Individual Details

Margaret Williamson

(Jan 1643 or Jan 1644 - 9 Feb 1708 or 9 Feb 1709)

Margaret Williamson b. 1644 m. William Ball II
Tyler's Quarterly Magazine
Genealogists seem in the past to have all conceding that he [William Ball] was married several times but until recently it was uncertain by which wife he had the various children. It has now been proved by records that his third and last wife was Margaret Williamson who died and left a will dated 1697 mentioning all the children of Captain William Ball and herself (the said Margaret Williamson) and designating herself the sister of Mary Rozier, both daughters of James Williamson and Ann Underwood. Colonial record has been established for Margaret Williamson for an original land grant in Rappahannock County, Virginia, Book 4, page 57, March 11, 1662.

Margaret Williamson
Lancaster County
Virginia Court Records
Will Book No. 10-Pt. 1, p. 53
In the name of God, Amen-I Margaret Ball of the County of Lancaster in Virginia Widow being Sick and weak in body but of Sound and Perfect Memory, Praised be ye Almighty God for ye same and considering the frailty of this Life being but a blast I do make This my last will and Testament in manner and form following hereby revoking all former wills formerly by me made. Imp' I bequeath my Soul to God that gave it to me, Commending my body To ye Earth to be buried in decent ord' at ye descretion of my Exect' hereafter named in hopes and true Confidence that I shall have a Joyful Resurrection at ye Last Day Through the mercies of my most dear and precious Redeemeer ye Lord Jesus Christ.
Item-I give to my Loving Son William Ball and his heirs forever one Negro woman named Mary and her future increase f orever.
Item-I give to my Loving Son Richard Ball and his heirs forever one Negro man named Sambo.
Item-I give to my Loving Son James Ball and his heirs for ever one Negro man named Tom.
Item-I give to my Loving daughter Margaret Ball Soe much money as will buy her a Negro woman to her and her heirs forever.
Item-I give to my two sons Joseph and George Ball and their heirs for Ever all my Right Title of that Divident of Land Situate in Richmond County at the head of Perpetua Creek as is expressed in my deceased husband's will to my two sons Jos. and Geo. Ball.
Item-I give to my loving sister Mary Rosier one Stuff gowne and Peticoat one Shift one pr worsted Stockens and one pr of Shoes.
It is my will therefore that my Loving daughter Margaret Ball have all my wearing (clothes viz) Silk Stuf Linen and Lace Except what I have already bequeathed and given by word of mouth. I give to my Daughter Margaret one Silver Tankard w'ch was Given me by my husband.
Item-It is my will Therefore that my Sons, Wm. Richard and James Ball purchase out of ye produce of ye Cropps of Tobb of ye above Negroes Given my sons one Negro apiece for my Sons Jos, George, David and Samuel Ball to them and their heirs forever.
Item-I give to my Son James Ball my Silver cup which was given me by husband.
I doe make and ordaine my two Sons Will' Ball and Richard Ball the Executors of This my Last Will and Testam' in Witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this 8th day of February, 1697. Signed Cleared and Delivered in Presence of ye mark of Margaret Ball, Ye Seale Edward Cox, Mary x Gracie
At a Court held for Lancaster County ye 9th of Febr. 1709 at ye request of Mr. George Ball this will was admitted to Record and is Recorded. (This was certified to by C. T. Peirce, Jr. Drp. Clerk, Mar 1, 1939.)


BirthJan 1643 or Jan 1644Isle Of Wight County, Va
Marriage11 Nov 1672Va -
Death9 Feb 1708 or 9 Feb 1709Lancaster County, Va


FatherJames Williamson (1621 - 1656)
MotherAnne Underwood (1628 - )
SiblingWilliam Williamson (1640 - 1665)
SiblingMary Williamson (1654 - 1715)
SiblingHenry Williamson ( - 1699)
