Individual Details

Thomas Templer

(12 Dec 1779 - 23 Apr 1818)

Devon: Exeter - Freemen 1266-1967
Exeter Freemen
1802 Roll of Freemen 1800-1804 and Mayor's Court Book 1794-1810
County: Devonshire
Country: England
June 26 1802 Thomas Templer of Alphington, grazier, son of Thomas Templer, butcher, by succession
Church Warden at Alphington

I, Thomas Templer of Salmonpool House in the
Parish of Alphington in the county of Devon, gentleman, being at present
weak in body but of sound mind, memory and understanding, thanks
be given to Almighty God for the same, but considering the certainty of death
and the uncertainty of the time thereof, do make and declare these presents to
be my last will and testament in manner following / that is to say /I give
and bequeath unto Charlotte Bowdidge, now living with me, spinster
the sum of one hundred and five pounds to be paid by my trustees and
executors in trust hereinafter named at the end of twelve months next
after my decease. I also give and bequeath to the said Charlotte Bowdidge
her executors and assigns all my right estate and interest in and to two
messuages or dwelling houses called or numbered __________ situate inMaudlin
Street in the county of the city of Exeter and now in the possession
of _________________. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife MaryWarry
Templer her executors and assigns all such and so many of my household
Goods and furniture, implements and utensils of household china and
linen as she shall select so as that the same do not exceed in value the
sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to and for her own use and benefit
and in case my said wife and the executors in trust of this my will
hereinafter named shall not eventually agree upon the value of such
household goods and furniture as shall be so selected, then I hereby declare that the
value thereof shall be ascertained and settled by two indifferent and
competent persons one of whom shall be named by my said wife and
the other by my executors in Trust, which two persons so to be appointed
shall be at liberty to choose a third person if they shall think fit and the
decision of such three persons so to be named or any two of them shall
be final and conclusive between my said wife and executors in Trust.I
give and bequeath unto my daughter Barbara Templer the silver
bowl which was given to me by Mrs ______ Phillips @ _________ whereon
her name is inscribed. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ann
Templer my silver bread basket and unto my daughter Eliza Templer
such pair of my silver candlesticks as she shall think proper to select and
my silver tea pot, which said several specific legacies to my said
dear daughters I hereby direct my said executors in trust to deliver to
them when and as they shall severally attain the age of
twenty one years or be married, and in case either or any of my said
daughters shall happen to die under that age and unmarried, then
their said specific legacy or legacies of her or them so dying shall be
sold for the most money and the produce thereof divided among the
survivors or survivor of them. I give and bequeath unto my Brother
James Templer and to Abraham Gould of Rockbear in Devon and to James Vinnicombe
Of Exminster in Devon ________ their heirs, execs and admons all my freehold
__ leasehold and other messuages, lands tenements and hereditaments
whatsoever and wheresoever and all the rest, residue and remainder ofmy
household goods and furniture, supplements and utensils of household
plate linen and china and all other my goods chattels rights credits real
personal and testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever
to hold all and singular my said freehold and _____ messuages lands tenements
and heredits and all other my real estate unto them, the said James Templer
Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe their heirs and assigns to the use
Of them the said James Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe
Their heirs and assigns but upon the Trusts and for the ends, intentsand
Purposes hereinafter mentioned, expressed and declared of and concerning the
_____ and to hold all and singular my leaseholds and chattels, messuages, lands
and tenements and other my goods chattels rights _____ credits and all other
my personal and testamentary estate and effects unto them the said
James Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe their executors
admons and assigns upon the Trusts and for the ends intents and purposes
hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same
/ that is to say / and I hereby declare that they the said devise andbequest of my
said real and personal estate and effects respectively is so made unto them
the said James Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe their
heirs, executors admons and assigns Upon Trust that they the said James
Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe, their execs or admins
do and shall in the first place permit and suffer Mary Warre Templer my
said wife to have hold and enjoy all and singular my plate and plated
articles whatsoever and wheresoever except such parts thereof as I have
hereinbefore bequeathed to my daughters respectively / for and duringher
natural life or for so long time that as she shall remain my widow
and unmarried, the making and giving unto her the said James Templer
Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe, their executors and
_______- thereof inheriting, which shall contain the tenure, rights and
quantity of silver _____ and signing all acknowledgements of her being in
possession thereof and being responsible for the delivery of the sameto the said
James Templer Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe / their executors
assigns on her decease, second marriage and she shall at all times repairing and
