Individual Details

Nicholas Day

(Abt, 1635 - Abt 1704/05)

Nicholas Day came to Maryland about 1655 from England. He first settled in Ann Arundel County, Maryland and became a prosperous tobacco grower. He moved to Baltimore County about 1693. On June 6, 1693 bought 200 acres at Gunpowder Falls on Gunpowder River known as "William the Conqueror." On Nov 5, 1693 bought 150 acres named "Lesser Chance." He was taxed for land on the north side of Gunpowder River form 1699 to 1706.

Nicholas Day's will dated 1 December 1704 and proved 2 February 1705; lists sons: Nicholas Day and Edward Day, daughters: Sarah Day, Elizabeth Day and Dinah Day, wife: Sarah.

Found this on the Maryland Genealogy Web Page

Will of Nicholas Day of Baltimore Co. 1 Dec 1704

Will dated Dec. 1, 1704, proved Feb. 2, 1705, BALTIMORE CO. WILLS, Lib.3 Fol.437-8.

Baltimore County. In the name of God Amen. this first Day of December one thousand Seven hundred and four I Nicholas Day of
Baltimore County being Sick and weak in body but perfect Strength and Memory thanks to all mighty God for and Calling to minde the
uncertaine Estate of the Transitory life Doe Constitute and ordaine and Declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme
following-- Revoaking and by those presents testamt or wills heretofore by me made and Declared Either by word or wrighting and this to
be Taken only for my last will and testament and none other

viz I give my Soul to all mighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in hume and by the merrits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assurdly to
be Saved and to have full remission and forgiveness for all my ______ [not transcribed] that my Soul with my body at the genrall Day of
Resurrection Rise againe in Joy and through the merritts of heaqven prepared for his Elect and body to be buried in such manner as it
Shall please my Executr. hereafter I shall appoint

And now for the Settling of my Temporall Estate

First I Desire that all my Just Debts that I owe in right to any man Shall well and truly be paid or ordered to be paid in Due time after this
my Decease by my Executr. however named

Item I give unto my Sonn Nicholas Day all that tract of Land at Gunpowder Called or Knowne by the Name William the Concour to
the said Nicholas Day and his heirs for Ever and for want of such heirs after his Decease to be Deemed the proper right and Interest of
my Second Sonn Knowne by the name Edward Day to him and his heirs for Ever

Item I give unto my Sonn Nicholas Day all that parte of my Stock of hoggs that is of his proper Marke and alsoe I give to my daughter
Sarah Day all that parte of my Stock of hoggs that is of her proper markes. Item I give unto Obediah Pritchett Six young Sows with pig
or pigges by them Due alsoe I give unto Walter Pardue four young Sow Shoats

Item I give unto my Two youngest Daughters Elizabeth Day and Dinah Day all that part of land whereon I now live to be Equally
Divided between them after the Death of my Loveing wife Sarah Day to them and their heirs for Ever.

As for my personal Estate I do ordaine it to be Equally Devided between my wife and my five children

And lastly I Doe hereby Constitute and ordaine and apoint my above Said true and loveing wife Sarah Day to be my Sole and only
Executrix of this my last will and testamt as witness my hand and Seale the day and year above written

Signed Sealed and Delivered Nicholas ND Day (seal) in the presense of
John (his mark Whittaker
Cath. (her mark) Whittaker
Jno Deaver
Hannah Deaver

Feb 2nd 1704/05
Then came John Whittaker and Catherine his wife, John Deaver and Hannah his wife, the wittnesses to the above written will and proved
the Same in common forms before me Henry Wriothesley Depty Com of Baltemore County
Contributed by Wally Garchow

A listing in the LDS Ancestral File show Nicholas Day born in Wales.

Information about the Day Family was taken from BALTIMORE COUNTY FAMILIES, 1659-1759 by Robert W. Barnes, 1989, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, Maryland.

Additional information about the Day family is from ROYAL HERITAGE OF THE GREERS by Carolyn Beal, page 34x; her early Day family records came from Jane Sherwood, 106 E. 37th Street, Boise, Idaho; and Jeane M. Parker, Parker Architects, Suite 206, 500 Spring Street, Gainesville, Georgia 30501 (1985).)

FAG 116392801 


BirthAbt, 1635England or Wales
DeathAbt 1704/05Baltimore County, Maryland
MarriageSarah Lowe


SpouseSarah Lowe (1663 - 1736)
ChildSarah Day (1686 - 1758)
ChildNicholas Day Jr. (1688 - 1739)
ChildEdward Day (1690 - 1746)
ChildDinah Marice (or Merica) Day (1694 - )
ChildElizabeth Day (1691 - 1730)