Individual Details

Walter Vance

(October 12, 1934 - )

"Walter Vance worked for the Province of Alberta. He and his wife live in Slave Lake, Alberta." (CANTRELL-CANTRILL by Horace Elbert Cantrell, 1972, page 72)


BirthOctober 12, 1934Waskatenau, Alberta, Canada
MarriageAugust 3, 1957Antoinette Crawley


SpouseAntoinette Crawley (1934 - )
ChildBrian Walter Vance (1958 - )
ChildScott Anthony Vance (1960 - )
ChildLeslee Ann Vance (1966 - )
FatherEdgar Festus Vance (1897 - )
MotherDorothy Mary Day ( - )
SiblingJoseph E. Vance (1928 - )
SiblingMary Vance (1930 - )
SiblingRobert Vance (1931 - )
SiblingIrene Vance (1932 - )
SiblingDorothy Marie Vance (1941 - )