Individual Details

John Worland II

(2 Jan 1685 - 1754)

Maryland Calendar of Wills, p. 219 John CAGE, Chas. Co. 2feb1700 13feb1700 To cousins Benjamin and William WARD, to Nathaniel EATY, Henry FRANKLIN, Benjamin FLANNIN, John WARREN, Benjamin WARREN, and John WORLAND Sr., personalty. To cousin Richard MORRIS, exec., personalty. Test: Wm HOWELL, Samuel BURGESS, Elizabeth ELY. ___________ John WORLAND, Charles Co. Inv. 29dec1701 L29.18.0 Appraisers: James LATTIMORE, THOMAS DIXON.

Charles County Circuit Court Land Records, Liber C#2, Page 251 4 Jul 1711; Recorded at request of Edward Ford: 12 Jun 1711; Indenture from John Worlands, planter, and Stasey his wife, to Edward Ford, cordwinder; for 3,000# tobacco; a parcel being part of a tract called Locker's Delight; bounded by George Thomas's Spring; laid out for 50 acres (the whole containing 360 acres); /s/ John Worland (mark), Stacey Worland (Mark); wit. Mary Posey (mark), Ralph Shaw, Thomas Howard

Charles County Court Records, March 1737/8 Court, Liber T#2, Page 422. Pursuant to order of last Nov CC Court, Commission issued to examine witnesses touching the bounds of a tract of land called Dockers Delight, in possession of Geo: Scroggin. Commissioners appointed: Messrs Robert Yates, John Howard, Joseph Douglass, and John Maddox (not being any way related to the Pet', contiguous Proprietor, nor interested in the sd land). Dockers Delight is in CC. The purpose of the Commission is to examine witnesses to prove and perpetuate the memory of the bounds of the sd tract of land. And now here, at Mar Court, Robert Yates and Joseph Douglas, return to this Court the Commission with the following depositions and certificate thereto annexed - CC. The deposition of Edward Ford, age about 49, who says that George Thomas and he, being together, sd Thomas showed him a bounded white oak standing on the head of a small branch near the house where sd Ford now lives, which sd Branch falls into the Head of Pickiawaxon Cr, and each of them then living on the sd land, and since understands the sd land was called Dockers Delight. Signed - Edward Ford. The deposition of Geo: Thomas, age about 65, who says that after he had bought part of that tract of land called Dockers Delight, that some of the old people then living (but who can't charge his memory with) told him that up a branch near some black haw trees stood a bounded white oak which, when this Deponent sought for, he found it according to description given, sd branch falling into the head of Pickiawaxon Cr, & found that it should, in his judgment, be the 1st bound tree of sd land. Signed - George Thomas. The deposition of Edward Ford, age about 49, who says that the sd Thomas brought him from the white oak in the above deposition, to a bounded poplar standing on the side of a branch and a fresh run that falls into the head of Pickiawaxon Cr, and further says that the sd Thomas put his back against the sd poplar and said he ran to a bounded white oak standing and a hill. Signed - Edward Ford. The deposition of Geo: Thomas, age about 65, who says that after he had bought part of that tract of land called Dockers Delight, that some of the old people then living (but who can't charge his memory with) told him that on the side of a hill and near a fresh run, there stood a bounded poplar which, when this deponent looked for, found according to description given, the sd fresh run falling into the head of Pickiawaxon Cr, and found that it should, in his judgment, be the 2nd bound tree of Dockers Delight. Signed - George Thomas. The deposition of Richard Smith, age about 50, who says that he had several times seen a bounded white oak standing on a hill, but thought it to be a bound tree of Mr. John Courts'. The deposition of John Worland, age about 50, who says that his father showed him a bounded gum standing on a branch near a fresh rum, the sd run falling into the head of Pickiawaxon Cr, which sd tree he told him was a bound tree of Dockers Delight. Signed - John (1W his mark) Woreland. The further deposition of the sd Jno Worland, age about 50, who says that his father showed him a bounded white oak standing in the woods near a small swamp and the land of Edward Ford, which tree is now cut down and stands a bounded locust post, and that his father further said it was a bound tree of Dockers Delight, which he had then in possession. Signed - John (1W his mark) Woreland. The deposition of Edward Ford, age about 49, who says that George Thomas showed him a bounded white oak standing in the woods near a small swamp where now stands a bounded locust post, and said it was a bounded tree of the land they then lived on, and since has understood it to be the land called Dockers Delight. Signed - Edward Ford. The deposition of William Jenkerson, age about 40, who says that George Thomas Sr told him that a white oak (now down) standing on a hill, which tree is now dead, to be a bound tree of the land that he had rented of George Thomas. Signed - William (I his mark) Jenkerson. The deposition of George Thomas, age about 65, who says that on a small point of a hill and a branch on each side and fresh run, he found as afd, a bounded white oak which he thought to be a bound tree of Dockers Delight. Signed - George Thomas. We, being qualified before John Briscoe, have examined the witnesses brought to us this Dec 21, 1737. Signed - Robt: Yates, Joseph Douglass.

