Individual Details

Thomas Watts

(Abt, 1720 - Abt, 1769)

Thomas Watts was named as the administrator of his father's estate September 23, 1754 and gave surety. Evidently he was then of age. He was the only child of Francis Watts named in his will. Whether there were others is unknown, for absence of the names is not in any sense proof. 1753, Thomas Watts was licensed to run an ordinary (hotel/pub) 12 miles north of where Delaplane now stands. It was kept by Thomas Watts who was granted a license by the Prince William Court for one year, no other record of license by Fauquier Court but the house remained a local landmark. March 27, 1760, Minute Book 1759-63, Court held (page 51) Simon Miller (Capt) Geo Bennett (Lieut) Thomas Watts (Lieut) took the usual oath to his majesty and subscribed the test. March 28, 1760, (Minute Book 1759-63, page 58). Thos Watts failed to appear as witness for John Moffett fined 125 lbs tobacco unless he appears at next court and show reasonable cause. 1761, he was appointed surveyor of a road in Fauquier County, Virginia in and surveyed a road from Thos Watts to the head of Goose Creek and from Thos Watts to the top of Ridge on Manassas Road. (from "Fauquier During the Proprietorship" By H. C. Groone 1927 P 206). June 28, 1764, Minute Book 1764-68 No page, Thos Watts one of appraisers of Munsod Ashbys estate. July 20, 1764, D. B. 2, 221, Bill of sale on Negroes. August, 1766, Minute Book P 22, Thos Watts fined for not appearing as a witness. April 27, 1767, Minute Book P 262, Thos Watts appointed surveyor from Bartous old mill path to Goose Creek. June 26, 1769, his widow, Lydia Watts, obtained letters of administration on his estate (Minute Book P. 101). February 24, 1783, Minute Book, 1781-84 P 88, Mary Watts orphan of Thos Watts (deceased) choose Bennett Watts as guardian. From the distribution of the slaves under the administration of his father's estate, we find reference to the following children of Thomas and Lydia: Francis, John, Thomas, Margaret, Bennett, Mason, Mary, Sarah, She married Wm. Hansbrough, April 27, 1767. - Watts Families Descended from Early Immigrants who Settled in the Tidewater Counties of Virginia by Charles Brunk Heineman, 1940.

Thomas Watts, born ____; died cira 1769. He married Lydia Thornton. The compiler believes her name was Lydia Thornton, because Thomas sued the executors of Francis Thornton estate 10/25/1768. Then, too, Thomas Watts had a grandson named Thornton Watts. Thomas Watts was named as the administrator of his fathers estate September 23, 1754 and gave surety. Evidently he was then of age. He was the only child of Francis Watts named in his will. Whether there were others is unknown, for absence of the names is not in any sense proof. He was appointed surveyor of a road in Fauquier County, Virginia in 1761, and was licensed to run an ordinary near where Delaplane, Virginia, now is located.

June 26, 1769, his widow, Lydia Watts, obtained letters of administration on his estate.

In 1753, Thomas Watts was running an ordinary 12 miles north of where Delaplane now stands. It was kept by Thomas Watts who was granted a license by the Prince William Court 1753 for one year, no other record of license by Fauquier Court but the house remained a local land mark.

Deed book 1759-63 pa. 58 3/28/1760 Thomas Watts fail to appear as witness for John Moffett fined 125 lbs tobacco unless he appears at next court and shows reasonable cause.

Thomas Wood surveyed in 1761 a road from Watts to head of Goose Creek a nd from Thomas Watts to the top of Ridge on Manassas Road. (from Fauqui er During the Propreetorship by H.C. Groone, 1927 pa. 206).

Minute Book pa. 22 8-1766 Thomas Watts was fined fro not appearing as a witness

Minute Book pa. 262 4-27-1767 Thomas Watts appointed surveyor from Bartous old mill path to Goose Creek.

Minute Book 1781-1784 pa. 33 Mary Watts, orphan of Thomas Watts (deceased) chose Bennett Watts as guardian.

From the distribution of the slaves under the administration of his fathers estate, we find reference to the following children:

Frances Watts m. Sarah Foley, 16 Oct 1777 in Fauquier County John Watts m. Agatha Thomas Watts m. Hannah Bogges in Fauquier County in Sept 1768 or 1769 Margaret Watts Bennett Watts Mason Watts m. Debra Ryker on 18 Jun 1793 in Fauquier County Mary Watts Sarah Watts who m. Wm. Hansbrough, April 27, 1767.

Thomas Watts was a son of Francis Watts and Ann. Francis Watts was the son of Thomas Watts who is believe to have resid ed in Stafford County, Virginia. Thomas Watts father was also Thomas Watts who married Francis Norgrave.


BirthAbt, 1720Virginia
DeathAbt, 1769Virginia
MarriageLydia Thornton


SpouseLydia Thornton (1723 - )
FatherFrancis Watts (1694 - 1754)
MotherAnn (1698 - )