Individual Details
Jacob Edward Lee
(19 Dec 1848 - 27 Jun 1850)
Birth | 19 Dec 1848 | Jamestown, Marion, Mississippi | |||
Emigration | Jun 1850 | to Salt Lake City via James Pace Company, 101 Days, Kanesville, Pottawattamie, Iowa | |||
Death | 27 Jun 1850 | On the Plains, Buffalo, Nebraska |
Father | Francis Lee (1811 - 1866) |
Mother | Jane Vail Johnson (1815 - ) |
Sibling | William Henry Lee Sr (1836 - 1904) |
Sibling | Electa Jane Lee (1838 - 1916) |
Sibling | Samuel Marion Lee Sr (1840 - 1890) |
Sibling | John Nelson Lee (1841 - 1914) |
Sibling | George Washington Lee Sr (1844 - 1911) |
Sibling | Francis Columbus Lee Jr (1846 - 1910) |
Sibling | Mary Eliza Lee (1850 - 1885) |
Sibling | Milton Lafayette Lee Sr (1852 - 1894) |
Sibling | Arthur Orson Lee (1856 - 1910) |
Sibling | Sally Lee (1859 - 1896) |
Sibling | Louisa Juliette Lee (1859 - 1863) |