Individual Details

Robert Thompson

(Abt 1663 - Oct 1697)

Abstracts of Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1688-1698 Libers 12,13A, 13B, 14, 15. Volume 4 compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr., p. 66
Robert Thompson (watchmaker) 15.215 I SM £51.16.0 Nov 1 1697
Appraisers: James French, John Bayly.
Approvers: David Conner, James Gray.
Administratrix: Mary Thompson (relict).

County Name of Tract Acreage Date Reference(s)
Thompson, Robert:
St.M Hard Fortune 100 5 Oct 1695 40/25

Robert Thompson is not listed.

THOMPSON, ROBERT, Liber ABH, Folio 35, Servant 1649
THOMPSON, ROBERT, Liber 17, Folio 26, immigrated 1672, of Charles Co.
THOMPSON, ROBERT, Liber WC2, Folio 254, transported 1680

A Catholic. A watchmaker. Donnelly, p. 239.
Donnelly believes he was a son of Arthur THOMPSON (not mentioned in Arthur's will because he predeceased him). Donnelly, 239.
Robert lived in the same area as Arthur. Donnelly, 239.
Reno says his wife was MARY RALEY;
Donnelly says MARY FRENCH. Donnelly, 239.
In 1694/95, Robert acquired tract "Hard Fortune, " on Gardiner's Run in St Mary's Co. Robert's estate was valued at £51.16.00 (Nov 1697). Included in his estate was a genealogy of the ACTON family and cattle in the possession of Sebastian THOMPSON, son of Arthur THOMPSON. Donnelly, p. 239.

Many researchers believe he originated in the South Riding of Yorkshire.

A Robert THOMPSON named in will of Thomas TURNER, St Mary's Co. 15 Feb. 1696; rec'd personalty together with Thomas BANCROFT, and William MICHELL. TURNER's children receive acreage of "St Thomas," "Audley End" and "St Dorothys" on the west side of St Clements Bay.

A William THOMPSON residing in St Mary's County by 7 June 1656, as witness of the will of William JOHNSON of St Wynefrid's, St Mary's County.

No will was discovered in MCW for Robert. There were these listings:
Robert 1688 Charles County [named two children: John and Mary, entire estate equally at majority; no spouse named; Witnesses: John Goock, Thos. Warren, Robert Truett.
Exec. Capt. Humphrey Warren.
Robert 1703 St Mary's County, inventory, [not in book]
Robert 1737 Cecil County

Robert Thompson 27.150 A SM £39.18.4 £2.19.2 Sep 27 1707
Payments to: Mr. Brooke, Mr. James Keech.
Administrator: James Thompson.

Robert [of the study: "Some Families."] settled in Maryland prior to 1687 and is probably the same as the Robert sponsored by Mathew Nicklus sometime before 1680.

Robert Thompson received a land patent on 22 January 1694/95 [Liber C No. 3, folio 25-26, Land Office, Annapolis.]

All material on Robert Thompson and the next two generations taken from "Some Families of the Revolutionary War from VA, MD, PA, SC and KY". pp. 459-469. book housed in Columbia at State Historical Soc. of MO

Here is some information from a study done in the 1980's. Some of which you may already seen, but thought I would pass it along. A cousin hired this research done and this is part of what was found. The branch of the Thompson family which held "Rose Bank" on Rocky Creek and which this study is concerned had its origin on one Robert Thompson, but as many as three Robert Thompson's settled in Maryland prior to 1687, it is difficult to identify him with any degree of accuracy, but it is believed that he was the Robert Thompson who was brought in sometime before 1680 by Mathew Nicklus. The following is an exact copy from the original: Liber WC No. 2, folio 234, Land Office, Annapolis. 25 October 1680, Mathew Nicklus proves seventeen rights and assigns them to Henry Lowe: Margaret Cole, Mary Lilly, William Smith, Thomas Evans, Francis Warrall, Bridgett, Daniel Jones, Thomas Coleman, James Ellin, Thomas Williams, David Williams, James Morgan, Alice Thomas, William Thomas, Richard Harry, William Taylor, and Robert Thompson. I do hereby assign and make over to Henry Lowe the above specified rights giving oath that they have never been made use of by any witness by hand and seal this 29th day of June 1680. signed (Matt. Nicklus) Test. Charles Cooper

This Matthew Nicklus is undoubtedly related to a Robert Nicklus listed as a shipper of goods from England to Colonies on the ship "Virginia Merchant" about 1690-1708 era.

