Birth | 8 Aug 1830 | Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana | | | |
Marriage | 18 Oct 1849 | Louisa, Iowa - Jane Elizabeth Biggs | | | |
Census | 6 Sep 1850 | Wapello, Louisa, Iowa | | |  |
Emigration | 2 Oct 1852 | Arrived by train from Indiana, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon | | | |
Alt name | 1860 | John Warnstafp | | | |
Alt name | 1860 | John Warnslaffs | | | |
Alt name | 1860 | John Warstaffs | | | |
Census | 1860 | Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Taxes | May 1868 | Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Alt name | 1870 | John Warrenstaff | | | |
Census (family) | 1 Jun 1870 | Clatsop, Oregon - Jane Elizabeth Biggs | | | |
Census (family)-shared | 1 Jun 1870 | (John H Warnstaff and Jane Elizabeth Biggs) Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Legal | 31 Jul 1873 | Served as Juror - Clatsop Circuit Court, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Occupation | 31 Jul 1873 | farmer - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Property | 20 Nov 1873 | Lots 7 and 8, block 52, Lot 2, Block 125, up on the hill - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Property | 2 Dec 1873 | published in Tri-Weekly Astorian, Astoria, OR - Lots 7 and 8, block 52 and lot 2, block 125, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Census (family) | 22 Jun 1880 | Clatsop, Oregon - Jane Elizabeth Biggs | | | |
Property | 30 Jan 1885 | Jno. Warnstaff & wife sold land to J. S. Isaacs - Lot 2, Blk 125, McClure's Astoria $65, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Marriage-shared | 1 Oct 1885 | (Elmer Albert Warnstaff and Mollie D. Miller) Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Legal | 23 Dec 1885 | List of jurors - Circuit Court, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Legal | 16 Jan 1886 | Jurors impaneled to try the case - Circuit Court, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Miscellaneous | 26 Feb 1887 | provided music and assisted with party with music - Henderson Brothers, Byron Kimball property on Young's River, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Miscellaneous-shared | 26 Feb 1887 | (John H Warnstaff) provided music and assisted with party with music - Henderson Brothers, Byron Kimball property on Young's River, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Legal | 7 Jul 1887 | Viewer of said damages to meet at Carnahan's landing - County Court, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Occupation | 3 Feb 1888 | Appointed as road supervisors - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Occupation | 27 May 1888 | Assigned as judge - Precinct, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Occupation | 13 Apr 1890 | Democratic county Convention delegate - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | | |
Legal-shared | 30 Jun 1894 | (Nathan Carter "Nate" Hilleary) accused of attempted murder - Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | |  |
Census (family) | 1900 | Youngs Bay and Olney Precincts, Clatsop, Oregon - Jane Elizabeth Biggs | | | |
Alt name | 1907 | John Wornstaff | | | |
Death | 3 Mar 1907 | Portland, Multnomah, Oregon | | | |
Burial | 6 Mar 1907 | Greenwood Cemetery, Sect B2, BLoc 122, Lot 3, Grave 6, Astoria, Clatsop, Oregon | | |  |
yDNA-shared | 1966 | (Living) R-FT67161 | | | |