Individual Details

William Lee Hollaway

(6 Mar 1860 - 25 Apr 1933)

1860 - Willie Lee Hollaway is born on a large plantation owned by his father, James L. Hollaway in Hamburg, Arkansas prior to the Civil War. He is four months old when the census is taken. His father is very prosperous. He lists his real estate of $29,340 and other personal value at $43,117. The latter figure is in 26 slaves. His mother, Imogene came from the W. W. Clyde family that had moved from NY. to South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi then Louisiana before settling in Arkansas. [US Census,M 653-37,Ashley/ Union]
1861 - One of Willie's adopted brothers, cousin James M., is killed in Virginia near Bull Run in one of the first battles of the Civil War where he served In Confed. Co A. 3 Ark Infantry. He had enlisted on May 20, 1861 and died July 10 1861 in Richmond, VA. His other adopted brother Porter M. L. who also enlisted on the same date and into the same company may also have died after 1863. [Arkansas Confederate Service Records, Arkansas History Commission]
1870 - Willie Lee's father, James L., dies March of this year of bronchitis, the same month Willie was born into. [Ark Mort. Schedule]
In July "Willie" and his mother show up on the census but under "Rozen Hollaway" in Portland, Ark. as "32f keeping house, with $2000 real estate and $1200 value of personal estate." This record is very messed up. with the birth dates of the children consistantly wrong by one person. William should only be 10, Imogene's sister, Elly Clyde(17 Louisiana) is here. She is to marry Jesse Stanford on Oct 30, of this year. Imogene's mother may also be here, but the unnamed mother should be 56 as the last person on the list, although born in S. C. Willie's other two brothers, John and Albert, and one sister, Alice, are also here. [Ark 1870, Ashley 198 Portland]
1880 - William Hollaway is a boarder in Portland Dist, Ark. still single at the age of 20 years but he intends to get married within the year according the census. [Ark 1880, Ashley c150 Portland] Enum Dist. 10 p22
1884 - Willie marries Jennie Mackin (Margaret Eugenia Machen,) 17 April 1884 daughter of John L. and Martha A. Machen, originally of Alabama. [Ark Co. Marriages 1849-1910]
My cousin, Carol Austin Apple, states,"I know from what my grandmother told me, when her mother, (Eugenia), was a little girl, her family owned a grocery store or trading post in Georgia, they were invaded by Indians. Her father hid them in a hidden basement under the store during indian raids." I have no proof that this occurred and if it did I believe it probably occurred in Alabama, which may have been part of the Georgia Territory at that time. North eastern Alabama had been the main area of the Cherokee Indians later to become Tuscaloosa and Tallapoosa Counties. I am continuing to look for proof of this event. [Apple email - 2/21/02] 1885 - Clyde Pearl is born on March 15, named after Willie's mother's family name "Clyde".
1894 - Ernest Lee Hollaway is born in July 1894 in Mist, Arkansas
1897 - Sara (Sadie) Alice is born February 13 in Mist, Arkansas.
"When Ernest was four or five he became curious about whether black would burn. He had noticed that most things were black after they burned, heence the question. He went into his sister Clyde's bedroom one day. In her closet he found a black riding skirt. To answer his curiosity, he took a match and tried to set the skirt on fire. To his surprise, it burned quickly! He did not know what to do, and so shut the closet door and ran out of the house. Soon someone saw smoke billowing from the house, but in the country there was no way to put out the fire. The large plantation house burned to the ground. This loss no doubt was a severe setback for the family finances.
Ernest never revealed to any of his family how the fire had started. When he was about 70 or 75 , he told the story to me." [records of Ernest Lee Hollaway Jr.]
1900 - I'm assuming that the above story has some validity since the family seems to have moved off the farm into town by 1900. Willie is a ferryman in Portland, Arkansas. His wife, Eugenia, and he have four children, Clyde is 15, Ernest is 5, Sadie is 3 , Bryan is one month They have two blacks living with them , a mother and son; Willa Dokes (60) and Spencer Hill (40) who are probably their servants. Bryan is born May of 1900, may have died shortly after this , he doesn't show up on 1910 census. [US Census, Ark., Portland, Enum. 15, sheet 19 p327b] Hollaway, William head w m Mar 1860 40 mar. 16yrs Arkansas Miss. Miss. Ferryman ________ , Eugenia wife w f May 1859 41 mar. 16yrs 6births/4 living Ala. Georgia Alabama ________ , Clyde dau w f Mar 1885 15 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama ________ , Earnest son w m July 1895 5 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama ________ , Sadie dau w f Feb 1897 3 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama ________ , Bryan son w m Nov 1899 5/12 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama
1904 - 23 March - His wife "Jennie" dies of the measles. I assume that his oldest daughter, Clyde, by this time 19 helps to raise the other kids with the aid of their black servants. [Portland Cem. Records]
1907 - Willie marries Lou Ella Wesley (Austin) Hollaway on Oct. 15, 1907, the wife of his deceased brother, Albert. [Ark Co. Marriages 1849-1910]
1909- 7 Feb. Clyde Pearl, his oldest dau. marries B. H. Austin in Portland. Arkansas. [Lee p164]
1910 - He is(49 years old) living in Portland, Arkansas with Ella (48) his new wife, his son, Ernest(15 and daughter, Sadie,(13). His occupation is listed as "owns farm". Bryan doesn't show up on this census and probably died shortly after birth. John D. Hollaway, Willie's brother, and his wife, Sallie, live just up the road. He also is a farmer.
Hollaway, William head w m 49 mar 2 yrs Arkansas Mississippi Mississippi farmer Owns farm " , Ella wife w f 48 mar 2 yrs Georgia Georgia Georgia " , Ernest son w m 15 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama " , Sadie dau w f 13 s Arkansas Arkansas Alabama [US Census, Arkansas, Ashley, Enum 13/ Sheet 3, Portland]
The oldest daughter Clyde moves off to Colorado with her new husband.
Austin, Benjamin H. head m w 29 m2 2 Arkansas Georgia Georgia blower blast furnace " , Clyde wife f w 24 m1 2 Arkansas Arkansas Alabama " , Lee son m w 2/12 s Colorado Arkansas Arkansas [US Census, Colorado, Pueblo City, Enum. Dist. 18, p. 159
1917, Sept. 3 - Willie writes this letter to Forrest Kirkland, his intended son-in-law that will marry Sadie Hollaway(20 years old).
Portland, Ark "Dear Forrest, As you are going to be my son I guess I have the right to use these words. Your letter received a few days ago and after considering your request and considering your plans, now, of course, I would rather for you to marry at home but I do think your reasons are reasonable. I will consent for Sadie to come to you because I have confidence in you and believe you to be a man of principal and honor and that I can faithfully trust her with you believing that all will be well with her. While I know you are not a man of wealth, I do believe you to be a man and when I say man, I mean what the word implies.
