Individual Details

William Thomas

( - Bef 10 Nov 1691)

William claimed rights for immigrating from Northumberland Co., Virginia in 1669.
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Riverside: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 343-3: MANISECLEARE: 250 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Adams, Charles: Surveyed 18 April 1680 for William Thomas at a bound hiccory on the East side of a great branch (Tsay) Beaverdam about 3 miles of Zachary Wades: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 150 Acres - James Beall from George Thomas; 5 Nov 1726, 25 Acres - Lodwick Adams from George Thomas; 20 Feb 1734,75 Acres - Lodwick Adams from Elizabeth Adams; 12 Mar 1734, , , ,

p. 7, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 44
COURT OF 10 Nov 1691
Susanna Thomas, relict of William Thomas, requests probate of his will.
Will of William Thomas; to son John Thomas 100 acres part of a patent of 250 acres called Mannis Cledre (Maniscleare--NJL) adjoining Mr. Addison and personal estate; to my 3 children George, Guyott and Elizabeth, remainder of parcel given son John to be divided equally; to wife Susanna half of the 100 acres I now live on and the other half to son William Thomas; William to inherit Susanna's part at her decease; to dau. Mary, a colt; sons to be of age at 17; /s/ William Thomas; wit. Thomas Henson, George Barton (mark), William Atthens (mark); John Godshall and John Gray to appraise estate

p. 35, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber E, Page 160
8 Feb 1673; Indenture from William Thomas, and Susanna his wife, to Robert Ingolsby, planter; for 7,000* tobacco; a tract called Thomas His Chance; laid out for 200 acres by Richard Edelen, depty. surveyor, dated 7 Sept 1669; /s/ William Thomas, Robert Ingolsby (mark); wit. Edw. Maddock, George Athys

p. 55, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 4
11 Jun 1678; Indenture from Bennett Marshagay, merchant, to William Thomas, planter; for 5,000* tobacco; a parcel of land formerly belonging to John Geniers by patent 10 Dec 1653; assigned by him to Marshagay; on the north side of the Potomac; bounded by Geniers' Swamp; containing 100 acres; /s/ Bennett Marshaway; wit. Cleborne Lomax

p. 105, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber M, Page 100
3 May 1686; Deed of Gift from Wm. Thomas to John Marlow; a heifer

p. 8, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 56
Inventory of William Thomas, dec'd

p. 123, Charles County Land Records, Volume III

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Liber L#2
At the request of James Peele of Charles County, the following deed was recorded this Mar 21, 1726.
Nov 5, 1726 from George Thomas of Wm and Mary Parish in Charles County, planter, to James Peele of the Parish of Christ Church in Charles County, shipwright, for and in consideration of a Negro man named Sambo to sd George Thomas delivered, sd George Thomas has sold to sd James Peele, all that part of a parcel of land called Mannisecleere, lying in Charles County on the east side of a Great Bever Damm, about 4 miles from Mr. Wade's, containing and laid out for 150 acres.
Signed Geo. Thomas. Wit - John Fendall, Geo: Dent.

The Rent Roll of Charles County, to Michaelmass 1753, page 49
Maniscleare. 250 acres. Surveyed Apr 18, 1680 for William Thomas at a bounded hickory on the east side of Beaverdam Branch.
Possr: 100 Lodowick Adams, 150 John Boye
Rhody Adams from Lodowick Adams, 1770, Devisee
Josias Adams from Ditto, 1770, Devisee

PROP: Greaners Choice - 100 acres 11 JUN 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1: 4-6
PROP: 250 acres-Manniscleare 18 APR 1680 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives
PROP: 368 acres-Thomas' Choice 16 JUN 1688 Charles Co., MD
Event: party to a court case 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1:13-15
Event: testator to Samuel Barret's will 9 MAR 1676 Charles Co., MD
Will: 15 JAN 1686 Charles Co., MD

