeare of the Dominion of Charles &.ca (1676); Between Wm. Guyther gent. Compit and Ignatius Matthews, infant son of Thomas Matthews, the younger, dec'd, who was son of Thomas Matthews, the elder. Defendant represented by William Boarman, Gent, his guardian, Wm. Guyther, complainant, son of Nicholas Guyther.This cause Standing Revived in the Paper of causes ready for a hearing on this Present day in the Presence of the and Robert Carvile his attorney and in the Presence of Robert Ridgeley attorney for the Defendent (he nor his guardian appearing though he was duely served with Processe to heare Judgment) the Substance of the Comp.lts Bill appeared to be that whereas heretofore that is to Say in October Court in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Seaventy and four the did Exhibitt his bill of into this Honnourable Court against the Said Thomas Mathews the elder deceased and others Defend.ts ...before a day was by this court appointed for the hearing thereof the said Thomas Mathews the Elder dyed leaveing behind him Thomas Mathews the younger his sonne and heyre who presently after dyed alsoe and soe the Said suit abated and the Said Thomas Mathews the younger left behind the Defendant Ignatius Mathews his sonne and heyre an infant who claymed right to the Premisses either as heyre to the said Thomas Mathews the elder or by vertue of some other Right by will or otherwise

Archives of Maryland, Volume 51, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. Page 242;
Charles &c To Ignatius Mathews of Charles County Greeting We Command you that Imediately after the Sight hereof you pay unto Wm Gwyther of St Mary's Coty or the bearer of this writt the Sume of Six thousand two hundd & Seven pounds of Tobacco, Costs adjudged him the Sd Wm Gwyther by our Court of Chanry in a Cause there depending between him the Sd Wm Complt & you defendt & hereof you are not to fail under the pain Ensueing Wittness our Self at our City of St Marys ye day of July in the third year of our Dominion &a Annoq Dom 1678 The Originall was Delivered by Mr John Hartwell on the third day of Octobr 1678. Robert Carvile
On the backside of ye aforegoing writt was Written Vizt Wm Gwyther plt Ignatius Mathews deft; John Hartwell maketh Oath that upon the third day of Octobr Instant he did deliver to Mr John Breed of Charles Coty a writt of Subpa issued out of the high Court of Chancery of which this is a Copy under the Seale of this Court & that the sd Ignatius Mathews & his mother the wife of Mr John Breed was then & there prsent & this Depont did then demand of the sd Ignatius & his sd father & mother the tobacco within menconed but they refused to pay the Same nor have they yet paid the Same to the plt or this Depont to this Deponts knowledge. John Hartwell Sworn in Open Court. Nic Painter CI

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With


BirthAbt 1662Charles Co., Maryland, British America
Property26 Apr 1687Charles County MD
MarriageAbt 1690Mary Doyne
Death10 Aug 1698Charles Co, Md
Alt nameIgnatius Mathews


SpouseMary Doyne (1662 - 1755)
ChildJane Matthews (1698 - )
ChildThomas Matthews (1684 - 1749)
FatherThomas Matthews , Dr. (1620 - 1675)
MotherJane Cockshutt (1632 - 1693)
SiblingVictoria Matthews (1661 - 1735)
SiblingJane Matthews (1664 - 1719)
SiblingAnn Matthews (1664 - 1718)
SiblingWilliam Matthews (1674 - 1723)