keeping the same in good repair, order and condition during her widowhood
and upon trust then that the said James Templer Abraham Gould and
James Vinnicombe, their execs or do and shall forthwith
and immediately after my decease or so soon as after as they shall intheir
discretion think fit sell and dispose of all and singular my freehold
_ leases and chattels, messuages, lands tenements and
heredits and all of the rest, residue and remainder of my household
goods and furniture supplanted, and utensils of household plate and
plated goods / subject as to the said plate and plated goods as aforesaid
linen and china and all my live and dead stock in my trade and
business and all of my real and personal and testamentary estate and
effects _ by public auction or by private contract or partly by
public auction and partly by private contract as shall to my said trustees
appear most advantageous for making the most monies of the same
respective and also do and call in and receive all debts, sum and sums
of money which shall be due and owing to me at the time of my decease
and if necessary to compel payment thereof by action at law or otherwise
and _______ in the first place to pay all my just debts legacies and
funeral expenses and from and after payment thereof respectively and
subject thereto upon trust that my said devises and legacies in trustand
and the survivor or survivors of them, his executors or assigns do and shall
invest or otherwise place out the ___ produce of the monies to arise by
such sale or sales and to be so called in and received as aforesaid upon
Government security or upon the security of lands of substance or
other good and sufficient security in their or his own names or bank and
from time to time to alter and change such security or securities as they
or he shall think proper and upon further trust that my said
Trustees and the survivors or survivor of them, his executors or admins
do and shall receive the dividends and interest of the monies so as to be
invested or lent out as aforesaid and also the rents, leases and profits
of my said total messuages, lands, tenements until sale
shall be ___ thereof as aforesaid and pay out to my said wife
Mary Warre Templer one ____ ______ annuity of two hundred
Pounds of lawful _____ money for and during her natural life or for so
long time thereof as she shall remain my widow and unmarried by
half yearly payments freed and discharged of all taxes, assessments
_____ and outgoings whatsoever, the first of which said half yearly
payments I direct shall be made on that of the four most usual days for
payment of rent in the year which shall happen next after my decease
but in case my said wife Mary Warre Templer should happen to marry
again, then and in such case I hereby direct my said trustees to pay her
an annuity of one hundred pounds only, which shall be payable in the
like manner in every respect as the said annuity of two hundred pounds is
mentioned to be payable and the first payment of the said annuity
of one hundred pounds shall be made on such of the said quarter days for payment
of rents as shall happen next after the said marriage shall be solemnised
and upon this further trust that they my said trustees, their executors or
admins do and shall pay and apply a further and competent part of
such dividends and interest for and towards the maintenance, education
support and bringing up of my said three daughters,Mary Ann, Barbara
and Eliza Charlotte Templer and such other child or children by me
lawfully to be begotten as shall be living or that my said wife may be
__________ with at the time of my decease until such child or children shall
severally and respectively attain the age of twenty one years and upon
further trust that my said trustees, their execs or admins do and
shall divide and pay the said principal monies so to be invested and
lent out as aforesaid or assign and transfer the security or securities thereof
together with the surplus of residue od the dividends and interests thereof
unapplied as aforesaid and equally share all monies to all and every of my said
three daughters / to wit / the aforesaid Mary Ann, Barbara and Eliza
Charlotte Templer and such other child or children as I may have as
aforesaid and who shall be living at the time of my death or that
my said wife may be _____ with at that period in equal sums and portions
share and share alike, which said several shares I hereby direct shall be
paid unto my said children already born and to those thereafter to beborn
when and as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years or
in case of my decease happening after any one or more of them shall have
attained that age, then at the end of twelve months after my
decease, but in case either one or more of my children and as well
of those hereinafter to be born as of those now living shall happen to die before she, he or they shall have respectively attained the said age of twenty one years and without leaving issue of her, his or their respective body or bodies lawfully begotten, then upon trust to pay assign and transfer the share or shares of her, him or their so dying under the said age and without such issue unto such child or equally unto such children as shall live to attain
the said age of twenty one years, share and share alike if more than one
_____ and as she, he or they shall respectively attain that age provided
nevertheless and it is my will that in case my said three daughters, any
or either of them shall happen to marry under the age of twenty one
years, then and in such case I hereby declare that the portion and share,
portions and shares of the said proceeds of my said estates and effects to
which they shall or may respectively become entitled under this my will
shall be witholden and retained by my said trustees or the survivors or