Att a Court of our Sovereign Lord & Lady Wiliam & Mary by ye grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of ye Faith held at Port Tobacco in Charles County on ye fourth day of November in ye third year of their Kingship Reigns Anno Domini 1691 :Before
Capt. William Barton Major James Smallwood Capt. John Adisson Mr. William Hawton Mr. Henry Hawkins Capt. Philip Hoskins Mr. Randolph Hinson Mr. Robert Yates Capt. John Courtes Mr. James Thomson Justices thereunto appointed and authorized
Susanna Thomas ye Relict of William Thomas late of this County deceased petitioning ye Court so that she may have in court published her husbands last will & testament [ ] she may have [ ] monetary of ye same. Which if granted unto her
In the name of God I William Thomas of Charles County being very sicke and weake of body but of sound & perfect memory Do make this my last will & testament in name and forme following revoking hereby all former wills & testaments by me hereto for made by word or writing.
I bequeath my soul to Allmighty God my maker and Jesus Christ my Redeemer and ye holy ghost my sanctifyor and my body to ye earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent manner as my Executor shall so meet and wishing such personal Estate as God in glory above my [ ] hath bestowed upon me I give & dispose ye same in manner & form following:
I give & bequeath unto my son John Thomas one hundred acres of Land being part of a Patent Containing two hundred & fifty acres Called Mannis Cleare joyning upon a parcell of land belonging to Mr. Addisson Lying by ye Great Dams: I also give unto my son John Thomas two cows called Dumplin & young Dew and one chest that is called mine with a lock & key and one middling pott with a pair of pot hooks his to enjoy after my decease.
I give unto my [ ] children George Guyott & Elizabeth ye remainder of ye parcell of land which I gave to my son John to be equally divided amongst them [ ] and their heirs but if any of them die without heirs it shall be equally divided betwixt ye survivors:
I give unto my son George one cow calf fallen this year
and one two year old black heifer to my son Guyott,
and to my daughter Elizabeth one cow called punchand [ ] yearling.
I bequeath unto my loving wife Susanna Thomas half of the hundred acres of Land I now live upon
and ye other half to my son WilliamThomas and after my wifes decease my son William to enjoy it. Also itis my further desire that my son William have all ye house & cattle that are of his mark one bay [ ] of my mark:
I give unto my daughter Mary ye colt that belongs to ye mare that she had of me:
I give unto my said wife Susanna after my just debts paid all ye rest of my personall Estate whatsoever or wheresoever Lying & being and appoint her to be Executrix of this my last will & testament.
It is my will & desire that my sons shall all be [ ] years old - In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this fifteenth dayof January in ye year of our Lord on thousand six hundred eighty six
William Thomas
Signed sealed & declared as my last will and testament in ye presence of Thomas Hanson George X Barton William Watkins

Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:54:01 EST
Subject: [MDCHARLE-L] Thomas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Can anybody add anything to this Charles Co. family, some of whom settled in Prince William Co., Va. before coming to Nelson Co., Ky.? In Md. they had ties with Brandts and perhaps Latimers.
Bob Moore, Lexington, Ky.
William Thomas, died 1691, Charles Co., Md., married before 1669, Susanna __, died ca. 1724. He claimed rights for immigrating from Virginia [Northumberland Co.] in 1669. His will, probated on 10 Nov. 1691, was not dated. Susanna wrote her will on 20 Feb. 1723/4, prob. 31 Aug. 1724. Her witnesses were William Williams, George Carter, William Cooper.
1. William Thomas, b. ca. 1669-71, d. by 1729, Charles Co., Md., m. Jane ____
2. John Thomas, b. ca. 1672. Not mentioned in his mother's will.
3. George Thomas, b. ca. 1674, d. 1738, Charles Co., Md., m. ____ ____.
a. Ann Thomas, b. by 1713, not mentioned in her father's will
b. James Thomas, m. by 1744, Sarah ____. He appears to have been in Prince William Co., Va., by 1776.
c. George Thomas, d. 1752, Charles Co., Md., m. (1) ____, (2) Ann ____, who m. (2) Philip Jenkins
d. Margaret Thomas, m. (1) William Brooks, (2) Benjamin Muncaster.
e. Susannah Thomas m. ____ Farr. [John Farr? Benj. Thomas sold land to John Farr in 1746 and 1761.]
f. Elizabeth Thomas, m. (1) William Compton, (2) Newman Tompkins.
g. William Thomas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 19 Feb. 1779, when he deeded land in Md.
h. Benjamin Thomas, b. ca. 1723, d. by 1793, m. (1) Elinor (possibly a Maddox), living in Dec. 1771, widow of William Smoot, (2) Mary Lucas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 1776
(1) Sarah Thomas m. ____ Spiller
(2) Benjamin Thomas Jr. m. Margaret Grigsby
(3) Susan Thomas m. ____ Anderson
(4) Elizabeth Thomas m. ____ Johnson
(5) Mary Ann Thomas m. ____ Bland [probably Samuel Bland of Nelson Co., Ky., whose wife was Mary Ann.]
4. Guyott Thomas, b. ca. 1676
5. Elizabeth Thomas, b. ca. 1678, d. after 1733, m. Charles Adams, who d. by 1733/4.
6. Mary Thomas, b. ca. 1680

