Individual Details

Ignatius Luckett

(Abt, 1720 - Abt, 1783)

"Ignatius Luckett, son of Ignatius and Jane Luckett, was born in Port Tobacco Parish, Charles County, Maryland. Before 1749 he had married Margaret, the daughter of Janet Westman-Freeman-Kinsman. In this year Janet Freeman for natural love and affection deeded negroes and other personal property to her daughters Margaret Luckett and Anne Weston (sometimes spelled Westmer and Westman). The gift was witnessed by John Hamill, Henry Martin, and Holland Middleton.

'The parents of Janet, the mother-in-law of Ignatius Luckett, have not been identified, but from circumstances it looks as if she acquired four husbands. In 1744 she was the widow of Arthur Westmer, of Charles County, and it is highly probable that her daughter Margaret was of a marriage prior to this union.

"The estate of Arthur Westmer, late of Charles County, was closed on May 10, 1744, by James Freeman who had married "Jennet the relict and administratrix". The account showed a balance of �254/7/10, with receipts from Samuel Luckett and Hussey Luckett, and disbursements to Samuel Luckett and Elizabeth Luckett. Ledstone Smallwood and Henry Martin were the sureties for the administrators. And the balance was distributed to the widow and daughter Anne Westman. Inasmuch as Margaret, the daughter of Jennet, was not an heir, it indicates that she was either born prior to the marriage with Westman or born to the union with James Freeman. And the latter is highly improbable, because by 1749 Margaret was married to Ignatius Luckett and the estate of Arthur Westman was closed as late as 1744.

"James Freeman died prior to August 2, 1748, for on that date an inventory of his personal estate was made and appraised at �111/8/0, by Francis Ware and William Theobald. Barton Hatton signed as kinsman, and Gustavus Brown and Mungo Muschet were the greatest creditors.

"The widow soon married John Kinsman who rendered an account on March 20, 1750. The account showed a disbursement to "Anne Westman being her share of the estate of Arthur Westman" and "money due from the deceased to Margaret McCane, deed of gift executed by Jane Westman before her marriage with the deceased". From this entry it looks as if Mrs. Margaret Luckett were born Margaret McCane, and was receiving a share of her father's estate. John Hamill and Ledstone Smallwood were bondsmen for John Kinsman and his wife Janet.

"John Kinsman died without issue in 1760 and willed his entire estate to his widow, Jane, who was to dispose of it at her decease to her children and grandchildren, but in the event of her remarriage, her husband was not to enjoy any part of the estate. The will was witnessed by Notley Luckett. Letters of administration on his estate were issued to his widow on December 19, 1760, with Ignatius Luckett and Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jr., as her bondsmen.

"On December 19, 1767, Janet Kinsman deeded to John Minor, of John, of Fairfax County, Virginia, for the consideration of L300 lotts 39 and 40 in Port Tobacco Town, being portions of "Collen's Neglect". At the same time she deeded lott 38 to Jane Sanford Minor, daughter of John Minor of Fairfax County. The transfers were witnessed by Joseph Hanson Harrison and Josias Hawkins.

"Jane Kinsman ultimately settled in Fairfax County, Virginia, where her will was probated on June 18, 1774, having been made on November 8, preceding. She bequeathed to her granddaughter Marcia Minor at marriage a negro then in the possession of Ignatius Luckett "my son-in-law", and to her granddaughter Jane Minor "sister to the above" negroes. To Eleanor and Mary Anne Luckett, daughters of Ignatius Luckett, she willed various articles of personal property. The "large oval table and the beautiful large corner cubbard now in the mansion house at Port Tobacco unto my son-in-law John Minor". Other personalty were left to her sons-in-law Ignatius Luckett and John Minor whom she named as executors.

"Letters of administration were issued to Ignatius Luckett on July 19, 1774, when James Mudd and Francis B. Franklin presented bond.

"The children of Ignatius Luckett by his wife Margaret were as follows:

1. Jannet Luckett married (???) Posey and (???) Maddox.
2. Mary Anne Luckett married William Kennedy. Issue: William.
3. Elizabeth Luckett married Ozgood Offutt.
4. Samuel Luckett married twice.
5. Lawson Luckett, d.s.p. (died without issue) 1795, Chas. Co., naming mother Margaret and willing brother Ignatius "Luckett's Addition" and "Luckett's Hazard".
6. David Luckett married Susannah Luckett.
7. Ignatius Luckett married Anne Clarke.
8. Eleanor Luckett.

