Individual Details

James Offutt

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"James Offutt, son to William, was born in Prince Georges County, Maryland. He shared in the estate of his maternal grandfather in 1712, and was therefore one of the older children. Furthermore, he had been sufficiently provided for prior to the death of his father and thus received only a minor bequest by his will.

"He married first Rachel (???), who relinquished her dower rights in 1725, when her husband conveyed land in Prince Georges County. He married secondly Sarah, the daughter of James and Verlinda Beall. The will of James Beall, Gent., proved in Prince Georges County, on May 18, 1742, named his daughter, Sarah, "the wife of James Offutt", and devised her 200 acres of "New Dumfries".

"Children of James Offutt:
1. William Offutt.
2. Thomas Offutt married Elizabeth Luckett. q.v.
3. Rebecca Offutt married (???) Ramsey.
4. Elizabeth Offutt married (???) Lewis.
5. Rachel Offutt.
6. Hannah Offutt.
7. Mary Offutt.

"On July 3, 1723, there was surveyed for James Offutt and his brother, William, "William and James", of 530 acres, lying in Prince Georges County (later Frederick) beginning at a bound hickory standing at the head of a valley through which runs a branch flowing into the Potomac River. On this tract he established his dwellingplantation.

"The will of James Offutt was dated January 4, 1749/-50, and proved in Frederick County on April 4, 1750, by William Wallace, Leonard Hall, and James Wallace. He devised to his two sons, William and Thomas, each 240 acres of "William and James". To his daughter, Rebecca Offutt, he bequeathed a negro, and to his daughter, Elizabeth Lewis, 20 shillings. Personalty was bequeathed to his daughters, Rachel and Hannah, but Mary was devised 200 acres of land in the forks of the Eastern Branch being a portion of "Dumfries", formerly belonging to John Beall, deceased. (The fact that he devised this tract to his daughter, Mary, is evidence that she was an issue of his second marriage.)

"His wife was devised the residue of "William and James" including that portion on which the dwellingplantation was located during life, also "James' Parke", "Young Man's Folly", and "Parke Island". She was appointed executrix. The sons were to be of age at twenty-one years, and the daughters at marriage.

"His widow and executrix presented her bond in court on April 4, 1750, in the amount of L3,000, with James Wallace and Samuel Beall, Jr., as her sureties.

"The first inventory was taken on November 21, 1750, when the personal estate was appraised at L957/0/9, Samuel Offutt and Nathaniel Offutt, whom we identify as brothers, signed the papers as kinsmen, while John Cooke and James Perry signed as the greatest creditors.

"An additional inventory was taken on February 22, 1751, with an appraisement of L245/11/2. Thomas Offutt and William Offutt signed as next of kin, while James Dorry and Andrew Hamilton were the greatest creditors.

"The balance was distributed on June 6, 1754, by his widow, showing L1,220/13/9 which were divided among William Offutt, Thomas Offutt, Rachel Offutt, Mary Offutt, Rebecca Ramsey, and Elizabeth Lewis." (The Lucketts of Portobacco, by Harry Wright Newman, 1938.)


SpouseRachel ( - )
ChildThomas Offutt (1750 - 1800)