Descendant Register, Generation No. 1
1. William THOMAS died bef 10 NOV 1691 in Charles Co., MD. He married Susanna 1667. She died bef 31 AUG 1724 in Charles Co., MD.
Children of William THOMAS and Susanna are:
+ 2 i. William THOMAS was born 1669 in Charles Co., MD, and died bef 19 NOV 1729 in Charles Co., MD.
3 ii. John THOMAS was born 1671 in Charles Co., MD, and died bef 19 NOV 1729.
4 iii. George THOMAS was born 1673 in Charles Co., MD.
5 iv. Guyotte THOMAS was born 1674 in Charles Co., MD, and died aft 4 AUG 1714.
6 v. Mary THOMAS was born 1676 in Charles Co., MD.
+ 7 vi. Elizabeth THOMAS was born 1677 in Charles Co., MD, and died bef 31 AUG 1724.

Descendant Register, Generation No. 2
2. William THOMAS (William THOMAS1) was born 1669 in Charles Co., MD, and died bef 19 NOV 1729 in Charles Co., MD. He married Jane. She died aft NOV 1730.
Children of William THOMAS and Jane are:
+ 8 i. George Salisbury THOMAS died by 13 Jun 1791 in Charles Co., MD.
9 ii. Mary THOMAS. She married PINIE.

7. Elizabeth THOMAS (William THOMAS1) was born 1677 in Charles Co., MD, and died bef 31 AUG 1734. She married Charles ADAMS. He died by 4 Feb 1733 in Charles Co., MD.
Children of Elizabeth THOMAS and Charles ADAMS are:
10 i. George ADAMS.
11 ii. Charles ADAMS.
12 iii. Sarah ADAMS.
13 iv. Lodowick ADAMS.
14 v. Barbary ADAMS.

Descendant Register, Generation No. 3
8. George Salisbury THOMAS (William THOMAS2, William THOMAS1) died by 13 Jun 1791 in Charles Co., MD. He married.
Children of George Salisbury THOMAS are:
+ 15 i. Clement THOMAS was born 1755 in Charles Co., MD, and died Mar 1803 in Charles Co., MD.
16 ii. Williamson THOMAS was born 1759 in Charles Co., MD.
17 iii. Mary THOMAS was born in Charles Co., MD.
18 iv. Sesarilla THOMAS was born in Charles Co., MD.
19 v. Susanna THOMAS was born in Charles Co., MD.

