Individual Details

Mathias Dohrs

(18 Sep 1614 - Aft 1663)

BIOGRAPHY: He had 7 children.

BAPTISM: in Catholic Church

This is from an account by Gary Anderson of his family.

Married ca. 1640 at Kaldenkirchen, Rheinland, GERMANY.


*Johanna [Op Den Graeff] DOORS
*Peter [Op Den Graeff] DOORS
*Elisabeth (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. 1566, m. *Peter (Imm) KURLIS, 17 March 1675
*Anna [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. ca. 1642, m. *Heinrich KURLIS, ca. 1663, m. *Johann STREYPERS, 12 May 1669
**Gertrude (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. ca. 1649, m. **Paulus (Imm) [Van Haren] CUSTER, 16 October 1668, d. 28 February 1707/8
*Helene (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. ca. 1650, m. *Thones (Imm) KUNDERS, 31 March 1677
**Cornelius (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] TYSON, b. 1 January 1651/2, m. **Margaret (TYSON), 1668/84, d. 9 May 1716
*Margarita [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. bef. 4 January 1655
*Reiner (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] TYSON, b. ca. 1659, m. *Mary KUNDERS, d. 1745
*Hermann (Imm) [Op Den Graeff] DOORS, b. bef. 16 September 1663

He was known by many names:
Matthys Doors

Theis Doors bp 9/18/1614 Kaldenkirchen, Germany d after 1663. Theis Doors was a parent or parent in law to most of the founders of Germantown. Three of his sons, who went by the Dutch form Theisson, came to Germantown, and their descendants are known as Tyson. He m around
1635-40, prob in Kaldenkirchen, Neesgen/ Nees/ Neesen/ Agnes.

A shopkeeper or "retail merchant", lived in a little house on a small piece of land near the town wall. Mennonite records of village and parish of Kaldenkirchen of 1652 describe him as a retail merchant, with a building lot with a small house and a quarter acre of arable land and alongside it a quarter acre of fishery rights, worth together about 350 Reichstalers.

Sometime bef 1655, Theiss Doors left the Catholic Church and became a Mennonite. The Mennonites were Anabaptist. An effort was made to expel him from Kaldenkirchen. He was fined 100 gold guilders for some violation. He was unable to ay th fine, and the authorities confiscated the goods in his shop to meet it. The bailiff of Kaldenkirchen entered the Doors home, and got into an argument with Agnes Doors, who was soon to give birth to a baby, abused her, and struck her hard in the face. Charges were filed, and the case was eventually taken before Elector Philipp Wilhelm, Duke of Julich, who decreed that Theiss could stay on in Kaldenkirchen and was not to be further molested.

Agnes had entered their children in the Reformed Church school but to ease the stress and pressure from the officials, they changed their children to the Catholic school and had their infant Margarita baptized CAtholic in 1/4/1655. ARnold Kosters/ Kusters and his wife Catharine von Haren, parents of Paulus Kuster, were sponsors.

But by 1/20/1656 the fmaily had changed to the Reformed Chruch and attended there for three months. The trial record said that "Theis Gohrs or Peterschen (Doros) b at Kaldenkirchen of CAtholic parents, later adhering to the Anabaptist sect (joined the REformed Church three mos ago but did this only to escape persecution." (Charles Custer)

Charles Kusters follows Wm Niepold's listing of the Doors children; neither is sure that all were children of the same parents.


Some genealogists think the following also belong to this family

Agnistan/ Agnes doors said to have maried Leonard Arents, among the
1683 emigrants. John L Ruth calls Lenart ARets as Jan Streyper's
brother in law (nothing was ever vaguer than being designated
Jan Streyper's in-law, nearly everyone was at some point. In-law
had a loose meaning.) Jan Streypers, writing his brother Wm in
Germantown, wanted Wm to see that Jan's five families were porvided
land in that village. The families were Jan Streeper's brother,
Willam Streepers, Reiner and Herman Tyson were Jan Streper's wife's
brothers. Thomas Conradt/ Kudners, Leonart ARets, and Paulus
Custers were their brothes in law." No ref made to Peter Kurlis
as a brother in law.

Merken/ Maria Theissen by BEcker and others. b c 1659 d 1742
Mary Tyson.
White has "?married Jochim Huiskens", she wasn't sure?
She cites an entry in 1675 in the Reformed Church in Kaldenkirchen
of the baptism of "the little daughter of Jochim Huiskens
and Maria Doors w witnesses Thonis Huiskens and Nys Doors. (Niess?)
HOwever, no marriage record for this couple. White has "Maria
did marry Jan Lykens around 1683 at the time of their leaving
Germany to come to Germantown" (White, 1683)
Many think she is the wife of Jan Luckens/ Luykens / Lukens
who came to America.(Custer) (Krefeld Immigr) Jochim Huiskens/
Johann Lucken of Dahlen or Wickerath (:WHite, who thinks they
m around 1683)
But though American writers state that Jan Luckens' wife was Maria
Theissen, a sister to Reiner, (?)he found no indication that Jan m
more than once. He noted that Niepoth said Jan Luckens m Merken/ Maria
Gastes. Gudo Gotthoff wrote that Jan Luckns m lst Merken Gastes but
that he left her in Germanyu, just as Wilhelm Strepers had left his
wife, and shortly after coming to America he m Maria Theissen.

