Individual Details

Adelbert H. Howard

( - )

Howard, Adelbert H., was born on the farm where he now resides, August 18, 1858, a son of Alvin H. and Betsey (Lindsley) Howard, who had two children: Albertus F., and Adelbert H. Alvin was a son of Arad and Sarah (Smith) Howard; their children were Alvin, Edwin, Arad, Nathan, Samantha, and Lucy. Sarah (Smith) Howard was a sister of Allen Smith, a prominent citizen of the town, and hence a relative of Horace K. Smith, the present supervisor of Nelson. After Arad Howard's death, Sarah married Judah Lindsley, by whom she had two sons, Cyrenus and Franklin. Alvin, during his early life, worked at carpenter's work with his father in law, Simeon Lindsley, until his marriage, when he purchased the farm where Adelbert H. now lives, and followed farming the remainder of his life. He was a public spirited man and took a great interest in church and temperance work. Adelbert H. was educated in the common schools of the town of Nelson. He was associated with his father until his father's death on December 27, 1879, when he took charge of the estate. October 18, 1881, he married Ida L., daughter of Hiram P. and Annie (Rice) Hutchinson, and they have three children. Floyd, Glenn, and Ray. Mr. Howard has been active in town and county affairs and has held the office of assessor; he has been connected with educational work for many years as trustee and collector of the school. He is a member of Nelson Grange No. 615. David and Simeon Lindsay, two brothers, came from near Merrillsville and settled in the northeastern part of the town of Nelson. They married two sisters, Fannie and Jerusha Merrill. Simeon's children were Amelia, Cinderilla, Jerusha, Amelia and Betsey, all now deceased, David's children were Simeon, Allen, Abijah, Loren and Wallace. Abijah and Wallace are still living.

Our County and it's people
A Descriptive and Biographical Record of Madison County, New York
Edited by: John E. Smith
The Boston History Co., Publishers 1890


SpouseIda L. Hutchinson ( - )
ChildFloyd Howard ( - )
ChildGlenn Howard ( - )
ChildRay Howard ( - )
FatherAlvin H. Howard ( - 1879)
MotherBetsey Lindsley ( - )
SiblingAlbertus F. Howard ( - )