Individual Details

George Washington Liddell

(November 6, 1787 - June 13, 1861)

1850 Pickens County, South Carolina.

"I, George Washington Liddell of the State and District aforesaid, being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding, and considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and to the end that I may be better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in manner following. And first and principally I commit my soul into the hand of my Creator who gave it and my body to the earth to be interred in my family graveyard upon my plantation whereon I now live. And as to such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust me, I dispose of in the manner following:

ITEM 1st. I empower and direct my Executors hereinafter named to collect all monies which may be due my estate, to sell upon such terms as may by them be deemed advisable, one negro woman Emily, her son Henry, and any future issue that she may have. Also, a tract of land lying and being in the State of Florida and County of Marion, the same purchased by me from Pickens Creswell, also any and all property both real and personal not hereinafter specially disposed of.

ITEM 2nd. I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Rebecca C. one negro man Abraham, his wife Molly and their twin children (girls) and any future increase or issue of the said Molly. Also, one negro boy, George, during her natural life or widowhood.

ITEM 3rd. I have advanced unto my son, James A., Sixteen hundred dollars in cash, and one horse saddle and bridle. I will and bequeath unto the said James A. Liddell Six hundred dollars ($600.00) of the said Sixteen hundred dollars above mentioned, also said horse saddle and bridle, and direct that the remaining One thousand dollars ($1000.00) stand as a charge against the said James A. Liddell to be deducted from his share of my estate upon a final settlement of the same as hereinafter provided for.

ITEM 4th. I will and bequeath my son George Washington, one negro boy named Warren, and one horse saddle and bridle which he has in his possession.

ITEM 5th. I will and bequeath unto my son John T. one negro boy Elias, also one hundred and twenty-five dollars in cash ($125.00).

ITEM 6th. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Elvira, one negro girl Chaney, and her future increase, also five hundred dollars in cash ($500.00).

ITEM 7th. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Caroline one negro girl Hester and her future increase, also five hundred dollars ($500.00) in cash.

ITEM 8th. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Ann, one negro boy Clark, one negro boy Reubin, also five hundred dollars ($500.00) in cash.

ITEM 9th. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Julia Anna, one negro boy Berry and one negro girl Laura and her future increase, also one thousand dollars in cash ($1000.00).

ITEM 10th. I empower and direct my Executors hereinafter named to retain my homestead plantation on Keowee River, together with all my household and kitchen furniture, one waggon, carriage & buggy, tools of any kind, and such live stock as they may see proper to keep. Also such provisions as they may have on hand, or as much as may be necessary for the support of the family, for the joint use of my wife Rebecca C. and such of my children as may choose to remain on the place during the natural life or widowhood of my wife Rebecca C. Liddell.

ITEM 11th. Upon the death of my wife Rebecca C., or in case she marries again, I empower and direct my Executors hereinafter named to sell upon such terms as they think proper my homestead plantation aforesaid, the same to be sold as a whole or divided, as they may deem expedient, also the household and kitchen furniture, waggon carriage & buggy, tools, stock of every kind, provisions, together with the negroes willed to my wife Rebecca, during her natural life or widowhood, and any other property belonging to my estate, and to divide the proceeds of such sale equally between all my children, share and share alike, charging and deducting from the share of my son James A. Liddell the one thousand dollars above mentioned, and in case any child or children shall have died leaving issue lawfully begotten, I direct that such issue shall receive the share or shares which the parent or parents would have been entitled to if living.

ITEM 12th. It is my will and desire in case of the death of any one or more of my daughters without issue that her or their share or shares should be divided equally between my other daughters living at the time of such death.

ITEM 13th. It is my will and desire that my Executors hereinafter named shall reserve one acre of land including the burial ground on my homestead place and to have so much as may be necessary for the interment of myself and family enclosed with a good substantial stone wall four feet high, and to erect suitable tombstones, one at the head and one at the foot of myself and each of my children buried there, showing the date of their birth and death of each. I do hereby charge my Executors to attend to the building of the wall and erecting the stones as soon after my death as possible.

ITEM 14th. I direct that after the payment of all my just debts and the several bequests heretofore made, if any surplus shall remain my Executors hereinafter appointed to place the same at interest for the benefit of my wife & children jointly, remaining upon the homestead place and the principal to be equally divided among my children before provided for, after the death of my wife Rebecca C. or her marriage.

ITEM 15th. I intend and desire that the provisions made for my wife Rebecca C. shall be in lieu and bar of all claims of Dower. I do hereby constitute and appoint my son John Thomas Liddell and my friends John S. Lorton & James E. Hagood Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills by me made at any time heretofore. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the State of South Carolina.

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Geo. W. Liddell as his last will and testament, in presence of us Geo. W. Liddell (Seal) who in his presence and at his request have hereunto set our hands as witnesses to the same. ELISHA LAWRENCE. JAS. W. LAWRENCE. W. M. HADDEN.

PERSONALLY appeared before me James W. Lawrence, who being duly sworn, saith on oath that he was present and did see George W. Liddell sign and seal the foregoing as and for his last will and testament and that Elisha Lawrence and W. M. Hadden were present and with himself signed their names as witnesses to the same in presence of each other and the testator. SWORN to before me July 13th 1861. W. E. Holcombe, O. P. D. JAS. W. LAWRENCE

BE IT REMEMBERED that the foregoing last will and testament of George W. Liddell was proved before me in open Court by the oath of James W. Lawrence one of the subscribing witnesses thereto this 13th day of July A. D. 1861.


(RECORDED in Pickens District Will Book No. 2, pages 40 - 41 - 42.)


BirthNovember 6, 1787Abbeville County, South Carolina
MarriageMarch 15, 1827Abbeville District, South Carolina - Rebecca Cleora Harris
DeathJune 13, 1861Pickens County, South Carolina


SpouseRebecca Cleora Harris (1806 - 1883)
ChildJames Andrew Liddell (1828 - 1897)
ChildRachel Jane Liddell (1829 - 1855)
ChildLucinda Eliza Liddell (1831 - 1854)
ChildMary Elvira Liddell (1833 - 1879)
ChildGeorge Washington Liddell (1835 - 1864)
ChildJohn Thomas Liddell (1837 - 1902)
ChildRebecca Caroline Liddell (1839 - 1870)
ChildHarriet Vashti Liddell (1841 - 1843)
ChildSarah Anne Liddell (1843 - )
ChildHarriet Newel Liddell (1846 - 1846)
ChildJulia Anna Liddell (1850 - 1887)
FatherGeorge Liddell (1754 - 1789)
MotherRachel Lucinda Thompson (1765 - 1836)
SiblingJames Thompson Liddell (1785 - 1824)