Jack Bowman, who is of this line, says "Earliest records say that
he married Marie Thiessen, sister to Reynier Thiessen...Many of
the documents refer to Jan's wife as Mary, but there are no
records of their marriage. Niepoth... concludes that his wife
was Mercken Gastes. This comes from a written document dated
6/15/1683, which was drwon up by the Lucken siblings in Krefeld."
"In 1995 a 'conclave' of Lukens researchers got together to decide
on their interpretation of all documents relating to Jans wife's
name. They concluded that she had to be Marie Tyson. Niepoth
may be correct if Jan was married bef leaving Krefeld and his
wife died. But they could not find any documentation for the
Gastes name. "

Niepoth says that Maria or Mercken is not mentioned among the sisters
of Reiner Theissen. He also presents evidence on who Johann Lucken
did marry. Bans published on 12 Sep 1679 in REformed Church in
Crefeld for "JOhann Simes of Gladbach and Merken Wilhelms of
Gladbach". A Rheydt power of attorney in 1683 says Merken Lucken
is daughter of married couple Wilhelm Lucken and Adelheid, and
her name appears in the Quaker wedding as Merken Willems. So she
definitely was not the daughter of Theiss Doors! Nieboth also
mentions that Wilhelm was related on his motgher's side to the
Ther Mehr family.

Jan Lykens was b in 1650/1, son of Wilhelm and Adelheid Lucken, and
grew up in Gladbach.
Luykens was one of the pioneer settlers of GErmantown in 1683. He
was constable of the town 1691-5, sheriff 1694-5, d. 1744. Brought
a Dutch Bible from Krefeld, one of his descendants still owns it.
His will dated 9th of 8th mo 1741 in Philadelphia's registry
of wills, his property includes the trappings of a linen weaving
profession and some books, a house and lot in Germantown, and
two hundred acres of land joining Spipenk.

Derrick (Dirck) Tyson
Reiner Tyson supposed to have brought back to him from Europe a
younger brother, Derrick (Dirck) who d unm a few yrs after his arrival
Krefeld Immigr article argues that if not the brothers of the above.
Cornelius and Derrick Tyson were atleast cousins..

Cornelius Doors/ Thiessen b c 1652 emigr to Germantown in 1684 or by 1703. In 1684,
he might have travelled w his brother, Herman Doors. He m Margaret.
He was a Mennonite and not a Quaker. Reason to think he is Reynier's
brother but no proof.
Matthias (lst born) same name as Reiner, which might indicate that
Theiss (Matthias) and Agnes were his poarents.
DAughter supposed to have married sonof Tonis Kunders and Helene Thiessen
Daughter supposed to have married son of Tonis Kunders andHelene Thiessen.

Derrick Doors/ Tyson, cited in the GEnealogy of the Maryland Branch of
the Tyson Family, by Malcolm Van Vechten Tysen in 1902, there was a
brother of Rynier, Derrick, who came to PA w Tynier in 1683, converted
to the Quaker religion, and died unmarried soon after getting to PA,
this is the only source that mentions him.

Bibliography and sources:

Custer, Chester E., The Kusters and Doors of Kaldenkirchen, Germany,
and Germantown, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, July 1986,
pp 24-31.

"Are the daughters of Hermen Op den Graff the Mennonite Bishop the
Key to the RElationships of our early Germantown Families? in
Krefeld Immigrants, 14, pp 51-54

Niepoth, Wilhelm. The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of
1683. The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine 1980, 31 (3), 191-207.

William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Immigration to Pennsylvania Sue Schlack

Judy Douglas

Jack Bowman

[Phil's Copy.FTW]

Family Search #1985383. Abstracted from German church records


Birth18 Sep 1614Kaldenkirchen, Germany
MarriageAbt 1640Agnes Neesgen Op Den Graeff
ReligionBef 1655
Religion20 Jan 1656
DeathAft 1663Kaldenkirchen, Germany
Alt nameTheiss Doors


SpouseAgnes Neesgen Op Den Graeff (1614 - 1691)
ChildReiner Theissen (1659 - 1745)
ChildEntgen Anna Doors (1641 - 1700)
ChildGertrudje Theisson Doors (1645 - 1707)
ChildCornelius Theissen (1652 - 1716)
ChildAgnes Doors (1654 - )
ChildDerek Tyson (1657 - 1683)
ChildPeter Tyson Doors (1643 - )
ChildJohanna Doors (1649 - )
ChildElizabeth Doors (1647 - )
ChildMargarita Doors (1655 - )
ChildMary Tyson (1660 - 1742)
ChildHermann Doors (1663 - 1739)
ChildElin Magadalen Tyson (1650 - 1729)
FatherPieter Dohrs (1580 - 1638)
MotherLysgen "Elizabeth" Grietes ( - 1680)
SiblingPeter Doors (1609 - 1689)
SiblingGreitjen Peiters (1620 - 1683)
SiblingReiner Doors (1607 - 1677)

