Individual Details

Daniel Maupin Jr.

(December 6, 1760 - August 29, 1832)

Daniel Maupin was a courier for George Washington during the winter of Valley Forge. He took part in all of the battles fought by Washington from 1778 to the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. His extraordinary vitality during the hardships of these campaigns won for him the name of "Tough Daniel Maupin".

Migrated to Kentucky with 2nd wife about 1784/85 and settled in Richmond, Kentucky. He and both of his wives were buried on the farm he once owned on the Hill Pike a few miles from Kentucky and Virginia lines.

Will of Daniel Maupin "In the name of God, amen. I, Daniel Maupin, of the County of Madison, and State of Kentucky, being aged and infirm in health, but sound of mind and memory, and knowing that my dissolution can be at no great distance of time, do ordain this my last will and testament. My will and desire is, that my just debts be all paid, which done, and my funeral expenses also paid, my desire is that my present beloved wife, Peggy Maupin, have and enjoy the residue of my estate during her widow-hood, under the limitation or restrictions hereinafter named. If my wife should again marry from that time, she is to have one third of my estate during the residue of her life, and after her death, whether she shall marry or not, the whole of my estate not before divided among my children by my said last wife. If any of my children by my last wife shall marry or leave their mother during her life time my will and desire is that such child or children, shall have advanced to him or th em, my estate and doing equal justice among my children, and their mother. The part so advanced to be taken into consideration in the final division. In case I make any advancements to any of my children by my last wife, before my death, the same is to be considered and as also, I have already advanced unto my sons, Washington Maupin, $1,200 and to my daughter, Cynthia, intermarried with Thomas Gates, $600, which is also to be considered by my executors as so much in the division as part of their part of the distribution of my estate, amonh the children of my said last wife.

The children which I had by my first wife, Betsy Maupin, I have done for them what I considered as much as I am able to do, for my last sets. It is my wish therefore, that they have no further share or portion of my estate.

It is my desire that my estate of every description, be under the direction and superintendance of my executors, and that my beloved wife pursue their advice in its management and keeping it from waste and destruction. I hereby revoke all former wills and do declare this my only last will and testament, and I do hereby constitute and appoint my son, Washington, my son LeLand Maupin, when he arrived at age of 21 years, and my friend Archibald Woods, Jr., executors of this my last will and testament.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1829. Daniel Maupin (Seal) Signed, sealed and acknowledged in our presence and we witnessed it, in the presence of the testator the day it bears date.

Archibald Woods ---- W. R. Letcher .... Joseph Barnett, Sr. Probated in Madison County Court, October 1, 1838.

Daniel's will is recorded in Will Book E, page 508. It was probated October 11, 1832 in Madison Co., Ky.

Madison County Court Order Book___________Aug. 13, 1853 The declaration of Margaret Maupin, widow of Daniel Maupin, deceased, Revolutionary pensioner of the U.S., made for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of the act of Congress, was produced, sworn to, and subscribed in open court by the said Margaret Maupin and ordered to be certified.


BirthDecember 6, 1760Albemarle County, Virginia
MarriageAbt, 1791Virginia - Patsy Gentry
MarriageJune 16, 1805Madison County, Kentucky - Margaret McWilliams
DeathAugust 29, 1832Madison County, Kentucky


SpousePatsy Gentry (1772 - )
SpouseMargaret McWilliams (1781 - )
FatherDaniel Maupin ( - )
MotherMary Elizabeth Dabney (1726 - 1794)