Alt name | 1892 | Vernon J Warnstoff | | | |
Birth | 12 Dec 1892 | Sac City, Sac, Iowa | | | |
Census (family)-shared | 5 Jun 1900 | (John William Stillwell Warnstaff and Emma Clair Daniels) Ringgold, Iowa | | |  |
Census-shared | 12 Apr 1908 | (Alma Maxine "Alice" Nutter) 1817 E 16th Street, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska | | | |
Census (family)-shared | 26 Apr 1910 | (John William Stillwell Warnstaff and Emma Clair Daniels) 226 Early Street, Jackson, Sac, Iowa | | |  |
Military | 1917 | US Army, Private - Battery D 77 Field ARTY, Iowa | | | |
Occupation | 1917 | Brakeman Switch, unemployed at time of military draft - Jackson Township, Sac, Iowa | | | |
Military | 28 Jul 1918 | WWI Embarkation - Ship Corinthic, New York | | |  |
Military | 24 Nov 1918 | WWI, Disabled, Serial No. 997654, Co D 77 FA to Ellis Island - USS Northern Pacific, Hoboken, New Jersey | | |  |
Census | 12 Jan 1920 | Jackson Township, Sac, Iowa | | | |
Marriage | 3 Nov 1923 | Mills, Iowa - Jane Bennett | | | |
Marriage | 30 Aug 1930 | Atlantic, Cass, Iowa - Alma Maxine "Alice" Nutter | | | |
Marriage | 15 Jun 1935 | Sarpy, Nebraska - Mabel Noland | | | |
Death-shared | 1 Mar 1938 | (John William Stillwell Warnstaff) had been in ill health for the last 9 years, and been at Iowas City for treatment at various times. - University Hospital, Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa | | | |
Divorce | Bef 1940 | Mabel Noland | | | |
Alt name | 15 Apr 1940 | Vern Warrenstaff | | | |
Census | 15 Apr 1940 | 1448 N 17th St, Omaha City, Douglas, Nebraska | | |  |
Census | 12 Apr 1950 | 1617 N 16th Street, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska | | |  |
Death | 27 Feb 1959 | Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska | | | |
Burial | 2 Mar 1959 | Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park, Adult Singles #3 Row 14 Space 47, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska | | | |
Divorce filed | | Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska - Alma Maxine "Alice" Nutter | | | |