Individual Details

Edmund Dennis

( - Bef 6 Dec 1694)

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1685 To 1702 Volume II, p. 84
Dennis, Edmond, Calvert Co., 27th Feb., 1686; 6th Dec., 1694.
To Henry Truman, personalty.
" Mary, dau. of Joshua Doyne, 100 A., "Edmond's Berry."
Wife Ann, residuary legatee.
Exs.: Wm. Digges, Gerrard Van Sweringen.
Test: Thos, Grunwin, Jas. Cullen. 7. 41.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 5, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89; Page 484; Liber B.P.R.O.; p. 30. At a Council held at the City of St Maries the one and twentieth day of May Ann: Dom: 1686 Present Coll. Henry Darnall The honble Coll. Wm Digges Maj: Nicho Sewall Mr Clement Hill
Edmund Dennis petition: To the honble his Lordship's Councill The humble Petition of Edmund Dennis of Calvert County. Sheweth That your Petr being seated in Pottuxen River convenient by the shipping, and there being noe Coroner (as your Petr conceives) on this side the River, or at least within thirty or fourty miles upwards, he prayes your Honrs to conferr upon him the said Office. And shall pray &c. Order for Coroner's place in Cal. Co: The Petition was granted and ordered that Commission for Coroner in Calvert County issue to the said Dennis.

Archives of Maryland; Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679; Volume 15, Page 333; Liber R; p. 159; At the same time was read and heard a peticon preferred to
his Lspp by Edmond Dennis being as foll viz. To the Rt honble Charles Absolute Lord & Propry of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Ld Baron of Baltemore &c. The humble Peticon of Edmund Dennis Sheweth That whereas several of your Lspps military Officers did lately make their addresses to yor Honor for the Constituteing and appointing a Marshall to the horse and foote in Charles County, And your Petr did thereupon by his peticon humbly request that yor Lspp would be pleased to appoint your Petr to the said Office, the which yor Lspp: then seemed to your Petr in some measure to grant, And knowing your Honor to be soe much taken up with your greate affaires that the meaneness of your peticoners concern cannot be easily had in your Honrs Remembrance though he doubts not your honrs favour, yett your peticoner thinkes it not onely his Interest but Duty now again to putt your honr in Remembrance of his former peticon That your honor would be pleased to conferr the said Office of Marshall on him And yor Lspp Peticoner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. It was thereupon ordered that Edmund Dennis be appointed Marshall both of horse and foote in Charles County and that a Commission be drawne accordingly wch was done and is as foll: viz
Maryland ss: Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Ld Baron of Baltemore &c. To Edmund Dennis of Charles County greeting Out of the spciall trust and confidence we have and doe repose in your greate care fidelity Circumspection courage & good Conduct wee have ordeined Constituted & appointed as by these prsents we doe ordeine constitute and appoint you the said Edmund Dennis to be Marshall of all our Military forces both horse and foote in the sd County, wch Office of Marshall as aforesaid you are duely to execute according to such orders, Instructions and Directions as you shall from time to time Receive from us or our Ltt Genll or other chiefe Governor for the time being from our Coll or Comandr in chiefe of all our forces in sd County or from other your Superior Officer and in all thinges to act doe and perform as to the place and Office of Marshall appertained with full power and Authority to you hereby given to Collect and Receive of all or any the Officers and Souldiers in our sd County all such ffines as shall be legally Assessed by our sd Coll: or other Superior officer of our sd County according to Act of Assembly in that case made and provided, and the same to convert unto such use and uses as by the act aforesaid is Provided keepeing a true and exact Accot of all such Collections and Disbursemts by you to be made thereof to be rendred unto us or Our Ltt Genll or other Chiefe Governor for the time being as aforesaid to our sd Coll: or Comandr in chiefe in the County aforesaid or other your Superior Officer when thereunto required. To have and to hold the said place and Office of Marshall unto the sd Edmund Dennis for and dureing pleasure. Given undr our hand and Seale at Armes the 22th Day of ffebry in the Sixth yeare of our Dominion &c Annoq Dmi One Thousand Six hundred and Eighty.


MarriageBef 1686Anne
DeathBef 6 Dec 1694Calvert County, Md


ChildBarbara Dennis (1640 - )
SpouseAnne ( - 1693)
FatherJohn Dennis ( - )
MotherElizabeth ( - )
SiblingMartha Dennis ( - )