Individual Details

Stephen Bourn

( - Bef October 17, 1811)

At this time, we do not have proof of the death date of Stephen Bourn. His will was proved 9 August 1814, but there is a 17 October 1811 Louisa County deed of land from John Bourn Armstrong to David Bourn, the sale being "land in Louisa County --- being part of a tract of land Stephen Bourn, Sen'r., dead, possessed." This deed was recorded 12 April 1812, Deed Book M, page 44. Evidently, Hannah had died by 1814, since their daughter Frances inherited her land by 1815, according to the tax list. It may be that Hannah's death was the reason Stephen's will was finally probated in 1814.

The Louisa County, Virginia will of Stephen Bourn: "In the name of God amen I Stephen Bourn of the County of Louisa being weak and low, but of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and desire it may (be) received by all men as such after all my just and lawful debts are paid. I will and dispose of my property in the following manner. Item after the decease of my wife Hannah Bourn I give to my daughter Frances Bourn thirty seven acres of land on the south side of my tract to include the house and orchard but in case said daughter Frances should die without lawful heirs of her body it is my will and desire that the said thirty seven acres of land be equally divided between my other children and their heirs. Item it is my will and desire the remainder of land my household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and stock of every kind by equally divided between my sons William Bourn, John Bourn, Stephen Bourn, and my daughters Hannah Bourn, Ann Pulliam, Elizabeth Mallory, Sally Sterdevan, Frances Bourn and my grandson John Bourne Armstrong. ---------- written 20 March 1810. Proved in court 9 August 1814"

Louisa County Court Minutes contain the following: "At a court of Quarter session continued for Louisa County on Wednesday the 10th of August 1814 ... A relinquishment of John B. Armstrong to qualify as executory to Stephen Bourn's will proved by George W. Pulliam and ordered recorded ... It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Stephen Bourn has been dead more than three months ... the executors those named in the will of said Bourn having refused to qualify and no person applying for administration on said decedent's estate the same is therefore ordered into the hands of the Sheriff to be administered according to law ... It is ordered that John S. Fleming, Jno. Bowles, William Dandredge, Thos. Anderson or any three of them do appraise the estate of Stephen Bourn, deceased and make report to the court."

The relinquishment of Anderson Bowles is recorde in the Court Minutes of August 9, 1814, on the day Stephen's will was probated. No relinquishment of William Bourn, Stephen's son, to qualify as executor, has yet been found.

Two deeds have been found pertaining to the settlement of the estate of Stephen Bourn in Louisa County, one of which proves that Stephen was the father of Stephen Bourn of Grayson County (known as Devil Steve) and of Elizabeth Mallory, wife of George Mallory, also of Grayson County.

One deed was made 28 August 1850, but it refers to a prior transaction: "... And. (probably Anderson) Bowles ... did, about the 4th day of March 1824, purchase of Sundry heirs and Legatees, in the Estate of Stephen Bourn, late of Louisa County, State of Virginia, their entire interest in the landed Estate of said Stephen Bourn -- which will more fully appear by reference to a deed made on the 4th day of March 1824 from Lewis Hoil (acting under a Power of Attorney, from said heirs) ..."

Neither this deed, nor the Power of Attorney, has yet been found. It is thought that Lewis Hoil, was really Lewis Hale, who was the son-in-law of William Bourn and his wife, Rosamond Jones. Lewis Hale was in the Legislature in Richmond in March of 1824.

The second deed is dated 17 September 1824, Deed Book T, page 293, Louisa County, Virginia: "Between Stephen Bourn Senr. and George Mallory and Betsy his wife of the county of Grayson and State of Virginia of the one part and Anderson Bowles of the county of Hanover ... of the other part Witnesseth that the said Stephen Bourn Senr and George Mallory and Betsy his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy Dollars ... have bargained and sold ... unto the said Bourn the elder deceased to which the said Stephen Bourn Senr and George Mallory and Betsy his wife are lawfully entitled as heirs of the said Stephen Bourn the elder late of the County of Louisa by his last Will and Testament ... dated 17 September 1824"

On the tax lists of Louisa County a William Bourn and a Stephen Bourn, Jr. are listed as "Patrollers" in 1775. Patrollers scouted the area looking for runaway slaves. This is the last year that these two are found on the tax lists in Louisa County. It is likely that these are the brothers who went to Grayson County about that time.

In "Revolutionary War Record Books, Fincastle - Montgomery Counties" (found in the Courthouse at Christiansburg, Virginia) in "Court Martial for 2nd. Battalion, Nov. 1781," Stephen Bourn, Jno. Bourn and others of Capt. Morgan's Company were "fined for not attending musters."

In the supplement to "Grayson County: A History in Words and Pictures, " in a militia list for the Elk Creek District, 6 Sep 1782, John Bourn is listed with 3 (tithables ?). In a list of men from Elk Creek District sworn into service in 1782, John and William Bourn are listed, with Charles Morgan, Capt. Another list of Elk Creek names Stephen Bourn; Charles Morgan, Capt.


DeathBef October 17, 1811Louisa County, Virginia
MarriageHannah Minitree
BirthLouisa County, Virginia


SpouseHannah Minitree ( - 1814)
ChildFrances Bourn ( - 1828)
ChildWilliam Bourn Sr. (1743 - 1836)
ChildJohn Bourn ( - )
ChildStephen "Devil Steve" Bourn (1760 - 1849)
ChildHannah Bourn ( - )
ChildAnn Nancy Bourn ( - )
ChildElizabeth Bourn (1769 - 1850)
ChildSarah "Sally" Bourn ( - )
ChildMary Bourn ( - 1792)
FatherWilliam Bourn Jr. (1670 - )
MotherUnknown ( - )
SiblingAnne Bourn (1712 - )
SiblingFrances Bourn (1714 - )
SiblingWilliam Bourn III (1718 - 1782)
SiblingDavid Bourn ( - 1741)