On January 22, 1694/5, Robert Thompson received his first and only letters patent of hand, as follows: (Liber C No. 3, folio 25-26, Land office, Annapolis.) "By virtue of a Warrant granted unto Robert Thompson of St Mary's Co, for one hundred acres of land bearing date the twenty-second day of January, one thousand six hundred and ninety four. These are to certify that I, Charles Brook by the appointment of Capt. Richard Smith, Survey General, have surveyed and laid out for him the said Robert Thompson a track or parcel of land called "Hard Fortune" lying in St Mary's Co. and beginning at a marked Chestnut standing by a Branch being a Corner Tree of a parcel of land formerly surveyed for Henry Spink and in the possession of Francis Spink----witness our trusty and well beloved Col. Darnell, Keeper of our said Greater Seal on our said Province of Maryland. To be held of the Manor of West St Mary's-----Rent of four shillings annually"

Robert died intestate in St Mary's Co. during the year 1697. No will could be found. His personal effects were filed at court on Nov. 1, 1697, by his relict and administratrix, Mary Thompson. The appraised value was L51 and among the articles of interest were ten pictures and a parcel of old books.

George Thomson, son of Robert and Mary, his seat was "Rocky Point", a portion of a 200 Acres grant, surveyed on June 15, 1652, for Walter Pake and assigned to Rich Knevett, and lay on the east bank of St Clement's Bay. Before 1700 it had come into the possession of George Medcalf, but by 1705 or there abouts, Samuel Davis seized by marrying the relict of George Medcalf. (Rent Rolls, Liber 7-8, folio 30, Land Office, Annapolis, MD) By 1715 John Nevett, Sr. either a direct or collateral descendant of Rich Knevett, the original owner was in possession as on May 11, 1715, he conveyed the entire tract of 200 acres to one William Maria Farthing, Gent, and one James Wheatley, both of St Mary's Co. (IBID) On October 20, of the same year, they sold to William Roach. (IBID)
Terri (Larry [])

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

p. 18 Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber F, Cover Page
Roger Boyden and Susanna Clarke was not lawfully joined in matrimony at Mr. Robert Thompson's house by Mr. Robert Barrott in ye presence of Mr. Robert Doyne and his wife, Mr. John Fanning, Mr. James Boreman on ye first day of January Anno Dom. 1675

Thompson, Robert, Chas. Co, 26th Aug, 1688; 26th Dec, 1688.
To 2 child. viz, John and Mary, entire estate equally at majority.
Ex.: Capt. Humphery Warren.
Test: Jno. Goock, Thos. Warren, Robt. Truett. 6. 46.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673 - 1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677 - 1717
41: Robert Thompson decd. 28 Jan 1688

Robert Thompson 10.196 I CH £77.15.3 Jan 28 1688
Appraisers: John Wilder, Thomas Whichaley.

p. 89, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Cattle Marks
Thompson, Robert 1675

p. 92, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Servants and Masters Libers C-L (1665-1685)
Servant Age Master Date
Clarke, James 13 Richard Edelen 1671
Clarke, Anne [d/o Robt. &. Mary; to age 16] Mathew Stonehill 1675/6
Clarke, Beteres [d/o Robt & Mary; to age 16] Richard Midgeley 1675/6
Clarke, Mary [d/o Robt. & Mary; to age 16] Henry Hawkins 1675/6
Clarke, Robert [s/o Robert &. Mary; to age 21] John Allward 1675/6
Clarke, Susannah [d/o Robt. &. Mary; to 16] Robt. Thompson 1675/6
Hosking, Thomas 12 Robert Thompson 1678

p. 116, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1729-1733; Book M#2
Page 201. The mark of Robert Thompson of CC was recorded Apr 9, 1730.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

I have been told by some that Robert Thompson died as early as 1697 and by others as late as 1711. Is John Thompson that was married to Jane Kelloe the unborn child mentioned in his will? Does anyone have information about John having property in Calvert Co.?

Tompson, Robert, planter, Calvert Co., 17th Feb., 1710-11; 22nd Mar., 1710-11.
To sons George and James, to son Robert Thompson and to unborn child, personalty.
Wife Margaret, extx, and residuary legatee.
Test: Jane Vance, James Nelson, Thomas Edmunds. 13. 171.

Robert Tomson 32B.83 I CA £9.4.9 Mar 26 1711
Appraisers: Thomas Edman, Thomas Tucker,
Creditors & next of kin: Robert Thomson, Jr., Roger Boyce.

