Admixture-Ethnicity | 1893 | | | | |
Birth | 16 Dec 1893 | La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Residence | 1900 | Ed 127 North Elgin and South Elgin Precincts, Elgin, Union, Oregon | | | |
Census-shared | 29 Jun 1900 | (James Riley "Jim" Warnstaff) Elgin, Union, Oregon | | |  |
Occupation | 1912 | Musician - Cowdell Saloon, Antelope, Wasco, Oregon | | |  |
Marriage | 21 Apr 1912 | La Grande, Union, Oregon - Gertrude Geneva Klintworth | | | |
Military | 1917 | WWI Draft, Form 728, Card 1213-18 - 901 Div St, Union, Union, Oregon | | |  |
Occupation | 1917 | Boiler Maker Helper, O.W.R & N Co - La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Description | 1917 | WWI Draft Exam - short height, medium build, blue eyes, brown hair, married - 901 Div Street, La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Census (family) | 13 Jan 1920 | 315 Simmons, La Grande, Union, Oregon - Gertrude Geneva Klintworth | | |  |
Divorce | 30 Jan 1925 | Gertrude Geneva Klintworth | | | |
Marriage | 24 Apr 1926 | Vancouver, Clark, Washington - Vera Lillian Hanson | | |  |
Occupation | 24 Apr 1926 | Boiler Maker Helper - La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Immigration | 9 Jun 1927 | from Canada, Seattle, King, Washington | | | |
Census | 9 Apr 1930 | 930 Tenth St, Oakland, Alameda, California | | |  |
Alt name | 1940 | William Wannstoff | | | |
Marriage | 1 Apr 1942 | Utah - Lucille Fullmer | | | |
Military | 23 Apr 1942 | WWII Military Registration Draft Card, Serial No. U784 - 1519 Jackson Street, La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Description | 23 Apr 1942 | white, 5 foot 6 3/4 inches, 135 lbs, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion - WWII Military Draft, La Grande, Union, Oregon | | | |
Census | 27 Apr 1950 | Easter Oregon State TB Hospital, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon | | | |
Illness | 27 Apr 1950 | Tuberculosis - Eastern Oregon State TB Hospital, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon | | | |
yDNA-shared | 1955 | (Living) I-CTS5966 | | | |
yDNA-shared | 1966 | (Living) R-FT67161 | | | |
Death | 1 Nov 1976 | John Day, Grant, Oregon | | | |
Burial | 3 Nov 1976 | Ukiah Cemetery, Ukiah, Umatilla, Oregon | | | |