Individual Details

Mark Heard

(Abt 1710 - Bef 10 Sep 1771)

HEARD, Mark, St Mary's Co. 16 Jul, 1771; 10 Sep, 1771
To wife Susannah.
Children: Matthew, John, William, Richard, Ann, Elizabeth, Susannah.
Mention: Francis Hopewell, William Aisquith, Luke Heard.
Tracts: 'Thirds," 'Small Addition."
Exs. wife Susannah and son John.
Wit: Michael Wellman, Henry Greenwell, Frances Greenwell. 38. 361

Mark Heard 109.17 SM £379.5.6 Sep 10 1771 Feb 10 1772
Appraisers: Samuel Abell, Sr., Samuel Abell, Jr.
Creditors: Archibald Campbell for James Gordon & Co., John Masson for Alexander ---- & Co.
Next of kin: Mathew Heard, Luke Heard.
Administrators/Executors: Susannah Heard, Mark Heard.

Mark Heard7.15 D SM £299.14.6 Jan 28 1777
Sureties: Samuel Bellwood, Math. Heard.
Legatees: Mathew Heard, John Heard, William Heard, Richard Heard, widow (unnamed), Ann Heard, Elisabeth Heard, Susannah Heard.
Residue to: children (unnamed) except Mathew.
Executors: Susannah Heard, John Heard,

Mark Heard July., 1774 Wills Liber TA 1 page 503
the Last Will of In the name of God Amen. I Mark Heard of St. Marys Mark Heard County in the province of Maryland, planter being sickly and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body, knowing that it is appointed for man to die do make, and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following Vizt. first I bequeath my soul unto the hands of my Savior Jesus Christ, trusting through his merits and passion Everlasting Salvation, and my body to the earth to be to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discreation of my executrix and Executor hereafter mentioned and as touching such worldy Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I give & bestow in manner & form following,
Item I give unto my son Mathew Heard. A negro woman named Monica, and two feather Beds with everything that is now in possession, that I have any claim to, and no more of my real or personal Estate.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Heard the west part of a tract of land called thirds with a small addition I took up myself beginning at the fork of a small branch, called Culverho uses Spring Branch, and running from the the said Fork, to the out line of thirds, on the south, including the old field & plantation, formerly belonging to Francis Hopewell, with all my lands on the north side of sd Branch, to him the said John Heard, and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to sd John Heard, a negro, man named Phill. I give and bequeath to my son William Heard, the south East part of my Land called Thirds with the great branch up to the old Beaverdam, and from the old Beaverdam with the Read to William Aisguith Land including a small addition, I took up myself, to him the sd will, and his forever in case Luke Heard leaves him the sd William, no land at his decease if the said Luke leaves him the sd William land then my will is that the aforesd South East part of thirds, be equally devided between, my sons, John, and Richard. I give & bequeath to sd William Heard one negro man named Saul, after making one crop with my executors after my decease.
Item I will and ______ tract that part of my Land called thirds that lies on the north East side of the great Branch be sold by my Executors in order to discharge my just debts, and I do hereby in power my Executors to make a full and Lawfull right to the purchaser of the sd land.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Richard Heard the remainder part of my land called thirds, including my dwelling plantation to him the said Richard _____ _____ my will and meaning is that my beloved wife Susanna Heard should be of possession and enjoy __ third part of the above lands that for sale excepted, during her natural life.
Item I give and bequeath to the said Richard Heard one negro girl named Milla, and one negro boy named Edmond.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, one negro man named Tom, & one negro woman named Joan, and one cow and calf.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Heard one negro boy named ___, and one cow and calf.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Susanna Heard, one negro boy called Cornelius, & one cow and calf, my will and desire is that my Daughters, shall live on the Land with their Mother & brothers while they live single. I constitute nominate & appoint & ordain my beloved wife, Susanna Heard & my beloved son John Heard, Joynt Executors of this my last will and Testament. In witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand my hand & seal this 16 Day of July in the year of our Lord God, Anno Domini 1774 Signed sealed & declared to be the last will and Mark Heard seal
Testament of Mark Heard in the presence of us Michael Wellman Saint Marys County (to Wit) on the tenth day of Henry Greenwell September 1774 came Michael Wellman, Henry Frances Greenwell Greenwell, and Frances Greenwell, the subscribing witnesses to the written Last will of Mark Heard of the county afsd. deceased, and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the said Mark Heard the testator therein named, sign and seal this will, and heard him publish and declare the same, to be his last will & Testament, and that at the time of his doing he was to the best of their apprehension of perfect sense and of sound and disposing mind & memory, and that they respectively, subscribed their names as witnesses to the said will, in the presence and at the request of the aforesd Testator and that they did see each other, subscribe their names thereto as witnesses. Sworn before J A Thomas Deputy Commissioner of St. Mary's County to wit, on the tenth Day of September 1774 Came Susanna Heard, and John Heard the Executors within named and made oath, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the within is the only true Last will and Testament of Mark Heard deceased, that has come to their hands possession or knowledge. Before, J A Thomas Deputy Commissioner


BirthAbt 1710
DeathBef 10 Sep 1771St Mary's County, Md
MarriageSusanna Shircliffe


SpouseSusanna Shircliffe ( - )
ChildElizabeth Heard (1759 - 1829)
FatherWilliam Heard (1674 - 1733)
MotherElizabeth Cole (1684 - 1750)
SiblingMary Heard (1711 - 1751)
SiblingElizabeth Heard (1712 - 1763)
SiblingMatthew Heard (1714 - 1766)
SiblingPriscilla Heard (1716 - 1767)
SiblingLuke Heard (1718 - 1786)
SiblingSusanna Heard (1720 - )
SiblingEleanor Heard (1720 - 1785)