Descendant Register, Generation No. 4
15. Clement THOMAS (George Salisbury THOMAS3, William THOMAS2, William THOMAS1) was born 1755 in Charles Co., MD, and died Mar 1803 in Charles Co., MD. He married Rebecca. She was born bet 1760 AND 70.
Children of Clement THOMAS and Rebecca are:
20 i. Benjamin THOMAS was born bet 1774 AND 1784 in Charles Co., MD.
21 ii. Margery THOMAS was born bet 1774 AND 1784 in Charles Co., MD.
+ 22 iii. Asa THOMAS was born FEB 1785 in Charles Co., MD, and died 30 APR 1870 in Iroquois Co., IL.
+ 23 iv. William THOMAS was born 1787 in Charles Co., MD, and died by 1860.
24 v. male THOMAS was born bet 1790 AND 1800 in Charles Co., MD.
25 vi. Nathaniel THOMAS was born 1792 in Charles Co., MD, and died 23 Mar 1877 in Vinton Co., OH. He married Mary ? 24 JAN 1816 in Adams Co., OH. She died by 1857. He married Julia A. BUNDRON 24 FEB 1857 in Vinton Co., OH. She was born 1815 in New York.
26 vii. male THOMAS was born bet 1794 AND 1800 in Charles Co., MD.
+ 27 viii. Macage THOMAS was born 11 Mar 1801 in Charles Co., MD, and died 30 Mar 1879 in Warren Co., IA.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

William claimed rights for immigrating from Northumberland Co., Virginia in 1669.
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Riverside: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 343-3: MANISECLEARE: 250 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Adams, Charles: Surveyed 18 April 1680 for William Thomas at a bound hiccory on the East side of a great branch (Tsay) Beaverdam about 3 miles of Zachary Wades: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 150 Acres - James Beall from George Thomas; 5 Nov 1726, 25 Acres - Lodwick Adams from George Thomas; 20 Feb 1734,75 Acres - Lodwick Adams from Elizabeth Adams; 12 Mar 1734, , , ,

p. 7, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 44
COURT OF 10 Nov 1691
Susanna Thomas, relict of William Thomas, requests probate of his will.
Will of William Thomas; to son John Thomas 100 acres part of a patent of 250 acres called Mannis Cledre (Maniscleare--NJL) adjoining Mr. Addison and personal estate; to my 3 children George, Guyott and Elizabeth, remainder of parcel given son John to be divided equally; to wife Susanna half of the 100 acres I now live on and the other half to son William Thomas; William to inherit Susanna's part at her decease; to dau. Mary, a colt; sons to be of age at 17; /s/ William Thomas; wit. Thomas Henson, George Barton (mark), William Atthens (mark); John Godshall and John Gray to appraise estate

p. 35, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber E, Page 160
8 Feb 1673; Indenture from William Thomas, and Susanna his wife, to Robert Ingolsby, planter; for 7,000* tobacco; a tract called Thomas His Chance; laid out for 200 acres by Richard Edelen, depty. surveyor, dated 7 Sept 1669; /s/ William Thomas, Robert Ingolsby (mark); wit. Edw. Maddock, George Athys

p. 55, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 4
11 Jun 1678; Indenture from Bennett Marshagay, merchant, to William Thomas, planter; for 5,000* tobacco; a parcel of land formerly belonging to John Geniers by patent 10 Dec 1653; assigned by him to Marshagay; on the north side of the Potomac; bounded by Geniers' Swamp; containing 100 acres; /s/ Bennett Marshaway; wit. Cleborne Lomax

p. 105, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber M, Page 100
3 May 1686; Deed of Gift from Wm. Thomas to John Marlow; a heifer

p. 8, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 56
Inventory of William Thomas, dec'd

p. 123, Charles County Land Records, Volume III

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Liber L#2
At the request of James Peele of Charles County, the following deed was recorded this Mar 21, 1726.
Nov 5, 1726 from George Thomas of Wm and Mary Parish in Charles County, planter, to James Peele of the Parish of Christ Church in Charles County, shipwright, for and in consideration of a Negro man named Sambo to sd George Thomas delivered, sd George Thomas has sold to sd James Peele, all that part of a parcel of land called Mannisecleere, lying in Charles County on the east side of a Great Bever Damm, about 4 miles from Mr. Wade's, containing and laid out for 150 acres.
Signed Geo. Thomas. Wit - John Fendall, Geo: Dent.