Charles County Land Record Book A#2, 1752-1756; Page (242). Nov 13, 1754 from John Warland of CC, planter, to the Revd Samuel Clagett of CC. John Warland, late of CC, decd, and father to John Warland, party to these presents, was seized of a tract of land in William & Mary Parish in Cc called New Alford, containing about 86 acres, by patent, which sd tract the sd John Warland the younger has sufficient reason to believe was sold by his father to George Thomas, sometime since of CC, now dead, and for which sd George Thomas paid a valuable consideration whereby he possessed sd tract many years, and by his will, devised the tract to his grandson, Benjamin Compton of CC, who has since sold conveyed the premises to the afd Claget, and for which he has received 10,000 lbs of tobacco. Now as the deed from John Warland the Elder to George Thomas afd, though neglect or misconduct, cannot readily be found upon record. Sd John Warland the younger being satisfied of the justness of this matter, and for 1000 lbs of tobacco to him paid by sd Clagett, Warland sells Clagett the tract of land called New Alford_ Signed - John Warland. Wit - Robt Yates, Charles Blanford, Dan. of St_ Thos Jenifer. Rebecca, wife of sd John Warland, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned, Recorded Nov 13, 1754.

1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Piccawaxen or Wm&Mary: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 290-22: NEW ALLSFORD: 86 acres; Possession of - 86 Acres - Wickerly, John : Surveyed 25 Jan 1670 for John Worland at a Bounded Hiccory the Bounded tree of Thomas Wakefield's land.: Other Tracts Mentioned: HEN ALSOFORD; ; ; other notes - John Wicherly for John Worland an orphan, this land is said to lye in Zachia Manor,, , , ,

1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Piccawaxen or Wm&Mary: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 293-38: DOCKERS DELIGHT: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Wicherly, John : Surveyed 21 Apr 1670 for John Walker at a Bound w. oak on the South side of a small swamp near Doughty land: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - John Wicherly for John Worland, 60 Acres - George Thomas from John Worland, 19 September 1709.,150 Acres – George Scroggin from John Tawning, 8 Oct 1737, , , ,

Charles County Land Records, Volume III Charles County Circuit Court Land Records, 1702/3 - 1707 === Charles County Land Records, Liber C#2 Page 144 12 Oct 1709; Indenture from John Worland, planter, and Mary his wife, to George Thomas, planter; for 3,000# tobacco; a tract called Dockers Delight; containing 60 acres; /s/ John Worland, Mary Worland (mark); wit. William Herbert, Robert Gates; 19 Sep 1709 John Worland and Mary his wife ack. deed; same witnesses

NOTE - LAND - John Worland (planter) and his wife Mary conveyed on 12 Oct 1709 sixty acres of a tract called Dockers Delight. Then on the 12 Jun 1711 John Worland and his wife Stacey conveyed fifty acres more of the Dockers Delight tract
4 Jul 1711; Recorded at request of Edward Ford: 12 Jun 1711; Indenture from John Worlands, planter, and Stasey his wife, to Edward Ford, cordwinder; for 3,000# tobacco; a parcel being part of a tract called DOCKER'S DELIGHT; bounded by George Thomas's Spring; laid out for 50 acres (the whole containing 360 acres); /s/ John Worland (mark), Stacey Worland (mark); wit. Mary Posey (mark), Ralph Shaw, Thomas Howard
Liber C#2, Page 251 4 Jul 1711; Recorded at request of Edward Ford: 12 Jun 1711; Indenture from John Worlands, planter, and Stasey his wife, to Edward Ford, cordwinder; for 3,000# tobacco; a parcel being part of a tract called Locker's Delight; bounded by George Thomas's Spring; laid out for 50 acres (the whole containing 360 acres); /s/ John Worland (mark), Stacey Worland (Mark); wit. Mary Posey (mark), Ralph Shaw, Thomas Howard === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Piccawaxen or Wm&Mary: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 293-38: DOCKERS DELIGHT: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Wicherly, John : Surveyed 21 Apr 1670 for John Walker at a Bound w. oak on the South side of a small swamp near Doughty land: Other notes - John Wicherly for John Worland, 60 Acres - George Thomas from John Worland, 19 September 1709.,150 Acres – George Scroggin from John Tawning, 8 Oct 1737, (Believe this should read James) === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Piccawaxen or Wm&Mary: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 290-22: NEW ALLSFORD: 86 acres; Possession of - 86 Acres - Wickerly, John : Surveyed 25 Jan 1670 for John Worland at a Bounded Hiccory the Bounded tree of Thomas Wakefield's land.: Other Tracts Mentioned: HEN ALSOFORD; other notes - John Wicherly for John Worland an orphan, this land is said to lye in Zachia Manor, ===

Liber M, Page 10

Birth: John worland, s/o Jno. worland, b. 2 Jan 1685
(Abstracts of Charles County Circuit court, Court and Land Records, Volume 2, 1665-1695) FHL Book 975.247 R28j pg 103


Birth2 Jan 1685Charles, Maryland, United States
MarriageBef 12 Jun 1709Maryland - Anastasia "Stacey" Robey
Event12 Jun 1711
Payments5 Mar 1715
Event31 Aug 1742
Death1754Charles, Maryland, United States
Alt nameJohn Warnall
Alt nameJohn Wornall


SpouseAnastasia "Stacey" Robey (1695 - 1723)
ChildJohn Worland III (1720 - 1790)
FatherJohn Worland (1639 - 1701)
MotherMary Marlow (1667 - )

