Individual Details

Nellie Maud Downs

(7 Aug 1877 - 30 Nov 1937)


Birth7 Aug 1877Sterling, Johnson, Nebraska
Census (family)-shared22 Jun 1880(John H Warnstaff and Jane Elizabeth Biggs) Clatsop, Oregon
Marriage20 Dec 1894Moscow, Latah, Idaho - Henry J. Boyer
Residence1900Leland, Big Eddy Precincts, Nez Perce, Idaho
Residence1920Upper Highwood, Chouteau, Montana
Death30 Nov 1937cancer of the liver - Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai, Idaho
Burial3 Dec 1937Albion Cemetery, Albion, Whitman, Washington
Alt nameMaude M. Downs


SpouseHenry J. Boyer (1870 - 1947)
ChildLorna Ladoska Boyer (1896 - 1897)
ChildDon Leland Boyer (1898 - 1972)
FatherDon Alphonzo Downs (1854 - 1912)
MotherLavina Elizabeth Dollarhide (1853 - 1904)
SiblingOllie Belle Downs (1873 - 1952)
SiblingDon Ray Downs (1879 - 1955)
SiblingAgnes Rebecca "Agga" Downs (1880 - 1904)
SiblingOrtha Jack Downs (1883 - 1947)