Individual Details

William Alexander "Billy" Burns

(9 Apr 1812 - 13 Mar 1887)

Possibly related to the poet Robert Burns.
Both Alexander and Margarett seem to have been born in South Carolina.
We don't know have a definitive connection to any other family outside of Alabama. We are looking at a number of families and hope that someone comes through with documentation that will clear up this mystery. Connections between several families seem to point to an immigration from Fairfax County, Virginia as part of a resettlement of Seven Day Baptists in Georgia by 1757. They later move just over the border into South Carolina. "We the Church of Christ on Tyger River under the Care of Frederick Crowder Minister of Gospel Was Examined and found fit and Constituted the 22nd Day of November 1784, by John Webb & John Cole Minsiter of the same father and order." However when it entered the Bethel Association in 1789 they had to take a different name due to a conflict with another similarly named church. The Paggetts Creek church was probably on a branch of Fairfarest or Tyger River. Crowder apparenlty found himself in financial problems and John Putnam was ordained minister in1794. "The church also arranged for the ordination of Spencer Bobo and Thomas Greer, Jr., in 1799, and of Nathan Langston in 1804, besides licensing Lewis Hunt, Jeremiah Burns, Joshua Greer, Hosea Holcombe, and Thomas Ray, and permitting exhertation by Nathanial Jackson, John Curtis, Jesse Howard, William Wilbanks, Jr., Christopher Robinson, and Caleb Smith. " [p. 248]

1803 - Thomas Burns is listed as "other messengers to association" of Rocky Creek (Broad River) Church 1790-1803. He seems to be reporting on the members in the church that 8 persons' were listed as baptized, 3 received by letter, 6 dismissed, 1 excluded, 1 dead, 28 total members. A footnote on this page indicates that some of the members of the "Clouds Creek Church were Snowden Kirkland and wife and some others not named: Snowden Kirkland had a survey of 350 acres on Pipe Creek of Savannah River touching Joshua Kirkland and John Clayto in 1763; The preacher james Warren had a survy of 200 acres in St. Paul's Parish ..." [Townsend p169] A footnote on p. 249 "Padgett Creek CB, 1794-1804; The bridge so often referred to was probably Murphy's bridge of Tyger River; Bethel Assoc. Min., 1791-1803; Asplund's Reg. 3, 5., and 6. ed; list of members of Padgetts Creek Church made up from teh church book 1784-1804l sally addenton, Angus Alexander, Anne Alexander, Charity Alexander, Eunity Alexander, John Alexander, Lewis Alexander, William Alexander, Isaac Barnet, Mary Barnet, Patty Barnet, Sarah Barnet, James Bennett, Fanny Blossengame, Thomas Blossengame, Barram Bobo, Spencer Bobo, William Bograin, Lydda Boman, Thomas Boman, John Bond, John Bond, Sr.. Martha Bond, Betsy Boteman, Jessie Boteman, John Boteman, Rebekah Brandon, Hannah Briant, Phillip Briant, William Briant, Mrs. William Briant, Bharles Browning, Daniel Browning, Robert Browning., Jr., Thompson Brown, Betty Bruton, John Builington, Benjamin Burns, Jeremiah Burns, Levina Burns, Marget Burns, Rachel Burns, Robert Burns, Rhoda busclark, Nelly Call, William Call, Mary Canada, Mordecai Chandler, Polly Clayton, Nancy Cocksey, Polly Coleman, Daniel Comer, Elijah Cooper, James W. Cooper, Richard Cooper, John Couch, Rev. Frederick Crowder, Milly Crowder, Charity Curtis, Fielding Curtis, John Curtis, 1810- Here another researcher, Ralph Burns, indicates his conjecture on the parents of Alexander and Margaret Geer.
"I think I found the parents of Alexander and Margaret Greer Burns in Pendleton Dist,, SC in 1810 and 1820. I think the older David Grier is her father.
