Individual Details

James "Jim" Dulin

(July 5, 1837 - November 6, 1895)

"James Dulin was born in Henry County, Georgia on July 5, 1837. His father was Sugar Dulin and his mother was Tabitha Howard. James was the grandson of the first Sugar Dulin who lived in North Carolina and was a Revolutionary War veteran. James was an only son. His mother died when he was quite young and he was sent to live with his maternal grandparents. They both died a few years later and he went to live with one of his uncles.

"When he was seventeen his uncle offered to send him to school, instead he joined a wagon train bound for Texas. He had no money and worked his way eventually to Rush County. After a short time he went with the Hittson family to Crow Creek country in Hill County. In 1856 James and his friends the Hittson's moved to Grindstone Creek in Parker County. After assisting in the organization of Parker County, James moved to Palo Pinto County. He then moved to Hubbard Creek in what is now Callahan County.

"In 1859, James and six others under the leadership of Joel McKee left Texas for the gold mines of Colorado. He was not successful at this venture and went to New Mexico. After working through the winter cutting saw logs, he returned to Colorado the next spring, locating in California Gulch.

"Again unsuccessful, James returned to Texas in the fall of 1860. He stayed a short while in Hopkins County and then returned to Palo Pinto County. The Comanches were causing a lot of trouble during this period and a few weeks after his return James joined a party led by Sul Ross to follow and punish the Indians. He was with this party at the Pease River Fight where Cynthia Ann Parker (mother of Quannah Parker) was recovered after twenty years of captivity. After this campaign James engaged in the cattle business and went with a herd from Calahan County to the mouth of the Red River in Louisiana.

"In February 1862 James enlisted in Company F (Alexander's Regiment) of the 34th Texas Cavalry under David B. Cleveland in Palo Pinto County. On the company muster roll records James is listed as "absent, on detached service. Due for use of arms $10.50 to Dec. 17, 1862, for mileage for 180 miles" and "Detailed November 4th, 1862, to herd beeves left at Camp Kiamishi (sic)."

"After the war James took up the stock business as a regular occupation. In 1867 he took a herd to Missouri for Colonel Jim Childs and shortly thereafter drove a herd to Shreveport for Cummings and Vinnette. He next made a drive to Abilene, Kansas for Jim Scoby. When he returned to Sherman he was put in charge of a wagon train hauling freight between points along the Red River and Fort Smith, Arkansas. He continued in this business for three years at which time he moved to Indian Territory.

"James Dulin married first in 1864 in Texas to Janie Moore. They had one son named George Dulin.

"In 1871 James married Pocahontas Walner in Indian Territory. She was born in Indian Territory and died 17 Apr 1879, in the Chickasaw Nation, Pontotoc, Co. (now Paoli, Garvin Co., the Chickasaw Nation was divided into counties), Oklahoma, and was buried in the Dulin Family Cemetery in Paoli, Garvin Co., Oklahoma. They had two children: Susie and Simpson Dulin (my grandfather). Pocahontas was a member of the Chickasaw Nation and the daughter of a famous physican, William Walner, for whom the author of this article is named. Dr. Walner had long been a doctor for the Chicksaws. Her mother was Susan Carter, a Chickasaw. By this marriage to Pocahontas, James acquired the rights of Chickasaw citizenship. He and his wife settled on the Blue River twelve miles west of Caddo, Indian Territory. They lived there until the spring of 1878 at which time they moved to what would become the townsite of Paoli, Oklahoma. While at Blue River two children were born to them, Susie and Simpson. On April 17, 1879 Pocahontas died while in childbirth. The child was stillborn.

"James married a third time in September 1879 to Lizzie Bergin. She was living in Norman, Oklahoma Territory when James died and I have been told she was buried in Norman, Cleveland Co., Oklahoma. James and Lizzie Dulin had two children: Fanny and Lizzie Dulin.

"In 1886 the Sante Fe Railroad built its road bed through his property and the town of Paoli was established there.

"James Dulin died of pneumonia on November 6, 1895. He is buried in the Dulin Family Cemetery along with his wife, Pocahontas, his father-in-law, William Walner and the stillborn child. The cemetery is located within the city limits of Paoli, Garvin Co., Oklahoma. At the time of his death he owned some 4 miles square (10,000 acres) of Washita Valley land. The foundation of his house still remains. He was a member of the Caddo Masonic lodge and later a member of the Pauls Valley Masonic lodge. The author of this article is his great-grandson." (Article from William W. Dulin, 4985 Seibert Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63123, email:, based on 1. Historical and Biographical Record of The Cattle Industry and The Cattlemen of Texas and Adjacent Territory, Woodward & Tiernan Publishing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, 1895; 2. Leaders and Leading Men of the Indian Territory, Harry F. O'Beirne, Chicago, 1891; 3. Indian Pioneer History; 4. The personal knowledge of William W. Dulin.)

