Individual Details

Jonas Potts

(1716 - 1814)

"He removed to Loudoun County, Virginia, where he purchased 270 acres from David Potts, his half brother, as it appears on the deed dated, May 8, 1759. Jonas is discribed as "smith" in the deed. On August 20, 1761, Jonas Potts obtained a patent from "the Proprietors office of the northern neck of Virginia," for a tract of land on or about Round Hill. How long Jonas Potts continued to live in Loudoun County is not clear. He and all his children seemed to have removed to western Pennsylvania or eastern Ohio before the close of the century, or shortly after. His descendants say that Jonas Potts settled at Georgetown, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, where he died at a great age."
-Richard A. Clark II

(Research):Jonas POTTS died in 1812/13 in Georgetown, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania. He was born in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Potts Family in America, 1901, T. M. Potts page 230 and 312

He was undoubtedly a son of Jonas Potts, of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, by his second wife, and was evidently born in Pennsylvania. See Chapter VIII. The date of his birth has not been learned, but he was seeemingly one of the younger children, perhaps the youngest child of Jonas. Tradition of descendants allege that the family came to Pennsylvania from Wales. Jonas was a blacksmith by trade. He is said to have been twice married, and that his second wife was Mary Heckathorn.

He removed to Loudoun County, Virginia, where he purchased 270 acres from David Potts, hs half brother, as appears by deed dated, May 8, 1759 (NOTE: See page 289, ante) This was one half of a tract of 540 acres that David Potts had previously bought from Catesby Cocke. Jonas Potts is described as "smith" in the deed. In 1760, Jonas Potts, blacksmith, and Mary his wife, sold 100 acres, part of the foregoing, to Samuel Stroud, Jonas signs as "Jonas Potts, Smith."

On May 9, 1761, Jonas Potts, blacksmith, and Mary, his wife, sold 122 acres, part of the original purchase, to James Thomas. He signs. "Jonas Potts, Smith." On August 20, 1761, Jonas Potts obtained a patent from "the Proprietors Office of the northern neck of Virginia," for a tract of land on or about Round Hill.

On Outober 13, 1761, he sold 122 acres on the north fork of Kittockton, to Jonas Potts, farmer. (NOTE: Jonas Potts, farmer, was the son of David Potts, and a newphe of Jonas Potts, Smith. see page 295, ante) In the description of boundaries, mention is made of "Samuel Potts' corner." He signs "Jonas Potts, Blacksmith." On June 11, 1764, he sold 371 acres, on or about Round Hill, to Thomas Humphreys. This was part of the tract granted by patent to Jonas Potts in 1761. He signs, "Jonas Potts, Blacksmith." Mary Potts joins her husband in signing each of the foregoing deeds of sale. There are probably other deeds on record in the name of this Jonas Potts, not examined by the compilter. Jonas Potts has been a common name in Loudoun County. Down to 1833, among the numerous Potts deeds recorded in that County, the index shows nearly fifty deeds in the name of Jonas Potts. These, of course, include several different persons who bore this name.

How long Jonas Potts continued to live in Loudoun County is not clear. He and all his children seem to have removed to western Pennsylvania or eastern Ohio before the close of the century, or shortly after. His descendants say that Jonas Potts settled at Georgetown, Beave County, Pennsylvania, where he died about 1814, at a great age. Mary, his wife, died about 1812 or 1813. They were buried on Phillips Island, in the Ohio River. This Island is the second above Georgetown.

As before stated, Jonas Potts is said to have been twice married. It is further alleged that Thomas and Noah were children by the second marriage. Information is, however, not sufficiently positive, to designate which were the children of each wife. Neither is it certain that they are all arranged below in the correct order of birth. The records of descendants which follow, have been mainly collected from members of the various branches, and while in many instances quite incomplete, are believed to be fairly accurate.

"The Potts Family in Great Britain and America," Thomas Maxwell Potts 1901


Birth1716Potts Grove,Phldlp,Pa
MarriagePhebe Brown
MarriageHillsboro,Loudoun Co,Virginia - Mary Heckathorn


SpouseMary Heckathorn (1729 - 1820)
ChildPotts ( - )
ChildThomas Potts ( - )
ChildDavid Potts (1756 - 1837)
ChildJonathan Potts (1744 - 1831)
ChildJohn Potts (1751 - 1820)
ChildJonas Potts (1762 - 1833)
ChildNathan Potts (1764 - )
ChildJoshua Potts (1769 - 1844)
ChildNoah Potts (1772 - 1856)
SpousePhebe Brown ( - )
FatherJonas Potts (1680 - 1754)
MotherMary Stroud ( - )
SiblingDeborah Potts (1712 - 1718)

