Individual Details

Toliver Grissom

(April 12, 1821 - November 25, 1888)

1870 Van Buren County, Tennessee census.

"Will of Tolliver Grissom Sr --- I Tolliver Grissom do make and Publish This as my last will and testament hereby Revoking and making void all other Wills by me at any time made. First I give my Soul to God who gave it And my body to the Earth from whence It came. Secondly I direct that my Funeral expences and all my debts paid as soon after my Death as possible out of any money or Property that I may die Seized and Possessed of or that may come into the Hands of my Executor by Sale of property Which I direct to be Sold if necessary. Thirdly I give and Bequeath to my Beloved wife Isabel Grissom all of the Remainder of my Personal property and all Of my lands during her life time for the Purpose of Supporting herself & children And at the Death of my beloved wife I direct that all of Personal property be sold and The proceeds divided as follows.viz, I give and bequeath to my grand Daughter Mollie Rhodes Five dollars, which Sum is To come out of her Mothers Share of the Estate Secondly I give and Bequeath to my other grand daughter Martha Rhodes the Remainder of her Mothers Share of the Estate After taking out the Five dollars above Mentioned both Real & Personal But should She die leaving no issue then her part is to Revert back to her Uncles and Aunts my Children. I direct that the Remainder of the Personal Property be Equally divided amoung the Rest of the children- And I further direct that at the death Of my wife Isabell Grissom that John Grissom & Phillip Grissom two of my Sons have my Land. The valuation of Said land to be Fifteen Hundred dollars Phillip is to have the House where I now Live and ten acres of land around the House the rest of his Share to be up Next the mountain. They paying the heirs For their Shares according to the above Valuation. Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Harmon York as my Executor of this my Last will and Testament in Witness Where of I do to this my last will and Testament Set my hand & Seal this the 27th day of March 1888. Tolliver Grissom X His mark Signed Sealed and Delivered in our Presence and we have Here to Signed our names In the presence of the Testator This 27th day Of March 1888. AttestClark Swindle Harmon York, Jr. Read in open court and proven by the above Witnesses and ordered to be Recorded Dec 3, 1888. G. B. Johnson Chairman." (Van Buren County Wills, Book C, page 165 - 166.)


BirthApril 12, 1821Tennessee
MarriageJanuary 18, 1843Van Buren County, Tennessee - Isabelle Shockley
DeathNovember 25, 1888Van Buren County, Tennessee


SpouseIsabelle Shockley (1825 - 1907)
ChildRutha Grissom (1844 - 1880)
ChildWilliam Samuel Grissom (1846 - 1934)
ChildJohn Rhodes Grissom (1847 - 1914)
ChildEva Ann Grissom (1855 - 1877)
ChildClarenda Grissom (1857 - 1906)
ChildJames "Phillip" Grissom (1862 - 1936)
FatherWilliam Grissom (1797 - 1869)
MotherEva Jane "Evey" Rhodes (1797 - 1860)
SiblingMary "Polly" Ann Grissom (1819 - 1898)
SiblingCelia Grissom (1823 - 1873)
SiblingElizabeth Grissom (1825 - 1885)
SiblingVirginia "Jennie" Grissom (1827 - )
SiblingMatilda Grissom (1827 - )
SiblingJames Clayborne Grissom (1829 - 1906)
SiblingAnna "Missy Ann" Grissom (1834 - 1896)
SiblingWilliam B. "Buck" Grissom (1836 - 1909)
SiblingJohn T. Grissom (1838 - 1862)
SiblingNancy Grissom (1840 - )