Ralph Burns
1810 Pendleton Co., SC
Burns, John 4 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Image 32
Grier, David 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 Image 31
1820 Pendleton Dist., SC (98 images in all)
Burnes, John 2 3 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 Image 16
Grier, David 3 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 0 1 1 Image 24
Grier, David, 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Image 96
(I think the older David is Margaret Burns` father)
1830 Anderson Co., SC
Burnes, John 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Image 47
Grier, Hannah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Image 47
(Anderson Co. was formed from Pendleton Dist. in 1826. I think this John Burnes is Alexander`s brother. I think Hannah is David Grier`s widow. Some Burns` and Griers/Greers from this area had gone to Bedford Co., TN by 1830) " [email on Nov 1, 2007 from Ralph Burns ] 1810 Burns in SC, Indexed by bracket, males on left, females on right. Reading from left to right, ages by bracket, 1st 0-10; 2nd 10-15; 3rd 16-25; 4th 26-44, 5th; 45 and up. [records of Ralph Burns]
c1812- Alexander Burns is born in South Carolina. According to family tradition we were related to Robert Burns. I assumed it was "the national bard" of Scotland when I first started this research. Unfortunately my relatives were born only shortly after he was and most of them died in Scotland. My Robert Burns may be related to his father or grandfather but no direct connection is expected. There is a Robert Burns in Laurens Co. S. C. IN 1820 (LAURENS 026) which could be a relative. Also here is John Burns. (LAURENS 021).
For Robert Burns "The Bard" my doubtful ancestor
1820 - Robert Burns [Laurens Co. 026] John Burns [Laurens Co. 021]
1829 - State of So. Carol. census, Laurens. Co. , So. Carolina Genealogical Bulletin.
Rev. John Burns 3 John Burns, Jr. 3 James Burns 12 Joseph Burns 5 Allen Burns 6
1830 Alabama [M19 - ]
Asberry Burns [Morgan 194] farmer m 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 no
f 2 3 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 slaves
Nancy Burns [Walker 266] m 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
f 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
Alexander Burns [Walker 266] m 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
f 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
Alex T. Burnes [Limestone 10] m 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " f 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " (Alexander should be 18 and single until @1834 so this must be his father)
1834, 29 Jan. - Alexander Burns (c 22 yrs) marries Margarett Greer (c18yrs), by W. Atkins, in Tallapoosa Co. AL.
The state of Alabama Tallapoosa County To any Judge of the county Court, Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel, you are hereby authorised to celebrate the rites of matrimony between Alexander Burns, and Margarete Greer if there be no lawful impedament Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty five Daniel G Watson Cl & C.C. I Certify that the rites of matrimony was duly celebrated between the written parties on the 29th January 1834 W Atkins J. C. C. T C.
[Marriage Book I, p. 81, Tallapoosa Co. AL and also in Alabama Records, Vol. 212, p.81, Tallapoosa Co. , Pauline Jones Gandrud, 1981, So. Hist. Press, Easley S. C.]
1840, US Census, Alabama. Alex Burns in Tallapoosa Co. is indexed as Alex. Burus.
Burns, A. (Asbery?)[Morg. 011 6th] males 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 no
females 0,0,3,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 slaves
Burns, Alex [Tallapoosa 171 No] males 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 no
females 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 slaves
1843, May 15 - Alexander Burns signs a promissary note indebted to G. W. Hester for thirty-six dollars and 34 cents. G. W. Hester is his brother-in-law who marries Martha's sister. He signs over as security for the note with
"twelve head of cattle consisting of cows calves and yearlings marked with the Right Ears cut off clost to the head Branded with the letter B also one Yoke of Steers about five years old marked with Swallow fork in the left Ear and under bit in the same one Bay filly about Two years old and also one ox waggon some what worne all of which said property I do Warrant unto the said G. W. Hester his heirs and assigned in fee simple" [Deed Book C, Page 264, Tallapoosa County, AL]
1848, May 10- "Alexander Burns of Tallapoosa County Alabama"files a land claim in Montgomery County for 40 acres in Tallapossa County, Alabama in "the southeast quarter of the South East quarter of Section Four in Township twenty of Range Twenty four East, in the District of Lands subject to Sale at Montgomery Alabam, containing Forty Acres and Seventeen hundredth of an acre." Serial number AL4360 - 341. AL No S/N [Bureau of Land Management web site -]
1850- [US Census, Tallapoosa Co., So. Dist. p. 32]
A. Burns ( 38m farmer 800 SC
Margarett 34f SC Martha Ann 15f Ala Solomon 12m Ala Hillyard 10m Ala Rachall 8f Ala Margarett 6f Ala Samuel 2m Ala Watts Moon(living w/ them) 24m farmer Geo
1850- [US Census, Chambers Co. 276]
Joseph Greer 43m wagonmaker 2000 SC b1817
Jane M. 42 f SC b1818 Thomas W. 16m Student AL b1844 James L. 13m AL b 1847 Sarah J. 11 f AL b1849 Columbus P. 8m AL b1852 Joseph A. 6m AL b1854 Knox T. 4m AL b1856 John F. 3/12m AL b1859 Jane Wilson 65f SC b1795 Priscilla Greer 75f SC b1785
Priscilla Greer (age 75) in the previous document is the mother to Margaret Burns. All come from South Carolina. Joseph is the brother to Margaret and their father, Joseph Greer Sr. had died in 1843. Jane Wilson is probably the mother of Joseph's wife, Jane.