Now, of course, it would be better that you had some thing to begin with but when I married I had nothing but love and I have never regretted the day, which I believe is the case with you and Sadie, and I am sure that Sadie will endeaver to do her part and I believe you will do the same and that being the case I have nothing to fear. Now as to the date. Money is very scarce with me now and I expect it will work some hardships on me in preparing her but never the less I will endeaver to do so. Now perhaps you think this the way I write I am anxious for you and her to marry and if I would say I am would you feel puffed up of how would you feel. I hope not for I do think it is nothing but the duty of every Parent to want to see his daughter marry a Gentleman. And while I am writing plainly, I hope that you will consider that it is the duty of every man to be such yet I know they are not now of course. I hate to give Sadie up from any now yet I want her to marry because I think that is in the plan of God. Now let me give you by Blessings and of a little prayer for you both that God will Guide you all right and Protect you and that you both will be a blessing.
You may think it strange that Sadie has never opened you mouth to me and what I know I have gathered. Which I do not think is right and I have not said anything to her I believe she should have confidence in which, it seems, that she has not and I thought I would wait and see if she would say anything to me."
Respect yours, W. L. Hollaway [abstracted from the original, saved by Sadie Hollaway Kirkland Johnson]
1920 - Willie Lee Hollaway is in Portland, Arkansas (f 59), with his new wife, Ella, (58), the widow of his brother, Albert P. , who died in 1909. His occupation is listed as farmer.
Hollaway, Willie Lee head m w 59 mar Arkansas Mississippi Mississippi farmer " , Ella wife f w 58 mar Georgia Georgia Georgia [US census, Ashley Co. Ark. ed 15, sheet 5 ] Clyde Hollaway Austin is a widow, listed as (Mrs) Ben. H. Austin, living in Pine Bluff City, Jefferson Co., Arkansas. She seems to be running a boarding house and has four single adults and a couple living with her and calls herself a housekeeper. She also seems to have two servants living in rear.
Austin, Ben. H. f w head owner 34 wd Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas housekeeper At home " , Lee m w son 10 s Colorado Arkansas Arkansas " , Wesley m w son 8 s Colorado Arkansas Arkansas " , Dan m w son 6 s Alabama Arkansas Arkansas Oubrey, Garland m w boarder 20 s Arkansas Georgia Arkansas Pratt, Marnie f w boarder 19 s Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Robertson, Ernest m w head / renter 30 mar Michigan England England " , Lucille f w wife 21 mar Missouri Missouri Missouri Montgomery, Otis m w boarder 20 s Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Welsh, Frank m w boarder 21 s Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas in rear Lirric, Manuel f b servant/ renter 20 div Louisiana Alabama Alabama Jones, Mary f b servant/ renter 40 div S. Carolina not known not known [US Census, Arkansas, Jefferson Co., Enum. Dist. 141, sheet 1b]
Sallie Hollaway, (50f widow) the second wife of John David Hollaway, Willie's older brother, is near by with her son, Hunter (24), [US Census, Ashley Co. Ark. ed 15, sheet 5 ]
1930 - Willie is widowed and age 70 when he moves to Dallas, TX where he lives near his daughter, Sadie, and her two children, Violet and Roy. He helps support them after her husband, Forrest, leaves them. He always carried his feather bed with him when he went to visit. He loved his corn cob pipe. He fished and played dominoes with May Turner's father. He never let his own children play poker but allowed his grand kids, Violet and Roy Kirkland, to play. [recollections of Violet Christenson]
Kirkland, Forest head rents m w 37 mar at 24 Arkansas Alabama Arkansas artist studio " , Sadie wife f w 33 mar at 20 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas " , Violet daughter f w 11 s Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas " , Roy E. son m w 7 s Texas Arkansas Arkansas Hollaway, Willie fatherinlaw m w 70 wd Arkansas Mississippi Alabama retired [US Census, Texas, Dallas Co., Dallas, enum. dist. 57-59, sheet 16b, perhaps 2831 English st.]
Ernest L. Holloway has a family in Arkansas and has taken in Lee Austin, his sisters oldest son for a period of time.
Holloway, Ernest L. head renter m w 34 mar 21 Arkansas Arkansas Alabama lawyer Gen-Practice " , Vera wife f w 33 mar 20 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas none " , Ernest L. Jr. son m w 10 s Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas noneAustin, Lee nephew m w 20 div. m. at age17 Colorado Arkansas Arkansas Agent Insurance [US Census, Arkansas, Clay County, Corning, enum. dist. 11-18, sheet 8A] Clyde has remarried to Charles Bainbridge and is living in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Bambridge, Charles head owner m w 60 mar at 52 Missouri Illinois Missouri painter house " , Clyde wife f w 44 mar at 23 Arkansas Arkansas Alabama Austin, Ralph stepson m w 18 s Colorado Arkansas Arkansas " , Dan stepson m w 16 s Alabama Arkansas Arkansas [US Census, Arkansas, Jefferson, Pine Bluff, enum. dist. 35-45, sheet 12b]
1933, April 23 - He dies in Dallas but is buried in Portland Arkansas Cemetery in an unmarked grave between his two wives. [interview with Hunter Hollaway, Nov 18, 1995 at one hundred years of age][Texas Death Index, Dallas, #17433]
1950-60's - Clyde and Sadie raise their separate families which produced numerous grandchildren. We each have our own stories about these ladies. Carol Austin Apple states this, "Gramma, Clyde, was a character. I understand I am kind of like her. She had a great sense of humor. She knew everybody and had tons of friends. Yes, I remember her as a closet smoker also. She thought that no one knew that she had a cigarette in the bathroom, with the window open and then she'd have to spray room deodorizer. It was really funny. Amazingly she lived until she was 89, Smoking and all with no obvious side effects! I really loved her a lot. She told me some incredible stories about her child hood....Grandma was very lively and kept her own house and cooked until she died. She was always ready to go with me when I called her up to go do something. " [Apple, Carol email 1/30/02]
Apple, Carol L., Fremont, CA. email - candpapple1(at) Arkansas Confederate Service Records, Arkansas History Commission, Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas Cemetery Records, Portland Ark Mort. Schedule Hollaway, Ernest Jr. photo of family and info Lee, Alice Kennedy. Excerpts from the Ashley County Eagle, Arkansas 1889-1914, 2000 Alice Kennedy Lee, P. O. Box 636, Cave City, KY 42127, email - letter, abstracted from the original hand written, saved by Sadie Hollaway Kirkland Johnson, in possession of Elroy Christenson Christenson, Violet. recollections of Texas Death Index-1903-2000, US Census Records,