The Rent Roll of Charles County, to Michaelmass 1753, page 49
Maniscleare. 250 acres. Surveyed Apr 18, 1680 for William Thomas at a bounded hickory on the east side of Beaverdam Branch.
Possr: 100 Lodowick Adams, 150 John Boye
Rhody Adams from Lodowick Adams, 1770, Devisee
Josias Adams from Ditto, 1770, Devisee

PROP: Greaners Choice - 100 acres 11 JUN 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1: 4-6
PROP: 250 acres-Manniscleare 18 APR 1680 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives
PROP: 368 acres-Thomas' Choice 16 JUN 1688 Charles Co., MD
Event: party to a court case 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1:13-15
Event: testator to Samuel Barret's will 9 MAR 1676 Charles Co., MD
Will: 15 JAN 1686 Charles Co., MD

Att a Court of our Sovereign Lord & Lady Wiliam & Mary by ye grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of ye Faith held at Port Tobacco in Charles County on ye fourth day of November in ye third year of their Kingship Reigns Anno Domini 1691 :Before
Capt. William Barton Major James Smallwood Capt. John Adisson Mr. William Hawton Mr. Henry Hawkins Capt. Philip Hoskins Mr. Randolph Hinson Mr. Robert Yates Capt. John Courtes Mr. James Thomson Justices thereunto appointed and authorized
Susanna Thomas ye Relict of William Thomas late of this County deceased petitioning ye Court so that she may have in court published her husbands last will & testament [ ] she may have [ ] monetary of ye same. Which if granted unto her
In the name of God I William Thomas of Charles County being very sicke and weake of body but of sound & perfect memory Do make this my last will & testament in name and forme following revoking hereby all former wills & testaments by me hereto for made by word or writing.
I bequeath my soul to Allmighty God my maker and Jesus Christ my Redeemer and ye holy ghost my sanctifyor and my body to ye earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent manner as my Executor shall so meet and wishing such personal Estate as God in glory above my [ ] hath bestowed upon me I give & dispose ye same in manner & form following:
I give & bequeath unto my son John Thomas one hundred acres of Land being part of a Patent Containing two hundred & fifty acres Called Mannis Cleare joyning upon a parcell of land belonging to Mr. Addisson Lying by ye Great Dams: I also give unto my son John Thomas two cows called Dumplin & young Dew and one chest that is called mine with a lock & key and one middling pott with a pair of pot hooks his to enjoy after my decease.
I give unto my [ ] children George Guyott & Elizabeth ye remainder of ye parcell of land which I gave to my son John to be equally divided amongst them [ ] and their heirs but if any of them die without heirs it shall be equally divided betwixt ye survivors:
I give unto my son George one cow calf fallen this year
and one two year old black heifer to my son Guyott,
and to my daughter Elizabeth one cow called punchand [ ] yearling.
I bequeath unto my loving wife Susanna Thomas half of the hundred acres of Land I now live upon
and ye other half to my son WilliamThomas and after my wifes decease my son William to enjoy it. Also itis my further desire that my son William have all ye house & cattle that are of his mark one bay [ ] of my mark:
I give unto my daughter Mary ye colt that belongs to ye mare that she had of me:
I give unto my said wife Susanna after my just debts paid all ye rest of my personall Estate whatsoever or wheresoever Lying & being and appoint her to be Executrix of this my last will & testament.
It is my will & desire that my sons shall all be [ ] years old - In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this fifteenth dayof January in ye year of our Lord on thousand six hundred eighty six
William Thomas
Signed sealed & declared as my last will and testament in ye presence of Thomas Hanson George X Barton William Watkins

Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:54:01 EST
Message-ID: <>
Subject: [MDCHARLE-L] Thomas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Can anybody add anything to this Charles Co. family, some of whom settled in Prince William Co., Va. before coming to Nelson Co., Ky.? In Md. they had ties with Brandts and perhaps Latimers.
Bob Moore, Lexington, Ky.
William Thomas, died 1691, Charles Co., Md., married before 1669, Susanna __, died ca. 1724. He claimed rights for immigrating from Virginia [Northumberland Co.] in 1669. His will, probated on 10 Nov. 1691, was not dated. Susanna wrote her will on 20 Feb. 1723/4, prob. 31 Aug. 1724. Her witnesses were William Williams, George Carter, William Cooper.
1. William Thomas, b. ca. 1669-71, d. by 1729, Charles Co., Md., m. Jane ____
2. John Thomas, b. ca. 1672. Not mentioned in his mother's will.
3. George Thomas, b. ca. 1674, d. 1738, Charles Co., Md., m. ____ ____.
a. Ann Thomas, b. by 1713, not mentioned in her father's will
b. James Thomas, m. by 1744, Sarah ____. He appears to have been in Prince William Co., Va., by 1776.
c. George Thomas, d. 1752, Charles Co., Md., m. (1) ____, (2) Ann ____, who m. (2) Philip Jenkins
d. Margaret Thomas, m. (1) William Brooks, (2) Benjamin Muncaster.
e. Susannah Thomas m. ____ Farr. [John Farr? Benj. Thomas sold land to John Farr in 1746 and 1761.]
f. Elizabeth Thomas, m. (1) William Compton, (2) Newman Tompkins.
g. William Thomas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 19 Feb. 1779, when he deeded land in Md.
h. Benjamin Thomas, b. ca. 1723, d. by 1793, m. (1) Elinor (possibly a Maddox), living in Dec. 1771, widow of William Smoot, (2) Mary Lucas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 1776
(1) Sarah Thomas m. ____ Spiller
(2) Benjamin Thomas Jr. m. Margaret Grigsby
(3) Susan Thomas m. ____ Anderson
(4) Elizabeth Thomas m. ____ Johnson
(5) Mary Ann Thomas m. ____ Bland [probably Samuel Bland of Nelson Co., Ky., whose wife was Mary Ann.]
4. Guyott Thomas, b. ca. 1676
5. Elizabeth Thomas, b. ca. 1678, d. after 1733, m. Charles Adams, who d. by 1733/4.
6. Mary Thomas, b. ca. 1680

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

William claimed rights for immigrating from Northumberland Co., Virginia in 1669.
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Riverside: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 343-3: MANISECLEARE: 250 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Adams, Charles: Surveyed 18 April 1680 for William Thomas at a bound hiccory on the East side of a great branch (Tsay) Beaverdam about 3 miles of Zachary Wades: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 150 Acres - James Beall from George Thomas; 5 Nov 1726, 25 Acres - Lodwick Adams from George Thomas; 20 Feb 1734,75 Acres - Lodwick Adams from Elizabeth Adams; 12 Mar 1734, , , ,

p. 7, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 44
COURT OF 10 Nov 1691
Susanna Thomas, relict of William Thomas, requests probate of his will.
Will of William Thomas; to son John Thomas 100 acres part of a patent of 250 acres called Mannis Cledre (Maniscleare--NJL) adjoining Mr. Addison and personal estate; to my 3 children George, Guyott and Elizabeth, remainder of parcel given son John to be divided equally; to wife Susanna half of the 100 acres I now live on and the other half to son William Thomas; William to inherit Susanna's part at her decease; to dau. Mary, a colt; sons to be of age at 17; /s/ William Thomas; wit. Thomas Henson, George Barton (mark), William Atthens (mark); John Godshall and John Gray to appraise estate

p. 35, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber E, Page 160
8 Feb 1673; Indenture from William Thomas, and Susanna his wife, to Robert Ingolsby, planter; for 7,000* tobacco; a tract called Thomas His Chance; laid out for 200 acres by Richard Edelen, depty. surveyor, dated 7 Sept 1669; /s/ William Thomas, Robert Ingolsby (mark); wit. Edw. Maddock, George Athys

