Individual Details

Sgt. Richard Hutton

( - 22 Jun 1713)

Richard Hutton and his wife Elizabeth arrived in Wenham about 1649. Richard became a freeman and constable in 1653. Richard was a frequent member of the jury. In 1654 he failed to appear for jury duty because of the difficulty of coming over the ferry.

He had a few problems. In 1658 he was fined for having drunk too much liquor and was sued for non-payment of a debt to Humphrey Griffen. In 1661 he was fined for smoking in the street on the Sabbath and was involved in a property dispute with Walter Fairfield. In 1668, Richard Hutton and Daniel Kilham were accused of speaking out of turn at a church meeting after the service.

1668, Richard Hutton and Daniel Killom (the fathers of militiamen, Richard Jr. and Thomas) were accused of disturbing the assembly during the Lord's Day. Hutton and Killom spoke out of turn at a church meeting after service and would not be quiet, eventually threatening the constable. One of the main witnesses against them was Thomas Fiske. It is possible that Fiske impressed the sons of these men in order to take long-delayed revenge for personal wrongdoing against him or disturbances in his town. The possibility, while not known for certain, is chilling. In small isolated Wenham, being the sons of men whom Fiske or the committee perceived as troublemakers might just have been enough to be sent off to war.
from A Rabble in Arms by Kyle F. Zelner

In 1674 Richard, Elizabeth and their daughter Elizabeth were listed as members of the church. Richard testified for Daniel Kilham in a trespassing case.

In 1675 Richard was a soldier in King Philip's War.

In 1676 Richard Hutton sold Richard Kimball 35 acres and Elizabeth gave up her dower rights to the property.

Elizabeth died between 1676 and 1696 when Richard married Susanna More Dutch, who was the daughter of Richard More and Christian Hunter. She was the widow of Captain Samuel Dutch of Salem. Richard was appointed the guardian of Susannah Dutch, who was about 12 years old, on February 3, 1695/96.

On December 28 1681, William Knowlton conveyed land to his father-in-law, Richard Hutton of Wenham.

Starting about 1695 Richard and Susannah began divesting themselves of their land.

On March 25, 1695, they conveyed land to John Leverett.

On May 3, 1698, they sold John Brown some land near their house for 4£.

On March 29 1704, William and Lydia Knowlton and Richard Hutton conveyed land to Rice Knowlton.

On April 5, 1706 he gave land to two grandsons Richard Fowler and Hutton Goldsmith.

"for the love and affection he hath to his two Grandsons Richard Fowler and Hutten Goldsmith both of said Wenham, hath given, granted ... all that my forty acres of land in said Wenham, be it more or less as hereafter butted and bounded, with all the building thereon, as also my common age and common Right in Wenham."

At the same time, he provided for his wife, "Susannah, the now wife of said Hutton, if she shall survive her husband, so long as she shall remaine his widdow."

On May 14, 1707 they sold more of their land land to William Rogers.

In 1707 Richard was blind.

Richard died in Wenham on June 21, 1713 when he was 96 years old.

After Richard died, Susanna married John Knowlton of Ipswich.

Richard Hutton assisted in making an inventory of the estate of one Edmond Patch:
Edmund Patch, 9th mo. 1680.
Inventory of Edman Patch's estate who departed this life the 10th November 1680.
amt 3£ 3s. 6d. taken this 19th Nov. 1680. by us John Dodge & Richard Hutten Thomas Fiske one of the agents. Thomas Patch admr.
it mentions there is two grandchildren, viz Edmond Patch and Abraham Patch sons of Abraham son of said Edmond Patch deed, to have the estate divided equally between them when they are 21 years, also annexed is a paper dated Wenham 15 May 1695, and signed by Thomas Patch in which he states that my uncle Edmond Patch who lived in Ipswich and dyed 10th November 1680 i acre of land or bush meadow bounded by Samuel Dodge's land.


Christen25 May 1617Sefton, Lancashire, England
Marriage1650Manchester, Essex County, Massachusetts - Elizabeth Kilham
Death22 Jun 1713Wenham, Essex County, Massachusetts


SpouseElizabeth Kilham (1625 - 1693)
ChildElizabeth Hutton (1650 - 1734)
ChildJohn Hutton (1655 - )
ChildRichard Hutton Jr. (1658 - 1714)
ChildMartha Hutton (1662 - 1744)
ChildSamuel Hutton (1669 - )

