Individual Details

Capt Valentine Ephraim Wheeler

(14 Feb 1725 - 26 Aug 1791)


Birth14 Feb 1725Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Marriage15 Jan 1747Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts - Sarah Goff
Military1762Revolutionary War - First Regiment of Militia, Bristol, Massachusetts
Marriage5 Aug 1762Amenia, Dutchess, New York - Helena Dutcher
MilitarySep 1767Revolutionary War - Captain of Fourth Rehoboth Company of 1st Regiment of Bristol Co, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Divorce filed1772Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts - Sarah Goff
MarriageAbt 1774Sarah Horton
Military19 Apr 1775Revolutionary War - Captain Samuel Bliss' company, on the Lexington alarm, Lexington, Amherst, Virginia
Military1776Revolutionary war - Captain John Paine's Co., Captain Israel Hix's Co., Colonel Thomas Carpenter's regiment, Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island
Divorce1780Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts - Sarah Goff
Military1780Revolutionary War, Continental Army
Census1790Windsor, Berkshire, Massachusetts
Death26 Aug 1791Windsor, Berkshire, Massachusetts
Burial27 Aug 1791Valley View Cemetery, Dover Plains, Dutchess, New York
Alt nameJohannes V. Wieler
OccupationLt Col until - Colonel Jerathmeel Bower's Regiment - 1st Regiment of Militia, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts


SpouseSarah Goff (1722 - 1815)
ChildMartha Wheeler (1747 - 1837)
ChildSarah Wheeler (1749 - 1841)
ChildBethana Wheeler (1751 - 1751)
ChildMary Wheeler (1752 - 1835)
ChildMarcy Wheeler (1752 - )
ChildAnna Wheeler (1754 - 1810)
ChildValentine Wheeler (1756 - 1845)
ChildCharles Wheeler (1758 - )
ChildRufus Wheeler (1759 - 1835)
ChildPvt Samuel Wheeler Sr (1762 - 1847)
ChildSalisbury Wheeler (1764 - 1856)
ChildPvt Comfort Wheeler (1766 - 1855)
ChildNathaniel Wheeler (1767 - 1840)
ChildJames Wheeler (1770 - )
ChildRuth Wheeler (1770 - 1849)
SpouseHelena Dutcher (1743 - 1782)
ChildEliphalet Ephraim Valentine Wheeler (1763 - 1847)
ChildCapt John Valentine Wheeler (1765 - 1860)
ChildCathrina Wheeler (1767 - )
ChildCapt John Comfort Wheeler Sr (1770 - 1838)
ChildJosiah Wheeler (1772 - 1845)
SpouseSarah Horton (1735 - 1790)
ChildHannah Wheeler (1773 - )
ChildPhilip Wheeler (1775 - )
FatherCol. Philip Wheeler (1698 - 1765)
MotherMartha Salisbury (1698 - 1746)
SiblingRev Aaron Wheeler Sr (1722 - 1800)
SiblingMartha Salisbury Wheeler (1727 - 1819)
SiblingMary Wheeler (1730 - 1763)
SiblingCapt Philip Wheeler Jr, Deacon (1733 - 1774)
SiblingPvt Jonathan Wheeler (1735 - )
SiblingAnna Wheeler (1737 - )
SiblingRuth Wheeler (1739 - 1817)
SiblingDavid Wheeler (1742 - 1809)