Individual Details

Mary Cole

(Abt 1694 - 1786)

Name: Michael Marshall

I had his wife as Priscilla Jenkins. Shirley was working on this.
Folio 2751 JOHN BOONE, Sr. 07f19/1 02/28/ 178.9
"being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding . ,"
Bequeaths to:
1. Alexius Boone --son -to have all of testator's lands which descended to testator as heir to his father John Boone and whereon testator's father formerly dwelled cal led "Brooke Wood" "Brooke Discovery" "Hazard" and "Boone's Folly" -to have "Boone's Chapel" and 1 acre of land round about the Chapel -to have a mahogany table -named executor of the will
2. Priscilla Boone --wife -to have all the remaining parts of the land whereon testator now dwells called "Brooke Wood" and "Timber Land" for her natural life and after her decease to testator's son Alexius -to have all of testator's personal estate for her natural Life
3. Ignatius Boone --son; Susanna Boone -daughter; -to have the occupation of testator's dwelling house during their single Lives -after widow's decease Ignatius to have Negroes "Jack" "George" "Henry" "Dick" "Jem" and "Abraham" -Susanna to have Negroes "Nat" "Cate" "Rachel" "Luke" "Jacob" "Minta" and "Anne" -all of testator's household furniture to be divided among them after widow's decease -Ignatius to have a desk and Susanna to have a tea chest, spoons, and tongs
4. Elizabeth (Boone ?) --daughter -after widow's decease to have Negroes "Judey" and "Stephen"
5. Rev. John Boone --son; Thomas Boone -son; Nicholas Boone --son; Mary Hartley --daughter; -to have 5 shillings each
6. Martha Boone --granddaughter -to have Negroes "Josiaa" and 'Sury" -to have 1 feather bed and covering, I cow and a horse of "moderate value" a hunting saddle and bridle provided that she marries with the approbation of her uncle Alexius and her aunt Susanna Boone otherwise the bequest is null and void.
7. Priscilla Boone --granddaughter -to have 1000 lbs of crop tobacco
Witnesses: Francis Boone, Henry Boone, Jr., Alexius Sansbury
Then came; the three above named subscribers to the will Note: the testator signed the will in his own hand

Folio 235 MARY JENKINS 03/04/1785 05/27/1786
"being weak and sick in Body ... ."
Bequeaths to:
1. Priscilla Boone -daughter; Sarah Bowling --daughter; -to have all of testatrix's wearing apparel to be divided between them -Priscilla to have all the money and debts due testatrix
2. John Bowling -son-in-law -to have 5 pounds current money to be paid him by testatrix's daughter Priscilla
3- Alexis Boone --grandson -named executor of the will
Witnesses; Joseph Clarke, Henry Boone
Then came: Henry Boone
Note: the testatrix signed the will with her mark

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 19:26:35 EST
Subject: Re: [MDCHARLE] Hardy, Mary Dorothy abt 1780
Hi Bill -- I have this for Mary Sarah Cole, wife of Edward Jenkins:
will written 4 Mar 1785; probated 27 May 1786
In the name of God Amen I Mary Jenkins of Prince Georges County Maryland being weak and sick in body but in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of Allmighty God who gave it to me and my body to be decently buried by my Executor hereafter mentioned and as for what worldly goods it has pleased God to bless me with I do dispose of them in the manner and form following,
I give unto my daughters Priscilla Boone and Sarah Bowling all my wearing apparel to be equally divided between them
I give to my daughter Priscilla Boone all the money and debts which may become due unto me at my death as also all the remainder of my estate and effects of what kind soever
I give unto my son in law John Bowling five pounds currency to be paid to him by my daughter Priscilla Boone after my death
Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my grandson Alexis Boone my sole executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal 4th day of March Anno Domini 1785
Mary Jenkins x her mark
Signed sealed published and delivered in the presence of Joseph Clarke, Henry Boone
At the foot of which will was thus written Prince Georges County, Maryland
May 27th 1786 Then came Henry Boone one of the subscribing witnesses to last will and Testament of Mary Jenkins late of said County deceased and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the Testator therein named sign and seal this will and that they heard her publish pronouce and declare the same to be her last Will and Testament That at the time of her so doing she was in the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that he together with Joseph Clarke the other subscribing witness respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of each other Certified by and Sworn to before Saml Tyler Registar of Wills PG County.

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 17:53:52 -0800
Subject: Re: [MDCHARLE] Hardy, Mary Dorothy abt 1780
Hi Bill, Shirley and List,
These lines are my direct lines and this Jenkins - Boone connection is one I'd really like to have some help with. To figure out if this Mary Jenkins of the will below is indeed the Mary Cole wife of Edward Jenkins, Senr.
I have seen the connection that Bill gives for Priscilla Boone being the dau of Edward Jenkins, Senr. and his wife Mary Cole, [not seen her as Mary Sarah]. In my data I have the birth year of ca 1713 for Priscilla, but I have no source for that date. What is the birth year of Sarah the wife of John Bowling, Priscilla's sister? Shirley do you know?
Now, the children of Edward Jenkins and Mary Cole are all born in the 1730's, big gap from 1713 to the 1730's.
Also re: the will of Mary Jenkins, that Shirley shared, if she is Mary Cole Jenkins her son Edward Jenkins and his wife Sarah Middleton [my line] were alive and had children when she died and there is no mention of them in this will. Her dau Mary Ann married James Middleton [also my line] was not alive, but James and Mary Ann had children and there is no mention of any Middleton grandchildren in her will. So in this will of Mary Jenkins I find there is no connection that makes her the wife of Edward Jenkins, Senr.
But I would like to know what Jenkins she was married to. And think about this, Priscilla and Sarah her daus may not be from the Jenkins marriage.
I look forward to help on this family,
Shirley Middleton Moller


BirthAbt 1694St. Mary's Co., MD.
Marriage1717Ocean Hall, Bushwood, St Mary's, MD - Edward Jenkins
Death1786Charles County, MD


SpouseEdward Jenkins (1671 - 1760)
ChildThomas Jenkins (1719 - 1748)
ChildMary Ann Jenkins (1723 - 1762)
ChildEdward Jenkins (1738 - 1803)
FatherEdward Cole (1657 - 1717)
MotherHonora Ford (1666 - 1696)
SiblingEdward Cole , Jr. (1696 - 1762)
SiblingRobert Cole (1686 - 1720)
SiblingElizabeth Cole (1684 - 1750)
SiblingRuth Cole ( - 1774)
SiblingHonora Cole (1688 - 1714)
SiblingSusanna Cole (1692 - 1763)