1857- Alexander dies? "thirteen months prior to June 1859" abstract of document #1:
the state of Alabama to the Hon. Simeon Goodsby Tallapoosa County Judge of Probate in and for said county and state The petition of Margarett Burns respectfully showeth unto your Honor that she is the widow of th Alexander Burns late of said County deceased, whose estate is now being adminstered by Joseph Greer, in this court, as the administrator (law=of)
Your petitioner would futher show unto your Honor, that the estate of the said Alexander Burns , her said husband, is insolvent, and she even that it will be necessary to sell all the said property to pay the debts of the said estate and that the estate will then not be able to pay its debts- Your petitioner states that the names of all the children who are members of his family of said deceased, are as follows - to wit Martha Ann Micham wife of John Michem both of whom are of ? said recide in the county of Chambers and the state of Alabama. - Solmon W. Burns, Henry H. Burns, Rachael E. Burns, who are minors over 14 years of age, and Margarett S. Burns, Samuel A. Burns, Elizabeth A. J. Burns, Prissilla O. E. Burns and Mary L. G. Burns, and that they are under 14 years of age and are members of his family and were of the time of his death. Your petitioner would show unto your honor that she is entitled to select of the lands of her deceased husband , real estate to the value of five hundred dollars according to section 1738 of the code and 6 # Division.
Your petitioner would also show unto your Honor that said Joseph Greer the adminstrator a foresaid is will to have the same set off and selected according to the law. Wherefore your petitioner would ask your Honor for an order of Court to appoint appraisers to set off the same according to law and her selection to be made - and that the title to the same be vested in her and her children above named - Your petitioner would also show unto your Honor that the following eighty acres of land is all that the said Burns deceased and passed of in his own right to wit the East 1/2 of the N. E. 1/4 of Section 18 in the T20 R24 - said county - Your petitioner will Margarett Burns Petitioner (no date)
transcript of document #2
The State of Alabama Tallapoosa County To the Hon. Allen D. Sturdivant, Judge of the Probate in and for said county
The undersigned Joseph Greer, admin. on the estate of Alexander Burns, late of said county, deceased, would by leave to report unto your Honor , that he is the admir. on said estate appointed and qualified as such in said county of Tallapossa, and that he, the said administrator is satisfied that the entire property of said estate is insufficient to pay the debts of the said estate, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the said estate is insolvent, and in verification whereof he herewith, also files his statements, as required by law.
1st That there is no real estate or property belonging to said estate, and that there is no proceeds or assets arising from the same - on sale or otherwise and that he know of no land or real property or any interest therin belonging to the same -
2nd The following is a cml list to the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned admir. of all the goods and chattels, evidences of debt and other personal property, with the estimated value of each, and the amount of money belongin to said estate-
1st The amount of sale Bill had by said admr. on the 21st day of Feb. 1857, which embraces all the removal property that belonged to said estate, and which were sold by order of the Probate Court, and the other property mentioned and returned in the inventory, was not subject to sale and was delivered over to the widow by said admr. as except for the use said widow and family , except the slaves Mary and her infant child, which wer sold under a mortgage made by said decedent in his life time to William P. Wood, for nine Hundred and eight dollars on the 13th day of March 1854 and one to William H. Barnes for sixty five daolars made on the 7th day of July 1855, form the sale of the same there, remained only twenty eight dollars; after paying the said mortgage debts - which is assets of said estate- said sale Bill being for - $250.50
2 - The said admr. has collected on said estate debts the following money - not in the sale bill $55.00
3 - one judgment in the circuit Court of Tallapossa County against Smith J O'Neal sendered at the Fall time 7858 for $75.00
4. - 1 note on Elbert Jones dated the day of 185 for sixty five dollars, one half belonging to William Costly and the other to his estate --
Joseph Greer is listed as administrator to the Alexander Burns estate is Margaret Burns brother. 1860- US Census, Beat NO #5, Tallapoosa Co., AL, Roll: 25 Page: 37. Alexander has apparently died within three years of this census. Margaret is left with a sizable holding mostly in slaves. This census lists eight slaves by age with no names. They generally fit the list in the probate record within a year or two. 1 male 60, 1 female 32, 1 male 13, 1 female 12, 1 male 8, 3 females 6, 3 and 1. Margaret Burnes 47 f Farmer $500 $4458 South Carolina Hilliard 19 m Alabama Evalina 17 f Alabama Margaret 14 f Alabama Samuel 12 m Alabama Aldora 7 f Alabama Ophelia 5 f Alabama Luella 3 f Alabama
1861, May16 - There are a lengthy series of documents to the estate of Margaret Greer Burns. It is interesting that she inherited the estate of Alexander and claims poverty yet ends up in only a three years with $4900 dollars in slaves.
