Individual Details

Richard Smith

(1638 - Bef 2 Jan 1662)

Smith, Richard, Chas. Co.,25th Nov., 1662; 2nd Jan., 1662.
To wife Mathew, land on s. side of run during life.
" unborn child, land on n. side Potete's Ck.
" William, son of Edward Williams, 50 A. on n. side of run for a term of years; to revert to wife and child of testator.
If wife and child die without hrs., estate to pass to the Protestants of the county.
Overseers: Francis Pope, Arthur Turner, John Hatch.
Test: Robt. Robines, Jas. Johnson. 1.165.

p.169, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I-- Liber B
Page 205, 4 Nov 1663; Patent to John Clarke, Gent, due 600 acres of land for transporting of John Bright of Dandgren in 1654; Mary Shepard in 1647, Mary Joanes in 1650, Richard Smith in 1650, Roger bought of John Halfhead in 1646 and 100 more assigned him from Robert Greene, Esq. in 1656; a parcel of land on the main fresh at the head of the Wicokomeco River called Rich Hill Page 206 in the Manor of Calverton; 14 Sep 1663; /s/ Charles Calvert
Endorsement on back: assignment to Nicholaus Grose and Hewgh Thomas; 13 Oct 1663; /s/ John Clarke; wit. George Thompson, Henry Addames

Archives of Maryland, Volume 53, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. page 131
Liber A, [p. 140], At A Court held in Charleses Countie, 2 July Ao 1661, Richard Smith Aged 23 years or thearabouts sworne and examinedin open Court

Archives of Maryland, Volume 53, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. Page 78
Liber A, p. 93
At A Courte held in Charles County the 6th June 1660: Anne Williams Plantife Richard Smith Deffendant The Plantife Desires maintainance for A Child the Deffendant haith got by her and dessires by her Pettetion that he may be sworne to severall Intergatoryes she haith in Equitty Propounded But he beinge unwillinge to be Deposed to them and prsentinge his Declaration as Followeth:
To the Honnorable Governor and worshipfull Comissionrs of Charles County The Humble Declaration of Richard Smith Most humbly sheweth That whereas this impudent woman haith most scandelously cast Aspertions upon me and I havinge taken it into my Consideration the Injury, I doe thinke it most meete for me to let her runn on in her owne Perdetion as she haith begun if so be that you will be pleassed to permit her to take her Deposistion Conserninge the Allegations she haith Alledged against me I am Contented therupon to take the Child and to maintaine it, trustinge in the sevear Judgment of god against perjured Persons, It is therefore Ordered that the said Richard Smith Maintaine the Child, And that the woman for her fact Comitted, Bee whipt and have thirty Lashes well laid on.

Volume 53, Page 501 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666 Liber B, [p. 341]
Charles County Court of 12 Jul 1664 Commissioners Present: Mr. Thomas Mathews, Mr. Francis Pope, Mr. Walter Beane, Mr. James Lindsey, Mr. Joseph Harrisson, Mr. William Marshall:
Mr Francis Pope as Administrator to Richard Smith Present a sarvant by name John Baylie to have his age iudged of who is iudged to bee between 15 & 16 years old
Likewise the Plaintife further Declared upon a Bill passed by the said Turner to the said Pope in his life time for the Payment of 1074 lb of tobaccoe wth was as followeth (vizt)
This Bill bindeth me Arthur Turner my heires Executors and Administrators to pay or cause unto Francis Pope and John Hatch two of the Adminrs of the estate of Richard Smyth their heires Executors Adminrs or assignes the full and just Summe of one Thousand Seaventie foure pounds of tobaccoe and Caske to be paid at some Convenient place in Charles County at or upon the tenth day of November next ensueing the Date hereof As Witnes my hand this 2d Day of Aprill 1664. Arthur Turner Test Abraham Rowse Thomas Grinhill

p. 208, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume 1
Liber B, Page 346
An Orphan Court held 9 Aug 1664 Commissioners Present: Mr. Henry Addames, Mr. Francis Pope, Mr. James Lindsey, Mr. William Marshall
Mr. Francis Pope desires that the Court would be pleased to take notice that he is now ready to give accounting in Richard Smith, Jr.'s estate and Mr. Turner and Mr. Hatch having had notice sent by him and the sheriff to appear; appear not

Thomas Pope 5.203 A CH #40007 #41275 Jul 11 1678
Payments to: snip>, William Hinsey guardian for Richard Smith's orphan, John Borland (overseer upon Smith's plantation, Thomas Pope was Smith's guardian), Thomas Harris guardian of John Pope (son of Francis Pope).
Administratrix: Mary Pope.


DeathBef 2 Jan 1662Charles County, Maryland, United States
MarriageAnne Williams


SpouseMartha ( - )
ChildRichard Smith (1662 - 1694)
SpouseAnne Williams ( - )
ChildRichard Smith (1660 - 1725)