"Ignatius Luckett negotiated three land patents during his lifetime--"Luckett's Hazard" in 1759, "Chance" in 1764, and "Slipe" in 1769.

"On March 18, 1754, Ignatius Luckett, Gent., conveyed to Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jr., a moyety of "Moore's Ditch" on the east side of Port Tobacco Creek, which by the last will and testament of Ignatius Luckett was devised to his wife Jane, now his relict during life. Margaret Luckett, wife, relinquished her third, while George Dent and Richard Edelen witnessed the conveyance.

"On October 27, 1770, Ignatius Luckett deeded to Edward Scott Ware, Gent., of Charles County, "Luckett's Level" lying on the east side of Port Tobacco Creek and "Small Hope" on the Wicomico River. On May 8, 1773, he deeded to Charles Sewell for �71 "Square Adventure" of Port Tobacco Parish, and a portion of "Small Hope".

"At the settlement of the estate of William Douglas in 1771, it was shown that Ignatius Luckett and John Speake were sureties for the administrator Bulcher Franklin.

"At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Ignatius Luckett was one of the inspectors at the tobacco warehouse of Chickamuxon which was situated on the land of Colonel William Smallwood, of Durham Parish.

"In 1778 Ignatius Luckett took the Oath of Fidelity and Allegiance to the State of Maryland in Charles County, his name appearing upon "His Worshipful Walter Hanson's Returns".

"The will of Ignatius Luckett was dated December 13, 1782, and proved June 11, 1783, in Charles County. He named his sons Lawson, Samuel, and David; and his daughters Jannet Posey, Mary Anne Luckett, and Elizabeth Luckett. The inventory of his personal estate was filed in court on August 12, 1783, with his widow Margaret Luckett as administratrix. His son Samuel Luckett signed as kinsman.

"In 1787 the widow and her two sons--Lawson and David--were members of the Episcopal Church and parishers of Old Durham Parish at Nanjemoy.

"The will of his widow, Margaret Luckett, was dated August 25, 1800, and proved in Charles County on December 1, 1800. She bequeathed to her grandson, David Lawson Luckett, son of David, of Montgomery County, the land she received from her son, Lawson. All negroes over 25 years were given their freedom and those under that age were to be freed at the attainment of 25 years.

"She named three daughters; Janet Maddox of South Carolina and the latter's daughters Peggy Maddox and Marsha Maddox; her daughter Mary Anne Kennedy of Charles County; and her daughter Elizabeth Offutt of Montgomery County. She also devised property to two granddaughters, Peggy Swansted of Calvert County and Lucy Luckett. She exonerated her son, Samuel, against all claims and left him five shillings. The executors were her sons-in-law, so named, Ozgood Offutt and William Kennedy." (The Lucketts of Portobacco, by Harry Wright Newman, 1938.)


BirthAbt, 1720Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland
MarriageAbt, 1743Margaret McCane
DeathAbt, 1783Charles County, Maryland


SpouseMargaret McCane (1725 - 1800)
ChildLt. David Luckett (1744 - 1798)
ChildJannet Luckett (1748 - 1814)
ChildMary Anne Luckett (1750 - )
ChildElizabeth Luckett (1753 - )
ChildLt. Samuel Luckett (1756 - 1828)
ChildLawson Luckett (1758 - )
ChildIgnatius Luckett (1763 - 1820)
ChildEleanor Luckett (1765 - )
FatherIgnatius Luckett (1689 - 1735)
MotherJane (1695 - 1775)
SiblingSamuel Luckett (1725 - )
SiblingWilliam Luckett (1728 - 1759)
SiblingJohn Luckett (1729 - 1762)
SiblingElizabeth Luckett (1731 - )
SiblingAnne Luckett (1733 - )
SiblingThomas Hussey Luckett (1735 - 1800)
SiblingCharity Luckett (1737 - )
SiblingNotley Luckett (1740 - )