Individual Details

William Tattershall

(1637 - 25 Jun 1670)

William Tattershall married first Mary, and the two immigrated to Maryland in 1658 (Patents AB&H:23,Gibb). By 1661, Anne Lewger, had married Wm. Tattershall and had a Special Warrant from Lord Baltimore for 50 acres (Patents 4:618, Skordas) She was apparently the widow of Mr. John Lewger who had immigrated to Maryland in 1637 with wife Ann, son John and others. John Lewger was a member of the Governor's Council and Secreatary of the Province (Patents 1:17, 19, Skordas), and still living in 1651 (patents AB&H:150, ibid.). An accounting of the estate of William Fetershull [sic], St. Mary's County, was presented to the court on 12 Jun 1674 by his relict (widow), Anne Neall (Liber 1:19, Skinner) On 7 Feb 1764/5, Anne Neall, executrix of the will of Henry Neall, presented that estate accounting as well, with it including reference to "the said Anne Neall and her two (unnamed) children by Henry Neall (Liber 1:22) The nuncupative will of Henry Neale of New Towne, St. Mary's County was proved on 22 Jan 1672, and named wife Ann, son Henry, and referred to a possible unborn child (Calendar, Vol. I, pp. 69-81)

See Combs &c. of St. Mary's County, Maryland for a transcription of this will, which locates his brother in "Odd Stoakes" Wilts, and also names Mrs. Mary Andrews (a legatee per accounting as well) and St. Ignatius Chappell, as well as detailed land descriptions. The parish of Odstock, Wilts is less than 3 mi. west of Coombe Bisset and the same north of Salisbury. Chideock, Dorset, mentioned below, is less than 3 miles from Bridport.
Thomas Speke (born in 1603, died 1659) married Frances, daughter of Col. Valentine Peyton, of Nominy. He had son, Thomas, and brother,
John, which last lived at Bath and Plymouth, England. In 1650 Col. Thomas Speke patented 1,000 acres, which, "by several descents, came to Hugh Speke, late of Bath, Somerset England", who, in 1690, made it over to Henry Tattersall, of Bristol, which last conveyed it to William Hardidge. - Westmoreland county Records. In "Inquisitions Post Mortem", County Wilts. - Index Library, British Record Society. - Hugh Speke, Esq., died seized of lands at Bath, in Somersetshire, January 25, 1623- '24, leaving son and heir George, aged 26, Henry and Francis Speke.
Charles County Land Records, Liber M#2 Page 217.
At the request of Joseph Chambers of CC, the following deed was recorded Jun 5, 1730.
Dec 10, 1729 from Simon Reader of CC, planter, to Joseph Chambers of CC, Gent, for and in consideration of 2 Negro slaves and 1 Mulatto servant age 31 years to him in Simon Reader in hand paid, Reader sells Chambers a certain tract of land in CC, being part of a tract of land given by my Lord's Grant to William Tattershell, and left by sd Tattershell to his brother, James Tant, bounded by the land laid out for William Tattershell, the mouth of Coles Cr, containing and laid out for about 200 acres. Sd Simon Reader agrees to warrant the 200 acres from Mr. John Courts as laying any claim to the abovesd tract as being part of a tract of land in possession of the abovesd John Courts called Martens Freehold. Signed - Simon Reeder. Wit - Wm Stone*, Henry (H his mark) Butridge, Joseph Chambers Jr, Robert Hanson*.


Birth1637Wiltshire, England
Marriage1661St. Mary's Co., Md - Ann Lewger
Death25 Jun 1670St. Mary's County, Maryland


SpouseAnn Lewger ( - 1674)
ChildWilliam Tattershall ( - )
ChildLawrence Tattershall ( - 1701)
ChildMary Tattershall (1658 - 1704)
FatherEdmund Tattershall ( - )
MotherElizabeth Strong ( - )
SiblingMary Tattershall (1639 - 1677)
SiblingJohn Tattershall ( - )
