Individual Details

Arthur George Whittington Jr.

(June 11, 1887 - April 22, 1915)

"When the sad news of the tragic death of Arthur George Whittington, Vice President and General Manager of the I. & G. N. Railway, whose home is in Houston, came to the relatives of young Whittington Saturday morning. .... every ... beat with ... . With a class-mate last Thursday afternoon, young Whittington left the University to spend the night fishing in a nearby creek. They had camped for the night when the mad rush of waters were heard and they at once sought a place of safety. His class-mate was successful, but Mr. Whittington not being the expert swimmer the other boy was, met the tragic death of the waves. Mrs. Whittington, mother of George, is a daughter of Mrs. Fannie Cantrell, and is a sister of G. H. Judia, now deceased, and for many months lived in Cisco. Arthur Whittington, father of George, is a son of the late Mr. Whittington of Eastland from early childhood, beginning his railroad career in a very humble position and rising to the responsible position of V. P. and G. M. Mr. and Mrs. Whittington are the parents of three boys, Marcus, the oldest, now holds an office with the I. & G. N. under his father in Palestine. George, now deceased, was a University student at Austin when he met his tragic death. Harmon, the youngest, is at home with his parents in Houston. The most vigilent (sic) search has been made for the remains, but up to this time no trace of it can be found. A message received this morning states that nearly all hope is gone of recovering it. Rivers and creeks tributary to the death trap in which he was caught have been dragged but the body still remains unfound. - J. D. A." (The Cisco Round-Up, Cisco, Eastland County, Texas, Friday, April 30, 1915, page 1.)


BirthJune 11, 1887
DeathApril 22, 1915


FatherArthur George Whittington (1872 - 1953)
MotherLula Mae Cantrell (1873 - 1963)
SiblingMarcus Kelly Whittington (1894 - 1955)
SiblingHarmon Whittington (1899 - 1966)