survivor of them, his executors or admins or shall so by them by deed
or deeds assigned, secured and settled in a legal and effective manner upon
such trusts and for such intents and purposes for the benefit of such daughter or daughters and the issue of such marriage or marriages respectively if any as my said trustees shall consent to and approve of such deed or deeds of assignment and settlement, providing among other things for the separate maintenance of such daughter or daughters respectively and the children of such marriage or marriages / if any / and in case of the
bankruptcy or ______ of the husbands with whom they may
respectively intermarry or in case of the death or deaths of such husbands
in the lifetime of my said daughters respectively and also providing that
in case there should be no issue of such marriage or marriages respectively
then the portion and share, portions and shares of such daughter or
daughters respectively shall be held upon trust for the sole and separate
use of such daughter or daughters respectively or for such person or persons as she or they shall respectively by deed or will direct or appoint, give, bequeath or disose of the same and I hereby declare that the provision made by this my will for my said wife is in lieu, bar and full satisfaction of all dower and thirds which she might have or be entitled to of into or out of any
messuages, lands, tenements or credits I shall die seized and possessed of and that in case she should prefer to claim such dower and thirds I
hereby declare that the benefit and provision hereby made for
her shall be to all intents and purposes void and of none effect andI hereby
declare that it shall be lawfull for my said trustees, executors in trust or
previous and in order to the sale of such my leasehold, messuages, lands
and tenements as shall be held for any term or terms of years determinable
on the death or deaths of a less number than ___ to apply a competent
part of the monies which shall come to their hands by the means aforesaid
in the purchase of further terms, estates and interests in such leasehold
messuages lands and tenements respectively to be determinable on a life or
lives to be named by them so that such leasehold premises respectively
shall be held for a term or terms of years to be determinable by themselves and
I direct the lease or leases thereof shall be granted to my said trustees their
Executors, admins and assigns upon and subject to the same trusts, intents
And purposes as I have hereinbefore declared respecting my present estate
And interest in such estate and interests as I shall be possessed in hereinat
The time of my decease and I hereby declare that the receipt and receipts of my Said trustees and of the survivors or survivor of them, his executorsor admins
For the purchase monies of all and singular my ___ freehold or
Leasehold and estates, messuages, lands tenements and credits real and
Personal estate shall be from time to time a good and sufficient discharge
And discharges to the purchase or purchases thereof respectively without
Such purchase or purchases being in any manner obliged to be or be
Answerable or accountable for the application, misapplication or
Non application of such monies or any part thereof and I hereby
Authorise and empower my said trustees and executors in trust to submit
Any dispute or difference which may arise with any person or persons in
The execution of this my will and the terms thereof to the decision of a
Person or persons of proven probity and competency as to the subject,
Matter of dispute or difference by way of ____ or arbitration and to
Enter into and subscibe and execute and exchange any agreement or
Bond with the ___ party or parties in deifference for the due and faithful
Performance of such decision and that in the in the just and faithful
Execution of the trusts contained in this my will my said Trustees shall
Be only charged and chargeable respectively for such monies and effects as
Shall respectively actually arise by virtue of the trusts hereby in favour
Exposed and that they, any or either of them shall not be answerable or
Accountable one for the other or others of them but with all and every of them
For his and their own respective arts, deeds, receipts, payments or
Of securities stocks or funds in or upon _____ the said trust monies or any
Part thereof shall be placed out or invested or for any other misfortune lost
Or in relation thereof so as that the same shall not happen by or through
Their or his own wilfull neglect or default and also that it shall and
May be lawful to and for them, my said trustees respectively and their
Their respective ___ executors and admins by and out of the monies which
Shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to deduct
Retain and reimburse to and for themselves respectively all costs charges
Damages and expenses which they, any or either of them shall or may
Suffer, sustain, expend, discharge, be put at or unto in or about theexecution of their
Aforesaid trusts or in relation thereunto and lastly I do hereby nominate,
Constitute and appoint the said James Templer, Abraham Gould and
James Vinnicombe Executors of this my last will and testament and also
Guardians of the persons as well as of the estates of such my children already
And hereafter to be born as shall at the time of my decease be under the
Age of twenty one years and unmarried. And I hereby revoke all
Former and other wills by me at any time herebefore made. In Witness
Whereof I, the said Thomas Templer the testator have to the first five
Sheets of this my last will and testament subscribed my name and to the
Sixth and last sheet thereof subscribed my name and affixed my seal /the
Twenty first day of March one thousand eight hundred and eithteen /