Birth6 Mar 1860Ashley County, Arkansas
Census (family)-sharedJul 1860(James Lee Hollaway and Imogene Clyde) Union, Ashley County, Arkansas
Marriage17 Apr 1884Hamburg, Ashley County, Arkansas - Margaret Eugenia "Jennie" Machen
Census (family)20 Jun 1900Portland, Ashley County, Arkansas - Margaret Eugenia "Jennie" Machen
Marriage15 Oct 1907Arkansas - Louella Wesley Austin
Census (family)20 Apr 1910Portland, Ashley County, Arkansas - Louella Wesley Austin
Census (family)12 Feb 1920Portland, Ashley County, Arkansas - Louella Wesley Austin
Census (family)-shared5 Apr 1930(Olea Forrest Kirkland and Sarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway) Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
Death25 Apr 1933Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
Burial27 Apr 1933Portland Cemetery, Ashley County, Arkansas


SpouseMargaret Eugenia "Jennie" Machen (1859 - 1904)
ChildClyde Pearl Hollaway (1885 - 1972)
ChildJudge Ernest Lee Hollaway Sr. (1895 - 1981)
ChildSarah Alice "Sadie" Hollaway (1897 - 1980)
ChildBryan Hollaway (1900 - 1910)
SpouseLouella Wesley Austin (1861 - 1928)
FatherJames Lee Hollaway (1813 - 1870)
MotherImogene Clyde (1837 - 1878)