In the name of God Amen I Robert Tompson of Calvert County planter being sick and weak of body but of mind and Memory Sound and perfect thanks be to God therefore do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament first of all I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hopeing through the meritts of my Redeemer Jesus Christ to Receive a full and free pardon and Remission of all my Sins and my Body to the Ground there to be deseently Entred [interred] at the descretion of my Exors. hereafter named hopeing to Receive the Same at the Resurrection of the dead ~
first of all I will that all my just debts be paid also I will that the Child my wife now Goes with shall have a Young heifer of two yeares that is to be given her or him when he or [she] shall Come to the age of two year old .
To my son George and my Son James Each of them a Cow & Calf to be Given to them when they Come to the age of Twenty one years
to my Son Robt. Thompson I Bequeath one Shilling Sterling ~
To my Loveing wife Margaret I do Give and bequeath all and Singular therein of my Goods and Chattells Constituting and appointing her to be the hole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament
Wittness my hand & Seale this 17 day of Febry Anno Domini 1720 Robert (R his mark) Tompson
In the presence of Thomas (X his mark) Edmunds, Iano (X his mark) Vance, James Nelson
On the back of afsd. will was thus Endorsed on the 22nd March 1710 Came before me R Dallam Depty Comry of Calvert County Thomas Edmonds one of the Evidences to the within will and made oath on the holy Evangelists that he did See the within named Robert Thompson Signe Seale and deliver the within Instrument in Wrighting as his Last Will and Testament and that he was of Sound and perfect mind and memory at the doing thereof Jud[ice] Coram me Richd. Dallam Depty Comry Calvert County

Robert may also have had a daughter named Winifred.

Robert possibly was Presbyterian. The Baptist Church came later, I think, from that Church. Charles Thompson helped establish several Baptist Churches in NC and SC about 1768. I need more history on those. I need more raw data from the archives but I will never make it all the way to NC from California.
Uncle Charlie []

Notes from Wilma McKinney, that she thinks his father may have been a James Thompson who owned "St James Inlarged" in Calvert Co, MD in the same time frame. There does not seem to be any records of any children of this James. In addition, he was possibly a priest, and was definitely the brother of Arthur and Ann Thompson.

TLC Genealogy, Calvert County Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1651-1776
p. 4, Upper Hundred Of The Clifts
St: James (Now Called) St James Inlarged. 500+638=1138.
1..9..3. Surveyed Aug. 8, 1666 for Arthur Thompson in the branches of Fishing Cr. This tract was surveyed for Colo Willm. Holland on Oct.3, 1703 & the surplusage found to be 313 acres, and also vacant land adjoining, being 325 acres, in all 1138 acres, all included in one patent of Confirmation. Possre: 954 acres- Colo Willm. Holland, 184 acres - Willm. Derumple.
180. 0..3..7. John Browne from William Darrumple, Nov. 20,1708.

Page 90
BRILL. 50. 0..1..0. Surveyed Feb. 18, 1673 for Nichs. Furnas, in the woods, at a bound white oak of the land in possn. of James Thompson, possd. By Edward Battson for the orphans of sd sic Martin.


Page 41
HAP AT A VENTURE. 100. 0..2..6. Surveyed Nov 4, 1663 for James Thompson on the east side patuxt. River, above the head of Battle Cr. Possrs: 50 acres - Matw. Gardnener.

Page 43
HUCKLEBERRY HILLS. 50. 0..1..0 Surveyed Jun 20, 1674 for John Howell on the west side of Battle Cr. At a bounded oak of the land of Richard Axby. Possd. By Robert Thompson.
50. 0..1..0 James Freeman from John Roding, Jan. 14, 1730
50. 0..1..0 John Roding, from Robert Thompson, Sep. 16, 1712

Page 47
ST. JAMES. 300. 0..6..0 Surveyed Jan 17, 1665 for James Thompson on the north side Patuxent River at the head of Battle Cr. In the woods. Possrs: 200 acres - Edwd Pack, 100 acres - Roger Bouce.
300. 0..6..0. John Rousby Esq from Sebastian Thompson Jun 6, 1732.

Page 60
TOTTNAM. 150.0..6.0. Surveyed Aug. 15, 1679 for James Thompson between the branches of Fishing Cr. & Hunting Cr. On the west side of Arthur Thomson land.
No Claimer.


Page 71
ST. JAMES FIELDS. 150. 0..6..0 Surveyed Feb. 17, 1675 for Thomas Haywood & assigned to James Thompson on the east side of patuxent River in the woods on the south side of the land called Highlands.
Lies in Elder Surveys.


BirthAbt 1663England
MarriageAbt 1685St Mary's Co MD - Mary French
DeathOct 1697St Mary's County, Md


SpouseMary French (1670 - 1724)
ChildJames Thompson ( - 1732)
ChildElizabeth Thompson (1691 - 1761)
ChildGeorge Thompson ( - )
FatherArthur Thompson (1628 - 1701)
MotherStratford (1640 - 1670)
SiblingMichael Thompson (1661 - 1684)
SiblingTecla Thompson (1661 - 1731)
SiblingSebastian Thompson (1657 - 1742)
SiblingMildred Thompson (1667 - 1750)
SiblingOswald Thompson (1669 - 1709)
SiblingJohn Thompson (1671 - 1723)