p. 55, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber H, Page 4
11 Jun 1678; Indenture from Bennett Marshagay, merchant, to William Thomas, planter; for 5,000* tobacco; a parcel of land formerly belonging to John Geniers by patent 10 Dec 1653; assigned by him to Marshagay; on the north side of the Potomac; bounded by Geniers' Swamp; containing 100 acres; /s/ Bennett Marshaway; wit. Cleborne Lomax

p. 105, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber M, Page 100
3 May 1686; Deed of Gift from Wm. Thomas to John Marlow; a heifer

p. 8, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 56
Inventory of William Thomas, dec'd

p. 123, Charles County Land Records, Volume III

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Liber L#2
At the request of James Peele of Charles County, the following deed was recorded this Mar 21, 1726.
Nov 5, 1726 from George Thomas of Wm and Mary Parish in Charles County, planter, to James Peele of the Parish of Christ Church in Charles County, shipwright, for and in consideration of a Negro man named Sambo to sd George Thomas delivered, sd George Thomas has sold to sd James Peele, all that part of a parcel of land called Mannisecleere, lying in Charles County on the east side of a Great Bever Damm, about 4 miles from Mr. Wade's, containing and laid out for 150 acres.
Signed Geo. Thomas. Wit - John Fendall, Geo: Dent.

The Rent Roll of Charles County, to Michaelmass 1753, page 49
Maniscleare. 250 acres. Surveyed Apr 18, 1680 for William Thomas at a bounded hickory on the east side of Beaverdam Branch.
Possr: 100 Lodowick Adams, 150 John Boye
Rhody Adams from Lodowick Adams, 1770, Devisee
Josias Adams from Ditto, 1770, Devisee

PROP: Greaners Choice - 100 acres 11 JUN 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1: 4-6
PROP: 250 acres-Manniscleare 18 APR 1680 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives
PROP: 368 acres-Thomas' Choice 16 JUN 1688 Charles Co., MD
Event: party to a court case 1678 Charles Co., MD Maryland State Archives Charles Co. Court Records H#1:13-15
Event: testator to Samuel Barret's will 9 MAR 1676 Charles Co., MD
Will: 15 JAN 1686 Charles Co., MD

Att a Court of our Sovereign Lord & Lady Wiliam & Mary by ye grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of ye Faith held at Port Tobacco in Charles County on ye fourth day of November in ye third year of their Kingship Reigns Anno Domini 1691 :Before
Capt. William Barton Major James Smallwood Capt. John Adisson Mr. William Hawton Mr. Henry Hawkins Capt. Philip Hoskins Mr. Randolph Hinson Mr. Robert Yates Capt. John Courtes Mr. James Thomson Justices thereunto appointed and authorized
Susanna Thomas ye Relict of William Thomas late of this County deceased petitioning ye Court so that she may have in court published her husbands last will & testament [ ] she may have [ ] monetary of ye same. Which if granted unto her
In the name of God I William Thomas of Charles County being very sicke and weake of body but of sound & perfect memory Do make this my last will & testament in name and forme following revoking hereby all former wills & testaments by me hereto for made by word or writing.
I bequeath my soul to Allmighty God my maker and Jesus Christ my Redeemer and ye holy ghost my sanctifyor and my body to ye earth from whence it came to be buried in such decent manner as my Executor shall so meet and wishing such personal Estate as God in glory above my [ ] hath bestowed upon me I give & dispose ye same in manner & form following:
I give & bequeath unto my son John Thomas one hundred acres of Land being part of a Patent Containing two hundred & fifty acres Called Mannis Cleare joyning upon a parcell of land belonging to Mr. Addisson Lying by ye Great Dams: I also give unto my son John Thomas two cows called Dumplin & young Dew and one chest that is called mine with a lock & key and one middling pott with a pair of pot hooks his to enjoy after my decease.
I give unto my [ ] children George Guyott & Elizabeth ye remainder of ye parcell of land which I gave to my son John to be equally divided amongst them [ ] and their heirs but if any of them die without heirs it shall be equally divided betwixt ye survivors:
I give unto my son George one cow calf fallen this year
and one two year old black heifer to my son Guyott,
and to my daughter Elizabeth one cow called punchand [ ] yearling.
I bequeath unto my loving wife Susanna Thomas half of the hundred acres of Land I now live upon
and ye other half to my son WilliamThomas and after my wifes decease my son William to enjoy it. Also itis my further desire that my son William have all ye house & cattle that are of his mark one bay [ ] of my mark:
I give unto my daughter Mary ye colt that belongs to ye mare that she had of me:
I give unto my said wife Susanna after my just debts paid all ye rest of my personall Estate whatsoever or wheresoever Lying & being and appoint her to be Executrix of this my last will & testament.
It is my will & desire that my sons shall all be [ ] years old - In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this fifteenth dayof January in ye year of our Lord on thousand six hundred eighty six
William Thomas
Signed sealed & declared as my last will and testament in ye presence of Thomas Hanson George X Barton William Watkins

Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:54:01 EST
Message-ID: <>
Subject: [MDCHARLE-L] Thomas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Can anybody add anything to this Charles Co. family, some of whom settled in Prince William Co., Va. before coming to Nelson Co., Ky.? In Md. they had ties with Brandts and perhaps Latimers.
Bob Moore, Lexington, Ky.
William Thomas, died 1691, Charles Co., Md., married before 1669, Susanna __, died ca. 1724. He claimed rights for immigrating from Virginia [Northumberland Co.] in 1669. His will, probated on 10 Nov. 1691, was not dated. Susanna wrote her will on 20 Feb. 1723/4, prob. 31 Aug. 1724. Her witnesses were William Williams, George Carter, William Cooper.
1. William Thomas, b. ca. 1669-71, d. by 1729, Charles Co., Md., m. Jane ____
2. John Thomas, b. ca. 1672. Not mentioned in his mother's will.
3. George Thomas, b. ca. 1674, d. 1738, Charles Co., Md., m. ____ ____.
a. Ann Thomas, b. by 1713, not mentioned in her father's will
b. James Thomas, m. by 1744, Sarah ____. He appears to have been in Prince William Co., Va., by 1776.
c. George Thomas, d. 1752, Charles Co., Md., m. (1) ____, (2) Ann ____, who m. (2) Philip Jenkins
d. Margaret Thomas, m. (1) William Brooks, (2) Benjamin Muncaster.
e. Susannah Thomas m. ____ Farr. [John Farr? Benj. Thomas sold land to John Farr in 1746 and 1761.]
f. Elizabeth Thomas, m. (1) William Compton, (2) Newman Tompkins.
g. William Thomas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 19 Feb. 1779, when he deeded land in Md.
h. Benjamin Thomas, b. ca. 1723, d. by 1793, m. (1) Elinor (possibly a Maddox), living in Dec. 1771, widow of William Smoot, (2) Mary Lucas. He was in Prince William Co., Va. by 1776
(1) Sarah Thomas m. ____ Spiller
(2) Benjamin Thomas Jr. m. Margaret Grigsby
(3) Susan Thomas m. ____ Anderson
(4) Elizabeth Thomas m. ____ Johnson
(5) Mary Ann Thomas m. ____ Bland [probably Samuel Bland of Nelson Co., Ky., whose wife was Mary Ann.]
4. Guyott Thomas, b. ca. 1676
5. Elizabeth Thomas, b. ca. 1678, d. after 1733, m. Charles Adams, who d. by 1733/4.
6. Mary Thomas, b. ca. 1680


Marriage1667Susanna Ganyott
DeathBef 10 Nov 1691Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathBef 10 Nov 1691Charles County, MD
MarriageSusanna Ganyott
Research NotesDescendant Register, William Thomas


SpouseSusanna Ganyott ( - 1724)
ChildMary Thomas (1667 - )
ChildWilliam Thomas (1669 - 1729)
ChildJohn Thomas (1671 - )
ChildGeorge Thomas (1674 - 1738)
ChildElizabeth Thomas (1676 - )
ChildGanyott Thomas (1678 - 1714)
ChildWilliam Thomas (1722 - 1776)
ChildMassey Thomas ( - )
