Individual Details

Anna Lord

(18 Sep 1614 - 4 Sep 1688)


Birth18 Sep 1614Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
Christen18 Sep 1614Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
ImmigrationMay 1635From England aboard the ship Elizabeth and Ann - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Civil CourtAbt 1676Named in mother's will - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
InheritanceAbt 1676She was bequeathed her mother's "great brass pan and family Bible" - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Death4 Sep 1688Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Burial5 Sep 1688Wequetequock Burial Ground, Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Probate6 Dec 1688Totaled 49 Pounds, 16 Shillings, & 10 Pennies, with no Real Estate - Stonington, New London, Connecticut


SpouseThomas Stanton Sr (1615 - 1677)
ChildThomas Stanton Jr. (1638 - 1718)
ChildJohn Stanton (1641 - 1713)
ChildMary Stanton (1644 - 1713)
ChildHannah Stanton (1644 - 1727)
ChildJoseph Stanton Sr (1646 - 1713)
ChildDaniel Stanton (1648 - 1687)
ChildDorothy Stanton (1651 - 1742)
ChildGeneral Robert Stanton (1653 - 1724)
ChildSarah Stanton (1655 - 1713)
ChildSamuel Stanton (1657 - 1732)
FatherThomas Lord (1585 - 1644)
MotherDorothy Bird (1588 - 1675)