Individual Details

John Titus Sr.

(18 Dec 1627 - 16 Apr 1689)

Possible duplicate: LY3DWCD
John Titus, eldest child of Robert Titus and his wife Hannah, was b. circa 1627 at England. John immigrated to America with his parents and younger brother Edmund aboard the Hopewell, Wm. Bundick, Master, which embarked from London, England Apr. 3, 1635. He died testate and was buried April 16, 1689 at Rehoboth, Mass.

Whereas his parents and younger siblings eventually settled at Huntington on Long Island, NY, John remained in New England. By early 1650 John m. Abigail Carpenter, dau. of William Carpenter and Abigail Briant of Rehoboth, Mass. Abigail was bapt. May 31, 1629 at that portion of Shalbourne parish in Berkshire, England and d. Mar 5, 1709/10 at Rehoboth, Mass. She m. 2) Nov. 9, 1692 at Rehoboth as his 2nd wife, Jonah Palmer, s. of Walter Palmer of England, Rehoboth, Mass. and lastly Stonington, Conn. Jonah d. testate June 22, 1709 at Rehoboth, Mass. There were no children of Abigail and Jonah's marriage.

John Titus and Abigail Carpenter had the following eight children, all b. of record at Rehoboth, Mass.:

i. John Titus, Jr., b. Dec. 18, 1650, d. testate Dec. 2, 1697 at Rehoboth, Mass.; m. 1) July 17, 1673 at Rehoboth, Lydia Redway (q.v. Redaway), dau. of James Redway and either an unnamed 1st wife or Mary Whipple. She was b. May 30, 1652 at Rehoboth and was buried Nov. 25, 1676 at Rehoboth. One child of the marriage, dau. Lydia, b. Dec. 6, 1674 at Rehoboth who is named in her father's 1697 will. He m. 2) July 3, 1678 at Rehoboth, Sarah Millerd (q.v. Miller, Millard), dau. of John Millerd and his 2nd wife Elizabeth. Eight children of the marriage. Sarah m. 2) Aug. 16, 1716 at Rehoboth as his third wife, John Garnsey, Sr. (q.v. Garnzey), who d. intestate Mar. 31, 1722 at Rehoboth. There were no children of this latter marriage. Sarah (Millerd) (Titus) Garnsey was b. Oct. 15, 1655 at Rehoboth and was perhaps still living in 1729 at Rehoboth as the widow Garnsey.

ii. Abigail Titus, b. Feb. 18, 1652/3, d. May 31, 1734 at Attleboro, Mass.; m. 1) Apr. 25, 1673 at Rehoboth, John Fuller, s. of Robert Fuller, Sr and Sarah Bowen. He was b. circa 1648 at Rehoboth and was buried Aug. 23, 1676 at Rehoboth having been killed during an Indian attack on Rehoboth during the King Philips War. Two children of the family. Abigail m. 2) Oct. 16, 1679 at Rehoboth as his 2nd wife, Thomas Cushman, Jr. of Plymouth, Mass., s. of Thomas Cushman and Mary Allerton, latter a 1620 Mayflower passenger with her parents. Thomas was b. Sept. 16, 1637 at Plymouth, Mass. and d. Aug. 23, 1726 at Plymton, Mass. Four children of the marriage. Thomas Cushman's 1st wife was Ruth Howland, dau. of 1620 Mayflower passenger John Howland and his subsequent wife Elizabeth Tilley. Thomas Cushman and Ruth Howland m. Nov. 17, 1664 at Plymouth, Mass. and had three children prior to Ruth's death.

iii. Silas Titus, b. May 18, 1656, d. at Rehoboth betw. Feb. 22, 1727/8, the date of his will, and Dec. 15, 1741 when his will was probated. Was married three times and had children by his first two wives. See his separate memorial.

iv. Hannah Titus, b. Nov. 28, 1658, d. in adolescence and was buried Nov. 13, 1673 at Rehoboth.

v. Samuel Titus, b. June 1, 1661, d. testate July 12, 1726 at Attleboro, Mass.; m. Nov. 27, 1693, Elizabeth Johnson, b. May 19, 1673 at Rehoboth. She d. Sept. 5, 1726 also at Attlelboro. Four children of the family.

