Individual Details

James Thomas Cox

(Abt, 1755 - Bet 1840 and 1843)

Copy of the will of James Cox: "In the name of God: Amen. I James Cox of County of Faquier And state of Virginia do make this my last will and testament: in manner and form as fallows, Viz. I give and bequeath to my son Hugh Cox and his heirs forever my tract of land supposed to contain Three hundred and sixty acres, for which he is to pay my estate at my death the sum of Twelve hundred and eight five dollars and twenty cents, bearing no interest until the settlement of the estate. It is my will and desire that my Negro women, Nancy shall not be sold, but that she have the liberty to select either of my children to live with, Whitson Excepted. It is my will and desire that the balance of the whole of my estate be sold on such credit as my executor, hereinafter named shall think proper and the proceeds thereof with the proceeds of the land be equally divided among my following children, James Cox, John Cox, Charles Cox, Samual Cox, Hugh Cox, Thompson Cox, Henry Cox, and my daughter Eliza Hall. My sons Williams Children and my son Fredricks child, To wit James Cox have one tenth part, John Cox have one tenth part,Charles Cox have one tenth part Samual Cox have one tenth part ,Hugh Cox have one tenth part,Thompson Cox have one tenth part, Henry Cox one tenth part, Eliza hall have one tenth part, my son Williams Children to have one tenth part, and my son Fredricks child to have one tenth part thereof, to them and their heirs forever. It is my will and desire that my son Whittson Cox receive no part of my estate, i having heretofore given him his full portion. It is m y will and Desire that my son Fredricks child shall not receive the principal or interest of its portion until it arrives at the age of twenty one years, but should it die before it arrives at the ate of twenty one: then it is my will and Desire thats its portion be divided among my children, Viz. James to have one tenth part, John to have one tenth part, Charles to have one tenth part, Samual to have one tenth part, Hugh to have one tenth part , Whitson to have one tenth part, my daughter Eliza Hall to have one tenth part, and my Son Williams Children to have one tenth part. I hereby constitute and appoint my son Hugh Cox Executor of this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this______day of September, 1840. James Cox Seal"

A power if attorney was granted to Samual Cox of Loudon County, Virginia by John Cox of Meed County, Kentucky, in order that he might receive and receipt all monies due his as one of the heirs of James Thomas Cox Dec'd Made and Signed by John Cox August 30 1843.


BirthAbt, 1755Charles County, Maryland
DeathBet 1840 and 1843Fauquier County, Virginia
MarriageEleanor Elizabeth Luckett


SpouseEleanor Elizabeth Luckett (1769 - 1839)
ChildSamual Cox ( - )
ChildWhitson Cox (1814 - 1859)
ChildMary Elizabeth Cox ( - )
ChildJohn Douglas Luckett Cox (1795 - 1847)
ChildJames Cox (1793 - 1881)
ChildCharles Cox (1797 - 1855)
ChildHugh Cox (1802 - 1890)
ChildThompson Valverd Cox (1808 - 1875)
ChildHenry Cox (1811 - 1882)
ChildWilliam Cox ( - )
ChildFredrick Cox ( - )
FatherWilliam Cox ( - )
MotherMary Byrne (1698 - )