Thomas Templer signed sealed published and delivered by the above
Named Thomas Templer the testator as and for his last will and testament
In the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence
Of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting
To the execution thereof.
J. Brittain Wm Force Js J. Cavill

I, Thomas Templer of Alphington in the County of
Devon, gentleman, do make these presents a codicil to my last will and
Testament bearing date the twenty first day of March last, that is tosay
That my desire and intention is to and I hereby give, devise and bequeath
All my inheritable freehold, chattels and leasehold messuages, lands and tenements and or
Credits and all such of my goods, chattels, rights credits personal and
Testamentary estate and effects whatsoever as I have in my said will
Devised and bequeathed to my Brother James Templer and to Abraham Gould
And James Vinnicombe therein named upon the trusts therein mentioned
And expressed unto them the said James Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe together with Mary Warry Templer my wife, their several and Respective heirs, executors and admins and assigns to hold the same real and Personal estate and effects unto and to the use of the said James Templer, Abraham Gould, James Vinnicombe and Mary Warry Templer and their Respective heirs executors, admins and assigns, accounting to the several terms Qualities of estate and interest in the same real and personal estates
But upon and subject to the several trusts and for the several ends, interests
And purposes expressed and declared in my said will concerning the
Same and I do also nominate constitute and appoint my said wife jointly with
The said James Templer, Abraham Gould and James Vinnicombe to be
Guardians of the persons and estates of my children and confirm the
Legacies given by my said will and the same will in every respect in
Testimony thereof I have given my hand and seal this seventh day
Of April one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Thomas Templer

Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of J. Brittain
John Carter James Manley

Proved at London with a codicil 20th July 1819 before the judge by
The oaths of James Templer the brother and Abraham Gould and James
Vinnicombe the exects named in the will and Mary Marry Templer
Widow the relict the Executrix named in the codicil to whom admons
Was granted being first sworn by oath duly to administer.

1.The purpose of the Codicil is simply to appoint his wife as co-trustee and Guardian.
2.Ref: ?Devon 7 Cornwall Marriage Allegations 8 October 1798?:
Thomas Templer of Alphington and Mary Warre Bowdidge of Holy Trinity, Spinster. (note slightly different spelling of Warre, to that of Warry as used in the will)
3.Ref: ?Fursdon?s Marriage Index ? Exeter?: Thomas Templer and Mary W. Bowdidge of Holy Trinity ? 1798
4.Charlotte Bowdidge, named in first part of the will is presumably either a child of Thomas? wife Mary, (neƩ Bowdge) by a previous relationship OR his sister-in-law or other relative of his wife. I favour the latter.
SJD / Dec. 2004

Lived at the Abbey, Salmon Pool, Exeter, a house built in 1760 on the site of the Old Abbey. The house (still called the old Abbey) is about a mile from Exeter in a lane leading from the Topsham road, the house and garden close to the river and the salmon leap. He was a grazier and supplied the Army and Navy Victualling Depts in Plymouth. Had property in and around Exeter.

Overseer of Alphinton Church 1801-1813
Church Warden at Alphington 1811

Killed by a fall from his horse on his way home from Exeter Market.
(From paper found in records collected by Cecil Robert Templer - source unknown)


Birth12 Dec 1779Alphington, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Christen18 Dec 1781Alphington, Devon, England, United Kingdom
Marriage11 Oct 1798Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom - Mary Warry Bowdige
Occupation26 Jun 1802Grazier of Alphington (Salmon Pool)
Death23 Apr 1818Died of consumption (TB) - Alphington, Devon, England, United Kingdom


SpouseMary Warry Bowdige (1773 - 1822)
ChildMary Anne Templer (1800 - 1866)
ChildBarbara A. Templer (1802 - 1853)
ChildElizabeth Charlotte "Eliza" Templer (1806 - 1852)
FatherThomas Templer (1737 - 1796)
MotherAlice Mary Vinicombe ( - 1829)
SiblingJohn Templer ( - 1777)
SiblingBarbara Templer (1776 - )
SiblingAnne Templer ( - 1829)
SiblingMary Templer (1781 - 1850)
SiblingCaptain Henry Templer HEIC (1784 - 1838)
SiblingRev John Templer (1784 - 1829)
SiblingJames Templer (1787 - 1858)
SiblingRev Charles Templer (1789 - 1851)
SiblingWilliam Henry Augustus Templer (1791 - 1832)
SiblingRichard Templer (1794 - 1795)
