Individual Details

Thomas Bliss

( - 4 Oct 1647)

No identifiable grave marker remains.
Thomas Bliss was the son of John Blisse of Preston Parva, Northamptonshire, England. He was born ca. 1588, most likely in that location as well.
Thomas married Dorothy Wheatlie or Wheatley on Nov. 22, 1614 at Holy Cross Church in Daventry, England. We believe they had seven children together. It was about 1638 when Thomas, Dorothy and most likely three of the children came, first to Boston and then Braintree, Massachusetts. Thomas was a Blacksmith, Farmer and Surveyor.
Thomas received a land grant of 36 acres in Braintree. He took the Freeman's Oath on May 18, 1642 at Cambridge. Then in 1643 the family moved to Rehoboth in Bristol County, where Thomas received "a home lot of eight acres in the northwest end of town. By the time of his death in 1647, he owned 45 acres."
Thomas wrote his will on October 7, 1647 and his estate was appraised on October 21, 1647.

The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Bliss of Rehoboth
The last Will and Testament of Thomas Blise being sick in body but in perfect memory made the seventh Day of the eighth month; 1647 the said will allso Exhibbited unto the Court holden at new Plymouth the eighth of June 1649, upon the oathes of Steven Payne Edward Smith
Imprimus I give in the name of the father sonn and holy Goste my soule into the hands of god yt gave it and my body to the earth
It I give unto my soon Jonathan my house and home lot Conditionally yt hee shall give unto my sonninlaw Thomas Willmore his lot wh hee now hath and allso the one half of my broken up ground for two yeares and shall healp him to build him an house and let him peacably and quietly live in the house with him untell they shall bee able to set up a house for him
It I give unto Jonathan two of my oxen Called Spark and Swad and my heifer wh is Called traveler and my heifer Calfe at the Iland and all my beding and all my tooles Conditionly yt hee shall use them in my trade or els they shalbee Devided to my fouer Children
It I give unto my eldest Daughter and her husband Thomas Willmore my other two oxen Called quick and benbo an my broad headed heifer and my Cow Called Damson and all my wearing aparrell
It I give to my Daughter Mary and her husband Nathaneill harmon my three two yeare ould steers and ten bushells of wheat
It I give unto Nathaneell the sonn of my sonninlaw Nicolas Ide my browne heifer and my two steere Calves wh are at the Iland
It I give unto Nicolas Ide ten bushells of Rye
It I give unto my sonn Jonathan and my sonninlaw Thomas Willmore the Resedew of my Corn and allso the Rye now sowne on the ground and my Coult and all my tackling and Implements as plowes Cart and Chaines all these to be equally Devided between them allso my pot and ketell; and I Doe make them exequters Joyntly of this my will and Testament; and I Doe Intreat my trusty and wellbeloved frends Richard Wright and Steven Payne to bee overseers of this my Will yt it bee Dewly and Justly performed in Wittness heerof I have set to my hand the Day and yeare first above written; I give unto my fouer Children my hide of leather which is in William ffeilds hand to be equalli Devided between them; and if any of my Children shall seeck to Defraude the others of any pt of theire Right or shall bee any wayes troublesom and it bee Justly proved hee shall forfeite all his part heer menssioned to be equally Devided between the Rest.
In the prsence of Thomas Blise
Steven Payne
Edward Smithe

An Inventary of the goods and chattells of the late deseassed Thomas blise takein The 21 of the eight month [October] 1647.
Item £ s d
Impri his wearing aparell 3 0 0
It one fether bede 2 bolsters one blanked and one
coverlid and 2 sheets 4 0 0
It one Iron pot one brasse kittle 0 10 0
It 3 payls one tube 0 6 0
It in bookes 0 5 0
It 3 axsses one throw one hatchet one adds one wimble 0 12 0
It 2 sithes one how 0 6 0
It one ould muskate one pistoll one pistollbarell and
one barell of a peece and 2 ould swords 1 10 0
It 3 pitchforks one mukeforke . 0 5 0
It Iron and Steelle 0 9 0
It 2 beetleRings one wedge one mortising axe 0 6 0
It one warming pan one pot crooke one paire of pot
hooks one frying pan 0 10 0
It one payer of stillyards 0 3 0
It one horse harnesse one Sadle tree 0 7 0
It 2 meale troughs tow old hoggsheads 0 6 0
It one ould bagg 0 10
It in oattes pilcorn and peasen 0 12 0
It all the tooles belonging unto the Smiths trade 22 0 0
It one hyde of soallether 1 4 0
It 2 sives 0 1
It 2 oxen 12 0 0
It one Cow 5 5 0
It 2 oxen 22 0 0
It one Cow 5 0 0
It one heaifer 4 15 0
It 3 young Steers 8 0 0
It one Cow 5 5 0
It one court 7 0 0
It 3 calves 4 0 0
It 2 swyne 2 10 0
It haye 8 0 0
It wheat 6 15 0
It Rye 1 0 0
It in chaynes 0 12 0
It 2 plows and plow Irons 1 0 0
It one cartrope 0 4 0
It 2 yookes 0 5 0
It one cart 1 0 0
It Indian corn 1 6 0
It hempe 0 1 0
It one ould Sawe and other ould lumber 0 10 0
117 16 4

Aprised by Steven payne and Richard Bowin
at a generall court holden at neu plimouth the 7th of March 1647 Johnathan Blise and Thomas willmore testified Upon oath before the said court yt this is a true Inventory of the goods and chattels of thomas Blise above written.


Christen15 Apr 1589Preston Capes, Daventry, Northampton, England
Marriage22 Nov 1614Holy Cross Church, Daventry, Northamptonshire, England - Dorothy Wheatley
Death4 Oct 1647Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts


SpouseDorothy Wheatley ( - 1631)
ChildJonathan Bliss Sr. (1626 - 1687)
ChildMary Bliss (1616 - 1690)
FatherJohn Bliss ( - 1617)
MotherAgnes Ould (1571 - 1614)
