Individual Details

Samuel Williamson

(Abt 1660 - Bef 30 Oct 1729)

Williamson, Samuel, gent., St Mary's Co., 19th June, 1713.
(Articles of agreement with Judith Swann, widow.)
In consideration of marriage to be consummated bet sd. parties, the sd. Samuel agrees as follows:
1st. Denies for himself and hrs. any rights or interest to any pt. of personal estate of sd. Judith, and gives his free consent for sd. Judith to dispose of personal estate poss. by her before marriage to her child. as to her shall seem fit.
2nd. Should sd. Judith survive him, the sd. Samuel agrees that she shall poss. his entire personal estate during her lifetime, relinquishing for herself and hrs. all interest in his real estate, excepting a certain rent to be pd. to her annually during her widowhood. The afsd. Wilkinson gives bond for £500, dated 19th June, 1713, to Thomas Swan, carpenter, of Charles Co., trustee of Judith Swann, of Saint Mary's Co., widow of Capt. James Swann, of sd. co., dec'd.
Test: Philip Briscoe, Edward Lorde. 19,857.

Mr. Samuel Williamson 15.357 SM £396.6.2 Oct 30 1729 Nov 24 1729
Appraisers: John Johnson Sothoron, William Jameson.
Creditors: B. Wood.
Administratrix/Executrix: Mrs. Judith Williamson.

Mr. Samuel Williamson 15.664 £1.10.0 Jun 28 1730
Appraisers: John Johnson Sothoron, William Jameson.

Samuel Williamson 10.469 A SM £396.6.2 £34.7.1 Oct 13 1730
A second inventory is cited in the amount of £1.10.0.
Received from: Thomas Hunt, Philip Briscoe, Capt. George Clark, Thomas Swann, James Swann, Benjamin Stevens.
Payments to: Capt. George Clarke, John Hale, Philip Briscoe, Benjamin Wood, John Briscoe, Rev. John Donaldson, Thomas Taylor, John Ford.
Administratrix: Judith Williamson.

Samuel Williamson 11.256 A SM £463.10.1 Nov 4 1731
Received from: Stephen Coward, Stephen Foster.
Payments to: Capt. George Clarke.
Distribution to: accountant.
Administratrix: Mrs. Judith Williamson.

Who was "Widow Jane Swann"? James Swan's wife?
p. 52, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
Choptico Hundred
Retirement. 200. 0.4.0. Surveyed Nov 27, 1667 for Jona: Marler. Possessor: Widow Jane Swan.
200. 0.4.0. Samuel Williamson from Thomas Notley Goldsmith, Jan 12, 1718.
200. 0.4.0. James Swan from Judith Williamson, Mar 26, 1736.

What about "Tany Yard"?
p. 74, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
Williamsons Chance. 210. 0.8.5. Surveyed Jan 5, 1713 for Sam Williamson in recompense of the Tany yard, beg: at a poplar now bounded, standing at the side of the main Run of Chaptico [Bay] main Branch. Patented Apr 20, 1714. Resurveyed into Cawoods Expense, fol 115

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
Tanyard. 210. 0.8.5. Surveyed Dec 22, 1706 for Samll Williamson, beg: at a bound red oak, the last bound tree of a tract of land called Ease Gift, in the WNW line of Westham. This land let fall & consequently no rent due in Choptico Manor.

p. 101, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
Cawoods Expence. 157. 0.6.354. Originally called Williamsons Chance. Resurveyed for Stephen Cawood and Eleanor, his wife, on Apr 13, 1749, bounded by Chaptico Manor, the mouth of a small branch that falls into the Main NW branch of Chaptico Bay and adjoining the land called Leatch and to the land called Westham. Patented Apr 16, 1751.

Edward Barbier 13A.252 A SM £51.0.6 #3954 Mar 26 1695
Legatees: snip>, Mary Williamson & Martha Williamson paid to their father Samuell Williamson.
Executrix: relict (unnamed), wife of William Holms (also William Houlms).

Barber, Luke, St Mary's Co., 29th April, 1739; 27th Dec., 1743.
To bro. Edward land next to land sold Samuel Williamson now in possession of Stephen and Samuel Briscoe
Test: Wm. Davies, Israel Henly, Thos. Beach, Thos. Barber. 23. 322.

Barber, Edward, St Mary's Co, 2nd Mar., 1693; 21st May, 1694.
To wife Cibbil, plantation and 200 A. during life; to revert to son Edward.
" dau. Mary, ½ of certain tract (unnamed),
" unborn child. residue of sd. tract and 200 A. (unnamed) nr. Bird's Ck.
" brother Thomas, rights in 300 A, part of "Michan Hills," and 300 A. nr. Bird's Ck, formerly belonging to Jno. Barecroft.
" cous. Thomas Nicholls, and to Adam Clarke and hrs, rights of 200 A. (unnamed).
" child. afsd, residue of land equally.
" godsons, Jas. Morris and Jno. Bratson, and Mary and Martha Williamson, daus. of Sam'l Williamson, personalty.
In event of death of child. afsd. without issue, the child. of sister Eliza: Guibert to be co-heirs with brother Thomas afsd, and in event of death of sd. Thomas afsd. without issue, sister Mary Nichols and Ann Clarke to be co-heirs.
Wife Cibbil, extx. and residuary legatee.
Overseers: Thos. Clarke, Thos. Barber.
Test: Sam'l Williamson, Stephen Caward, Wm. Dutch. 2, 287.

Edward Barber 13A.94 I £51.0.6 May 20 1694
Appraisers: Samuell Williamson, Thomas Turner.
List of debts: Samuell Comton, Roderick Lloyd, John Style.

Edward Barbier 13A.252 A SM £51.0.6 #3954 Mar 26 1695
Payments to: Mr. Mason, William Dutch, James Taylor, Samuell Williamson, John Tayler, Thomas Barber, Mr, Brisco, Mr. Clement Hill, Cornelius Manley.
Legatees: John Brantson paid to Joseph Peters his guardian, James Morris paid to his father Jacob Morris, Mary Williamson & Martha Williamson paid to their father Samuell Williamson.
Executrix: relict (unnamed), wife of William Holms (also William Houlms).

Capt. Joseph Piles13A.286 A SM £539.5.7 #31685 May 1 1695
Received from: Tomas Tolson


BirthAbt 1660
MarriageAft 19 Jun 1713St Mary's County, Md - Judith Goldsmith
DeathBef 30 Oct 1729St Mary's County, Md
MarriageSt Mary's County, Md -
