Individual Details

John Miller

(Abt, 1748 - November 18, 1811)

Some information from Richard A. Miller, 2000.

Will of John Miller: John Miller (Blacksmith) --- Will In the name of God Amen. I John Miller Black Smith, of the District of Abbeville, and State of South Carolina, being of perfect mind and memory, but in a declining state of bodily health, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and I allow my body to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the descretion of my executors. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me within this life, I give,demise, and dispose of the same in the following manners First. I desire that all my just debts to be paid, and funeral expenses discharged. Also. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Rachel during her natural life one negro man named Samson, and one child named Simon Also; that it may be in her power to do the part of a Mother by my four youngest children (?), schooling them or I give and bequeath unto her during her widowhood the use of the plantation on which I now live, a negro woman named Cate, her riding chair and harness, all my plantation tools, household and out house furniture, and all that part of my live stock it may be her pleasure to keep after all my legacies and debts are paid. Also, I give and bequeath to my son Matthew Tompson for use the two negroes aforesaid viz. Samson and Cate with all her issue from this present time, the negroes at his Mother's death or marriage and when he is twenty one years of age I bequeath to him a horse and saddle, two cows and calves, a bed and furniture. Also. I give and bequeath to my son George, my daughters Esther, Mary, and Isabella, each five dollars one year after my decease Also. I give and bequeath to my son John four hundred dollars eighteen months after my decease Also. I give and bequeath forever unto my son Andrew one tract of land containing two hundred acres situated in Pendleton District on the waters of twenty- three- mile creek Also. I give and bequeath unto my son James forever one hundred and fifty acres of land more or less formerly bought from Samuel Wardlaw, reserving ten acres in the westernner to be laid off in a triangle, in (?) of which he is to have or much as the old mill pond to be laid off so as to secure to him the benefit of the water, also a bed and furniture. Also. I give and bequeath to my son Allen Tompson ninety acres of land to be laid off the south side of S 40 (degrees) W. Also two hundred acres more or less to be laid off a tract granted in my name beginning where the line above ended and continuing the same course across the survey. Also one negro boy named Robin, one bed and furniture, and one sorrel mare now four years old. Also. I give and bequeath to my son William two hundred and fifty acres of land and also one hundred and twenty eight acres more or less being the balance of the tract above bequeathed to my son Allen Also one negro boy named Harry and one bed and furniture. Also. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucinda when she arrives to the age of eighteen years, one horse valued at seventy five dollars a good saddle a bed and furniture, and either a small negro girl named Sarah or else three hundred dollars. Also. I give and bequeath to my step son Washington (?) one bed and furniture Lastly I desire that should any of the three youngest sons by my first wife die without issue, the whole of the property I have bequeathed to them may be equally divided amongst the survivors, And should any of my four youngest children by my last wife die without issue, I desire that the property which I have bequeathed to them may be equally divided amongst the survivors. Also. I appoint my wife Rachel Executrix, and my son Andrew, and Benjamin Yancey Esq. executors of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills, legacies, bequest and executors by me in any wise before named willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. John Miller (Seal) Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribe our names H. Reid Wm. H. Barr Rebecca Reid" (Will Book No. 1, page 402, Box 60, package 1420, proven 20 December 1811. See Below.)

South Carolina Abbeville District ) By Taliaferro Livingston Ordinary Personally appeared before me Hugh Reid who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God doth make oath & say that he saw John Miller sign, seal, publish, pronounce & declare This instrument of writing to be & contain his last Will & Testament; that the said John Miller was then of sound & disposing mind memory & understanding, to the best of the deponents Knowledge & belief, & that he said deponent did sign his name as witness, thereto at the request of the Testator, and that he saw Wm. H. Barr & Rebecca Reid sign their names as witnesses at the same time in the presence of the Testator & of each other ----- (?) This 28thDecr.1811 --- Talo Livingston O.A.D.

"Who were the parents of John MILLER, blacksmith, born in Pennsylvania 1748 and died in Abbeville County, 1812? John served in the South Carolina militia. His brother/halfbrother Capt. Andrew was killed at Cowpens. His sister/halfsister was the wife of John JOHNSTON believed to be from Paxson Township, Pennsylvania. The MILLERs and JOHNSTONs settled in 96 District about 1766. John MILLER’s first married Lucinda? STEPHENSON/STEVENSON, said to have been a Tory, about 1770 in SC; he second married Rachel Thompson LIDDELL, widow of George LIDDELL. Rachel was the daughter of Matthew THOMPSON and his wife Rachel Allen, b VA. I am descended from Rachel and John’s oldest son, Allen THOMPSON. I have information about many of John MILLER’s descendants. Family tradition says the MILLERs are closely related to the Calhoun and Pickens family. My research indicates John MILLER, blacksmith, while single, received 50 acres of land adjoining that of Rev. Robert MILLER, twice defrocked minister who was the brother-in-law of Andrew Pickens. Any help? Richard A. Miller :, posted : 9/23/1998 on rootsweb, Queries for surnames in Old 96 District.)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: In 1769, South Carolina had 8 Circuit Court Districts, one was known as Ninety-Six District. Between 1785-89, eight counties were established within Ninety-Six District: Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Pendleton, Spartanburg, and Union. Later, labels fluctuated between either Districts or Counties, and additional counties were formed from these. Today, 15 of South Carolina's 46 counties were formed from some part of what was Old Ninety-Six District.)

John Miller was a Patriot and signed the enrollment for a volunteer militia in the 96th District of South Carolina.


BirthAbt, 1748probably Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
MarriageBef 1772Lucinda Stevenson
MarriageMarch 27, 1794Abbeville County, South Carolina - Rachel Lucinda Thompson
DeathNovember 18, 1811Ninety-Six District, South Carolina
BurialUpper Long Cane Cemetery, Abbeville County, South Carolina


SpouseRachel Lucinda Thompson (1765 - 1836)
ChildAllen Thompson Miller (1795 - 1856)
ChildWilliam Thompson Miller (1797 - 1832)
ChildLucinda Adelaide Miller (1800 - 1880)
ChildMatthew Thompson Miller (1806 - 1870)
SpouseLucinda Stevenson ( - )
ChildGeorge Stevenson Miller (1772 - )
ChildMary C. "Polly" Miller (1775 - 1858)
ChildEsther Miller (1777 - )
ChildIsabella Miller (1779 - 1866)
ChildJohn Stevenson Miller (1782 - 1846)
ChildGeneral Andrew Miller (1784 - 1868)
ChildJames M. Miller (1786 - )