Individual Details

Isaac Newton "Izac" Lee

(Oct 1873 - 2 Sep 1933)


BirthOct 1873Panola, Panola, Texas
Residence1880Panola, Panola, Texas
Census-shared16 Jun 1880(William Newton Lee) houseold 63, Panola, Panola, Texas
Residence1900Ed 66 Justice Precinct 2 (Part East of R. R. ),, Panola, Panola, Texas
Census-shared9 Jun 1900(William Newton Lee) Ed 66 Justice Precinct 2 (Part East of R. R. ),, Panola, Panola, Texas
Burial-shared7 Jan 1906(William Newton Lee) New Prospect Presbyterian Cemetery, Panola, Panola, Texas
Residence1910Justice Precinct 7, Texas
Census-shared5 May 1910(Rachel Ellender "Llen" Higgins) Justice Precinct 7, Cass, Cass, Texas
Residence22 Jan 1920Roomer in the household of Harry & Demetria Durham - 269 Roosevelt, Electra, Wichita, Texas
Occupation1930 - 1933School Teacher - Panola, Panola, Texas
Residence1933318 Nathan Street, Marshall, Harrison, Texas
Death2 Sep 1933suicde, death by strangulation with rope, hung himself - 318 Nathan Street, Marshall, Harrison, Texas
Burial3 Sep 1933New Prospect Cemetery, Panola, Panola, Texas


FatherWilliam Newton Lee (1836 - 1906)
MotherRachel Ellender "Llen" Higgins (1847 - 1922)
SiblingDometria Lee (1856 - 1880)
SiblingJohn W. Lee (1865 - 1918)
SiblingRussell Lee (1866 - 1890)
SiblingRome H. "R. H." Lee (1866 - 1896)
SiblingRobert H. E. Lee (1867 - 1896)
SiblingAlvie P. Lee (1868 - 1906)
SiblingBeulah Bennie Lee (1870 - 1899)
SiblingBirtie Ellen Lee (1871 - 1954)
SiblingErnest Mills Lee (1874 - 1961)
SiblingDella Lee (1874 - 1910)
SiblingBerlin Lee (1876 - 1890)
SiblingSamuel H. Lee (1878 - 1915)
SiblingEffie Caroline Lee (1880 - 1963)
SiblingJames Augusta Lee (1882 - 1941)
SiblingRichard M. Lee (1885 - 1905)
SiblingLee (1886 - 1886)
SiblingEbby Austin Lee (1889 - 1955)
SiblingOtis Jewel Lee (1890 - 1957)