Individual Details

Mary * Benson

( - )

Archives of Maryland, Volume 42, Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
The Lower House. Page 212; Liber L. H. J., p. 272: (Saturday Morning June 6.
1741) By the Committee appointed to enquire into the Facts contained in the
Petition of Thomas Spalding and Catherine his Wife June the 6. 1741
Your Committee find on Inspecting the Papers of the Petitioners that the
Land called Crackbornes Purchase containing 200 Acres was Granted on the
24th day of October Anno Domini 1659 unto Richard Crackborne Assignee of
Walter Peak and Peter Mills Assignees of Paul Simpson in Fee.
Your Committee further find that the said Richard Crackborne by his Deed
bearing date the 17th day of November 1681 did Bargain and Sell the said
Tract of Land to Richard Gardiner of Saint Marys County in Fee
Your Committee also find that Richard Gardiner and Elizabeth his Wife of St
Marys County aforesaid did Convey to Hugh Benson of the same County Planter
100 Acres Part of the said Tract in Fee [p. 273] Your Committee likewise
find that Mary Speake is the reputed Daughter and Heiress at Law of Hugh
Benson and that she intermarried (as it is said) with Bowling Speak of
Charles County and that the said Bowling Speak and the said Mary his Wife,
by their deed Bearing date the 31st of March 1739 did Convey the said
Parcell of Land unto the Petitioner Thomas in Fee All which deeds appear to
Your Committee to be duly Executed
Your Committee further find by the Information of W James Swann a Member of
your House that the Land called Crackbornes Purchase mentioned by the
Petitioners to be Granted is of greater Value than that Part of the Land the
Petitioners pray to be enabled to dispose of called Seamour Town or known by
the name of Leonards Town
All which is humbly Submitted to the Consideration of the House
Signed p Order Richard Dorsey Q Corn.

Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With


FatherHugh * Benson (1653 - 1681)
MotherCatherine Greaves ( - )