Individual Details

Henry Grogan

(Abt, 1807 - Aft 1882)

Henry was born in Rockingham Co.NC in 1807, when quite young,went to Pendleton District (now Pickins Co.) South Carolina where an uncle,also named Henry resided. Here he met and married Susan Rice in the early years of 1830, he and his family returned to Rockingham Co. after 1841 where he participated in the settlement of his fathers estate. Then about 1846 Henry moved with his family to Ashe Co. (this date is established by a statement made by a son Jordan in a civil war pension claim that, " I have lived at Elk X roads,Ashe Co.NC sence I was one year old") Jordan was born 1845 in Rockingham Co.

Henry's wife Susan died after 1850 and prior to 1858, as he remarried that year. The reason may never be known, but the 1860 Ashe and Watauga Co. census show Henry and Susan's children in different homes in bothCounties as follows;

Jordan age 15 was in the home of Mathis Bledsoe in Ashe Co.
John age 8 " " " Giles Grahamin Ashe Co.
Louisa age 12 " " " William H.Horton inWatauga Co
Lewis A. born 1843 no record after 1850 census
Elijah age 28 married and living in Ashe Co.
Anderson age 26 married and living in home of Jehile Smith
in Watauga Co.
Henry age 21 in home of Franklin Green in Watauga Co
Isaac age 22 in home of James Lawrence in Watauga Co
Caroline born 1834, not shown in either 1850 or 1860 census but itis
known that she met and married Henry C.Fox on June27,1863
in Caldwell Co.NC also in the early 1860's Louisacame to live
with Caroline, met and married Henry's brother Noah on
December 28,1866.

All of Henry's sons except John, Joseph A.and Lewis A. were in the Civil War, Anderson, Jordan and Elijah either enlisted or were conscripted into the 58th Regt., NC Troops, CSA. Henry and Isaac joined the 13th Tennessee Cavalry on the Federal side, for reasons that may never be known Jordan and Elijah switched to the Federal side, Jordan entered the 4th Tennessee Inf. Regt and Elijah joined the 13th Tennessee Cavalry, only Anderson remained on the Confedrate side and was captured at Resaca, GA on May 15,1864, and died February 12,1865 in a Federal POW camp at Indianapolis, Indiana.

Henry's date of death is unknown, the last printed record found to date is a land deed to his son John T. Grogan dated in January of 1882.

Neither Henry or Susan'a grave site is known for sure,but it is believed to be in the Graham Cemetery at Todd,NC located just across the road from his old home place, his second wife Martha is buried there with almost identical head stones in two separate places, beside each there is also a field stone marker .

One stone reads:
Sacreted to the memory of
Martha P. Grogan
d.July 22,1898
Gone to Rest
A 88Y 10 Mo 7 d
there is a field stone marker to the right of this grave

the other stone (shorter in hight but about the same width and shape asthe first one reads:
In memory of
Martha Grogan
d.July 22,1898
A 88Y 10 M 7 d
Gone to rest
there is a field stone marker to the left of this grave


Know all men by these presents that we, Henry Grogan and Martha his wifeof the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina for and inconsideration of three hundred and fifty dollars to us in hand paid, thereciept whereof is hereby acknowledged have this daygiven,granted,bargained and sold, and by these presents dogive,grant,bargain and sell unto John Grogan and his heirs in fee simplea certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Asheadjoining the lands of Stanbery , Jiles Graham and others on the watersof Elk creek containing sixty acres more or less and futher described asfollows, beginning at a chestnut and cucumber the beginning comer of thefifty acre tract granted to Joseph F .Calloway running west to buckeyecenter Stanbery's comer,thence with the meander of the branch to a stakein the wagon road, thence with the road to a maple comer, thence withJiles Graham's line to a chestnut comer on a ridge, thence east up to TmsMila Greer's line to a cucumber corner, thence south east Tms MilaGreer's to the comer of the fence, thence with Tms Mila Greer's line upthe extreme hight of the ridge to Wiley Churche's field, thence west tothe old iron work line to a linn corner, thence to the beginning.
To have and to hold to him and his heirs and assigns forever and we bindourselves and our heirs to warrent and forever defend the same to him andhis heirs, and we for ourselves and our heirs cuvenant to and with thesaid John Grogan and his heirs that we are lawfully,legaly have a goodright to convey, and that the same is unincumberent.
in testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this 11thday of January 1882 in the presents of;

W.F.Church J.D. Woodruff

Henry X Grogan

Martha X Grogan



BirthAbt, 1807Rockingham County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt, 1831Susan Rice
MarriageNovember 26, 1858Ashe County, North Carolina - Martha "Patsy" Moore
DeathAft 1882Ashe County, North Carolina


SpouseSusan Rice (1815 - 1858)
ChildAnderson Grogan (1832 - 1865)
ChildElijah Grogan (1833 - 1914)
ChildCaroline A. Grogan (1834 - 1927)
ChildIsaac (or Isaiah) Grogan (1836 - )
ChildHenry Grogan (1841 - 1886)
ChildLewis A. Grogan (1843 - )
ChildJordan "Jerd" Grogan (1845 - 1931)
ChildLouisa E. Grogan (1847 - 1901)
ChildJohn Tyler Grogan (1848 - 1938)
SpouseMartha "Patsy" Moore (1812 - 1898)