Individual Details

James McCandlis

(Abt, 1680 - Abt, 1753)

"In the name of God Amen. The Seventh day of June in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and fifty one I James McCandlis of New London Township in Chester County and province of Pennsylvania, being old and frail of Body But of perfect mind and memory, thanks be Given unto God -- Therefore And Calling unto mind the Mortality of My Body and knowing that it is appointed for All men unreadable> to Die Do Make and Ordain this my -- Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that give it and for my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like manner at the Discretion of my Escrow. And as touching such worldy Estate whose with it hath pleased god to Bless me in this Life I Give and Bequeath ... unreadable> and Disposse of the Same in the following manner and form ...

"Itim. It is my will and I Do Order that in the first place all of my Just Debts and funorall Charges be paid and Satisfied ...

"Itim. I give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth my Dearly Beloved wife all my Real and personal Estate the personal part to Be at her own Disposing and the Rail Estates at her Death to Return to my Dearly Beloved Son James McCandlis his Heirs or assignes for Ever provided that he the Said James McCandlis or his -- heirs pay or Cause to Be paid unto my three Grand Children Belonging unto my Dearly Beloved Son in Law and Daughter Robert Kelton & Elizabeth Kelton the sum of fifteen pounds Lawful money of this Government At the time they Come of Age five pounds to Margret Kelton & five pounds to Nancy Kelton and five pounds to James Kelton and Any of the three Children Dying Before they come to Age then the two Living Children is to have that ones part Divided Betwiset them and In Case All the three Children Should Die it is to be paid to the next three as they Come of Age. ...

"Itim. I Give and Bequeath unto my Dearly Beloved Son In Law Robert Kelton and Daughter Elizabeth Kelton the sum of five?> shillings to be paid out of my personal Estate and I Do hereby Constitute make and ordain my Beloved Son in law James Kelton my Sole and Rail Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I Do Hereby Disallow Revoke and Disannull all and Every other former Wills and Testaments Assigns and Bequeaths & Executed by me in Any wife Before Named willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this to be my Last Will and testament In witness whereof I have now unto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year first written Signed Sealed published and Declared by the Said James McCandlis as his Last Will -- and testament in the presence of George Correy, John Ross unreadable> 27th Aug 1753. Inventory 27th September." (James McCandlis's Will, Proved 27th August 1753. Recorded in Book C, Vol. 3, page 449, No. 1497.)


BirthAbt, 1680Northern Ireland
Marriage1730New London Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania - Elizabeth
DeathAbt, 1753New London Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania


SpouseElizabeth (1700 - 1754)
ChildElizabeth McCandlis ( - )
ChildMcCandlis ( - )
ChildJames A. McCanlis (1734 - 1783)