Individual Details

George Denison Sr

( - 23 Oct 1694)


Christen10 Dec 1620Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England
Emigration1631Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, England
Immigration1631New England, North America
MilitaryFrom 1636 to 1637Captain, Pequot War - New England, North America
Military1644Severely wounded in the Battle of York - England
Marriage1645Stonington, New London, Connecticut - Ann Borodell
MilitaryFrom 1675 to 1676Veteran of King Phillip's War - Connecticut
Burial1694Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Death23 Oct 1694Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut


SpouseAnn Borodell (1615 - 1712)
ChildBorodell Denison (1651 - 1702)
ChildGeorge Denison Jr (1653 - 1711)
FatherWilliam Denison ( - 1654)
MotherMargaret Chandler ( - 1645)