Individual Details

John Petty Sr.

(1703 - February 20, 1770)

Is this him?
P.363 (on margin: GOADs Deed to PETTY)

THIS INDENTURE made the Third day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and twenty six in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith &c., Between JOHN GOAD and KATHRINE his Wife of County of Richmond and Parrish of Farnham of one part and JOHN PETTY of the same County and Parrish of other part; Wittnesseth that JOHN GOAD and KATHRINE his Wife in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred pounds of tobacco in hand paid, the receipt whereof they acknowledge themselves to be fully satisfyed with, hath and by these presents doth demise grant and to farm lett unto JOHN PEITY his heirs a certain parcell of Land containing Fifteen acres (more or less) scitaute in Parrish and County aforesd., being part of JOHN GOADs Devidend whereon he now livoth and is bounded; Beginning at a wring white Oak standing between Doctor DACUSes ROAD and the Path that goes to JOHN OGLEBYs, thence East North East to Mr. TRAVERS DOWNMANs line, thence along the line South South East to a Stake standing in the angle between three marked Oak trees standing on North side of Doctor DACUSes ROAD, thence along the Road Westward to the first beginning; To have and to hold the parcell of land containing Fifteen acres (more or less) with all meadows pastures and timber trees with all rights profits and priviledges belonging unto JOHN PETTY his heirs without fraud or covin and JOHN GOAD and CATHRINE his Wife agree with JOHN PETTY his heirs to warrant and defend the sail of the land and premises against all manner of persons that shall lay any claime or title to the land; In Wittness whereof and for the true performance of everything contained in this present Deed of Writing the parties first above menconed have hereunto sett their hands and seals the day and year first above written

Sign'd Seal'd and Deliv'd in presents of
Test JOHN his mark HIGHTOWER..................JOHN GOAD
HENRY MISKELL - .............................CATHERINE her mark GOAD

At a Court held for Richmd. County the fifth day of October 1726
JOHN GOAD and CATHERINE GOAD came into Court and acknowledged this their Deed unto JOHN PETTY. which was admitted to Record

Test M. BECKWITH, C. C. Cur,
pp 364 - 365 (On margin: GOADs Deed to HIGHTOWER)

THIS INDENTURE made the Third day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred twenty and seven Between JOHN GOAD of Northfarnham Parrish in County of Richmond, Planter, and Cattrin his Wife of one part and JOHN HIGHTOWER of the Parrish and County aforesaid of other part; Wittaesseth that JOHN and CATHRIN in consideracon of the sum of Five thousand pounds of good merchantable tobacco to them by JOHN HIGHTOWER in hand paid the receiptwhereof said JOHN and CATHRIN do hereby acknowledge, have and by these presents do bargain sell and confirme unto JOHN HIGHTOWER and his heirs one certain parcell of land scituate in Parrish and County aforesaid, the land being by estimacon one hundred and eighty acres (more or less) bounded, Beginning at Docter DECUS his Road at a corner Stake of Mr. TRAVERS DOWNMANS, thence a N. E. course to a Poplar standing on N. side of a Branch of TOTOSKEY called TURKS BRANCH, thence E: N: E: crossing the Branch to a marked red Oak, thence S: S: East one hundred and fifty pole to a red Oak standing by the aforesaid Road. thence the several courses of the Old and Antient Road to the place where it first began, with all ouses orchards profits and appurtenances to the land and premises belonging: To have and to hold the land and premises unto JOHN HIGHTOWER his heirs and JOHN GOAD for the consideracon aforesd. for himselfe his heirs doth covenant with JOHN HIGHTOWER his heirs that JOHN GOAD his heirs shall warrnt and defend the One hundred and eighty acres of land and promises unto JOHN HIGHTOWER his heirs against the lawfull claim of all persons; free and clear from all manner of incumbrances except the quitt rents that shall hereafter grow due and JOHN GOAD and CATHRIN his Wife for themselves their heirs do covenant with JOHN HIGHTOWER his heirs within six months after the date hereof to acknowledge in due form of Law these presents in the Court of the County aforesaid; In Witness of all which the partys aforesd. to these presents have set their hands and seals on the day and year above written Sign'd Seal'd &ad Deliver'd in presents of us
JOHN PETTY,.....................................................JOHN GOAD HENRY MISKELL .......................................CATHERINE (her mark) GOAD

Memorandum; That his day Livery and possession of the within menconed Land was made and given by the delivery of Turf and Twig upon the land by JOHN GOAD and CATHRIN his Wife to JOHN HIGHTOWER in presents of us

Test JOHN PETTY,................................................JOHN GOAD HENRY MISKELL................................................CATHERINE (her mark) GOAD

At a Court held for Richmond County the fifth day of October 1726, JOHN GOAD and CATHERINE GOAD in open Court acknowledged the above Livery of Seizin unto JOHN HIGHTOWER which was admitted to Record

Test M. BECKWITH, C. C. Cur.

At a Court hold for Richmond County the fifth day of October 1726 JOHN GOAD and CATHERINE GOAD came into Court and acknowledged this their Deed unto JOHN HIGHTOWER which was admitted to Record

Tobacco Owed John Petty, Deceased;
Incl. Wm Goad - 2 Oct 1728

Virginia County Court Records, Account Book Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1724-1752 Account Book Number 1, Part 1, 3 March 1724 -1751, Edited and Published by Ruth and Sam Sparacio, McClean VA, � 1989, p. 25

An Acct: of Tobco: that I have recd: since the Dics: of JOHN PETTY that was due to him


p. FRANS: PETTY Administre:
Recorded amongst the records of Richmond County the Second day of October 1728


Birth1703Richmond, Virginia
Marriage1730Richmond, Virginia - Rebecca Sims
DeathFebruary 20, 1770Orange County, Virginia


SpouseRebecca Sims ( - )
ChildThomas Petty (1730 - )
ChildSarah Petty (1732 - )
ChildTabitha Petty (1734 - )
ChildLuke Petty (1736 - )
ChildAphina Petty (1738 - )
ChildJohn Petty Jr. (1740 - )
ChildZachariah Petty (1742 - )
ChildAnn Nancy Petty (1744 - )
ChildRebecca Petty (1746 - )
ChildSusannah Petty (1748 - )
ChildJemima Petty (1750 - )
ChildAbner Petty (1751 - )
ChildFrancis Moore Petty (1752 - )
ChildGeorge Petty (1756 - )
FatherThomas Petty III (1680 - 1750)
MotherCatherine Garton (1680 - 1747)
SiblingRebecca Petty (1701 - 1784)
SiblingThomas Petty IV (1706 - 1770)
SiblingChristopher Petty (1708 - 1776)
SiblingWilliam Petty Sr. (1708 - 1770)
SiblingJames Petty Sr. (1711 - 1806)
SiblingMary Petty (1714 - 1760)
SiblingMartha Petty (1717 - )
SiblingE. P. Petty (1720 - 1804)
SiblingGeorge Petty (1723 - 1752)