Individual Details

William Henry Lee Edwards

(30 May 1864 - 4 Dec 1960)


Birth30 May 1864Clover Valley, Lincoln, Nevada
Passenger List1900Sailed on the New England - to New England, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Death4 Dec 1960St. George, Washington, Utah
Burial6 Dec 1960Panaca, Lincoln, Nevada
MarriageElizabeth A. Wadsworth


SpouseElizabeth A. Wadsworth (1873 - 1939)
ChildGeorge Washington Edwards (1892 - 1918)
ChildElmer Bernice Edwards (1893 - 1968)
ChildWiliam Henry Edwards (1896 - 1917)
ChildLafayette Lee Edwards (1898 - 1922)
ChildMaurine Edwards (1901 - 1965)
ChildHarold Curtis Edwards (1904 - 1917)
ChildNephi Grant Edwards (1907 - 1938)
ChildEva Edwards (1911 - 1966)
FatherGeorge Washington Edwards (1834 - 1882)
MotherElecta Jane Lee (1838 - 1916)
SiblingGeorge Lee Edwards (1860 - 1937)
SiblingJohn Lee Edwards (1862 - 1936)
SiblingEsaias Francis Edwards (1866 - 1934)
SiblingEli Lee Edwards (1870 - 1951)
SiblingElecta Jane Edwards (1872 - 1907)
SiblingHosea Stout Edwards (1875 - 1947)