Individual Details

William Franklin Robertson

(10 Apr 1838 - 21 Dec 1907)


Birth10 Apr 1838Clarks Hill, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Census (family)-shared1850(Wesley Robertson and Nancy Lee) Clarks Hill, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Census (family)-shared1860(Wesley Robertson and Nancy Lee) Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana
Marriage21 Jun 1865Monroe, Clark, Indiana - Rebecca Egner
Census (family)1880Van Buren, Grant, Indiana - Rebecca Egner
Death21 Dec 1907Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana


SpouseRebecca Egner (1840 - )
ChildHarry B. Robertson (1866 - )
ChildCharles Robertson (1867 - )
ChildLydia B. Robertson (1875 - 1960)
FatherWesley Robertson (1810 - 1874)
MotherNancy Lee (1805 - 1885)
SiblingJames Alexander Robertson (1835 - 1865)
SiblingSamantha Lee Robertson (1841 - 1861)
SiblingMilton Strange Robertson (1843 - 1916)
SiblingMary Ann Robertson (1847 - 1854)
SiblingJohn Wesley Robertson (1849 - 1921)
SiblingSimpson Robertson (1854 - )