"James Dulin - Field Worker: Maurice R. Anderson, Name: Mr. James Dulin Residence: Paoli, Oklahoma, Date of Birth: 1837, Place of Birth: Henry County, Georgia, Father: Sugar Dulin, born in North Carolina, Mother: Tabitha Howard, born in Georgia. Biography of James Dulin, now deceased. Father of Mrs. Lee McCrummen of Pauls Valley, Oklahoma and Simp Dulin, Paoli, Oklahoma. James Dulin was born in Henry County, Georgia in 1837. His father, Sugar Dulin was a native of North Carolina and was born about the year 1801. His mother's maiden name was Miss Tabitha Howard. She was a native of Henry County, Georgia and was nearly the same age of James Dulin's father. They became the parents of six children, James being the only son. When James Dulin was quite young, his mother died and his father broke up housekeeping, placing his six children with people who were able to care for them. James Dulin went to live with his aged grandparents. But in a few years, both died, passing away at nearly the same time and being laid to rest in one coffin. He was then taken care of by one of his uncles. During these early years, so full of troubles, James Dulin received very little school, but this was partially through his own fault. When he was seventeen, his uncle offered to send him to school a year, if he would stay with him and attend carefully to his studies. But he had the usual boyish fancy for a wandering life, and as a party of emigrants were on the point of starting with wagons to Texas, he joined them. In course of time he found himself in Rush County, Texas.

"We may say with truthfulness that James Dulin started in life without means, for upon leaving home, he had not a dollar in the world. His baggage consisted of an extra suit of cotton clothing, tied up in a big handkerchief. He was neither richer or poorer when Texas was reached, for he had 'worked his passage' and earned his board while on the way by assisting with the teams and doing something more than his share of the work around the nightly camps. His stay in Rush County was short, for he had an opportunity to join his fortunes with the Hittson family. They were bound for the Crow Creek country in Hill County.

"Mr. Dulin accompanied Jess Hittson to Palestine after several loads of lumber, the following year, which was 1856. Mr. Dulin and his friends, the Hittsons, moved to Parker County and located on Grindstone Creek, where they were engaged in making grindstones. Fort Worth, Texas was then nothing but a military post and the only mill in the country was located near by on Elm Creek. They used to carry their corn there to have it ground for bread. The Hittsons owned about forty head of cattle and when traveling, it was our subject's task to walk and drive the herd. After the organization of Parker County, in which Mr. Dulin assisted, he went to Palo Pinto County, when it was organized in it's turn. He then moved to Callahan County but after a short stay in this locality, the rambling fever again made itself felt and in 1859, he joined six other adventurers who, under the leadership of Joel McKee, started overland to the mines of Colorado.

"Carrying their supplied on pack mules, they passed through the Indian Territory by way of Fort Arbuckle. However, Mr. Dulin, like many others, failed to find a fortune in the mining districts. He then left for New Mexico. He found work cutting saw logs and for this received seven dollars a month. By camping in the woods and doing his own cooking, in a short time his wages were raised to fifteen dollars. He remained at this place through the winter. In the fall of 1860, Mr. Dulin returned to Texas. The Indians on the Texas frontier were then becoming restless and a few weeks after his return to that state, they made an extended raid, killing many settlers and destroying a vast amount of property. A party of whites were organized to follow and punish them, which Mr. Dulin joined, and was thus present at the noted Pease River Fight. The Comanches received a drubbing which they never forgot. The famous Cynthia Ann Parker was recovered by her friends after twenty years of captivity. When this campaign was at an end, Mr. Dulin engaged in the cattle business. Mr. Dulin took up the stock business as a regular occupation. He continued in this business for three years and then moved from Texas to the Indian Territory, with the intention of making his home permanently there. Mr. Dulin was first married in 1864 to Miss Janie Moore, by whom he had one child, a boy named George. His second marriage occurred in 1872, when he was united to Miss Pocahontas Walner, a native of the Chickasaw Nation. Miss Walner was a daughter of a famous physician, who had married into the tribe. By this marriage, Mr. Dulin acquired rights of citizenship among the Chickasaws. He accordingly moved into their territory and established himself on Blue Creek. Blue Creek was twelve miles west of Caddo, Oklahoma, on the line of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. Mr. Dulin lived there until the spring of 1878, when he moved to Paoli, Indian Territory, bringing with him about 420 head of cattle, in which he held a one-half interest. A number of horses and about 150 head of hogs. He owned at one time about four miles square of Washita Valley land, having 3000 or 4000 acres fenced for pasturage and cultivating some 1500 acres more. Two children were born to Mr. Dulin's second marriage, a son, Simp, and a daughter, Susan. Mrs. Pocahontas "Walner" Dulin, died April 17, 1880. Mr. Dulin died November 6, 1895 and was buried beside his wife Pocahontas "Walner" Dulin and his father-in-law, Wm. Walner, in their private cemetery at Paoli, Oklahoma." ("The Cattle Industry of Texas", published in 1895. Mrs. Frances "Stewart" Walner, sister-in-law by marriage to James Dulin.)


BirthJuly 5, 1837Henry County, Georgia
Marriage1864Texas - Janie Moore
Marriage1871Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) - Pocahontas Walner
MarriageSeptember, 1879Lizzie Bergin
DeathNovember 6, 1895Paoli, Garvin County, Oklahoma
BurialDulin Cemetrey, Paoli, Garvin County, Oklahoma


SpouseJanie Moore ( - )
ChildGeorge Dulin ( - )
SpousePocahontas Walner ( - 1879)
ChildSusie Dulin (1873 - )
ChildSimpson "Simpsey" "Simp" Dulin (1875 - )
ChildDulin (1879 - 1879)
SpouseLizzie Bergin ( - )
ChildFanny Dulin ( - )
ChildLizzie Dulin ( - )
FatherSugar Dulin Jr. (1798 - 1892)
MotherTabitha Howard ( - )