vi. Mercy Titus, b. Mar. 17, 1665/6, d. Jan. 27, 1746/7 at Rehoboth; m. Jan. 9, 1683/4 at Rehoboth, Dr. Richard Bowen, s. of Thomas Bowen and Elizabeth Nichols. He was b. in Aug. 1660 [day missing] at Rehoboth and d. there intestate Feb. 12, 1736/7. Seven children of the family.

vii. Joseph Titus, the twin of Mercy, b. Mar. 17, 1665/6, d. after June 16, 1741; m. Jan 19, 1687/8 Martha Palmer, dau. of Jonah Palmer, Sr. and Elizabeth Griswold, b. July 6, 1666 at Rehoboth. Nine children of the family. In 1692 Martha's father Jonah became her husband's stepfather.

viii. Experience Titus, b. Oct. 29, 1669, d. Mar. 11, 1732/3 at Rehoboth; m. July 18, 1693 at Rehoboth, Leonard Newsom (q.v. Newsome), who d. Aug. 25, 1724 at Rehoboth. Three children of record, the eldest dying in infancy.

Peter Rounds' commonly referenced abstract of the will of John Titus, Sr. of Rehoboth is incorrect. The following is from Lucy Hall Greenlaw's shortlived "The Genealogical Advertiser," Vol. III (Dec. 1900):121.

...Will of John Titus senior of Rehoboth, he "being weake of Body", dated Feb. 21, 1688-9, proved Nov. 20, 1689.
...To wife Abigail the house I now dwell in, with orchard, barns, homelot, salt meadow, and use of my Commons, during life, also my oxen, horse, two cows, six sheep, household goods, cart, small plow and chains for her disposal;? eldest son John Titus four acres where he hath built, and several other pieces of land; son Silas six acres of land which his house stands on, with other pieces of land; son Samuel 50 acres where he hath sett up his frame, also other lands; son Joseph ye house he now dwells in (except that his Mother shall have ye free use of ye oven without molestation during her life time), with other lands in connection with which "Cozen Samuell Carpenters Land" is mentioned, said Joseph to provide for his mother; daughter Abigail [Cushman] two sheep; to daughter Mercy [Bowen] a cow; to daughter Experience [not yet m.] seven sheep; grandchildren John Fuller and Abiall Fuller [sons of dau. Abigail by 1st husb. John Fuller] 50 acres of land, being the remainder of my 100 acre lot at Squissett; grandchildren John Titus [eldest s. of s. John], Silas Titus [eldest s. of s. Silas] and Elizabeth Bowen [eldest child of dau. Mercy], each a sheep;
...wife to be sole executrix.
...I "Desire my loving Neighbour John Pecke & my Brother [in-law] William Carpenter to be Overseers."
...Witnessed by John Peck, Gilbert Brooks and William Carpenter, of whom Gilbert Brooks and William Carpenter made oath to said will, Nov. 5, 1689. [Bristol County PR 1:17].

Ancestors of the John and Abigail (Carpenter) Titus family need to understand two important points. First, Abigail Carpenter was John Titus' sole wife. For a full discussion, see Eugene Cole Zubrinsky: "The Family of William Carpenter of Rehoboth, Massachusetts..." in The American Genealogist, 70(Oct. 1995):198-200.

Second, John Titus and wife Abigail Carpenter had no recorded child named Elizabeth and no dau. Elizabeth or any children by her is mentioned in the foregoing will (all the heirs named are otherwise readily identifiable). The claim that John and Abigail had a dau. Elizabeth who became, before 1676, the first wife of John2 Garnsey (Henry,1) of Dorchester, Swansea and lastly Rehoboth, Mass., had eleven children by Garnsey and d. of record Apr. 11, 1714 at Rehoboth, is unfounded. Said Elizabeth has been confused with Elizabeth4 Titus, b. 1691 (John,3-2, Robert,1), who m. June 16, 1717 at Rehoboth, John3 Garnsey, Jr., b. 1696 (John,2 Henry,1).


Birth18 Dec 1627London, England
Marriage1659Lewiston, Androscoggin County, Maine - Abigail Carpenter
Death16 Apr 1689Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts


SpouseAbigail Carpenter ( - 1710)
FatherRobert Titus (1600 - 1678)
MotherHannah Carter ( - 1672)