State of Alabama Tallapoosa County This is a true and correct inventory of the goods and chattles belonging to the estate of Margarett Burns deceased which came to the possession of said estate. 1. George a man aged 60 years - 400.00 2. Chesny a woman age 34 years - 850.00 3. Ned a Boy aged 15 years - 1000.00 4. Caroline a girl aged 13 years - 800.00 5. Bob a boy aged 9 years - 700.00 6. Nance a girl aged 7 years - 500.00 7. Laura a girl aged 5 years - 400.00 8. Liza a girl aged 2 years 250.00 one note due 25th Dec, nxt payable by J. W. Sutton, Jermiah Sutton, H. P. Smith, M. M. Smith, - 45.00 One note payable to S. W. Newell Martha Newell Dec 25th next - 35.00 One due 25th Dec. next by S. W. Newell and Martha Newell - 30.00 One due 25th Dec. next Jno G. Jones James E. Jones - 75.00 One due 25th Dec. next Jno G. Jones James E. Jones - 25.00 One due 25th Dec. next N. G. Williams and H. P. Smith - 50.00
State of Alabama Tallapoosa County We the undersigned commissioners who was appointed by the Judge of Probate of the above named state & County to appraise the property belonging to the estate of Margarett Burns have met and proceeded to appraised the afore named property and set acrorn the abount opposite each article as negro which we have done without fines or affiction to the best of our knowledge Sworn to and subscribed before me an acting justice of the Peace. August 10th 1861. T. Madden J. P. C. G. Mulligan Appraiser Dickerson Jones " [will and probate records, Vol. 3, pp 745-746, Tallapoosa Co., AL]
1865- Hugh K. McCulla to Margaret K. Burns. Judge Appleby signed marriage license July 3, 1865 (incomplete). [Marriage Records 1861-1890 of Chambers county, Alabama., pub. The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc., 1974]
After Margaret's death the youngest children were probably split up living with various relatives including Joseph Greer Jr. until they came of age. Eventually they lived with their brothers or sisters as they married. They did live near one another in the 1870 Tallapoosa County census.
Henry Burns married in January of 1870 to Isabella (?) and has living with him his thirteen year old sister Luella. On the same page is Hugh McCauly with Martu (probably Martha) age 24. This is probably Martha Burns and her husband since they have living with them Ophelia Burns age fifteen. Ann McCauly, age 10, is also here but is listed as "black". Aldora would have been seventeen by this census and probably married.
Samuel Burns apparently continues to live in the area and is buried in the same cemetary with Henry Hilliard Burns. [cemetery records of the Roxana Methodist Church, Lee Co., AL.]
1870 - US Census, Rome Beat #14, Tallapoosa Co., AL, page 161 Henry Burns has married this year. He has in the household his sister and another girl who may be the daughter of Isabella. If I'm correct this would be Isabella's married name. The other black girl may be household help.
Burnes, Henry H. 29 m w Farmer 2000 500 Alabama mar. January _____, Isabella 39 f w keeping house Georgia mar. January _____ , Luella 13 f w Alabama Wal?tin, Mary 10 f w Alabama Kimberly, Lou 13 f b earning money by labor Alabama
1872- Ophelia Burns married Richard Henderson, by W. E. Shealey, JP. Home of Allen Branch, with R. Henderson (mother) giving consent. Richard Henderson is probably not 16 years old at this marriage with his mother signing for him. Ophelia apparently is at least 16 years old since no one seems to have signed for consent. [Marriage Records 1861-1890 of Chambers County, Alabama., pub. The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc., 1974]
1880- (Richard) Avan Henderson and Ophelia (Burns) are listed in the Ettowa Co., Gadsen, AL census.
Avan Henderson, age 24, labors, AL, SC, NC - measles; Ophelia, age 25, wife, homemaker, AL, Ireland, GA.; John, age 5, son, AL, AL, AL - measles; Viola, age 4, daughter, AL, AL, AL - measles; Willie W., age 3, son, AL, AL, AL - measles; Elijah, age 1, son, AL, AL, AL
1890 census was destroyed
1900 Census - Lee County, Beat 4, Bethal Precinct, Alabama, [vol. 35, enum. dist. 36, Sheet 2, line 77] Henry H. Burns is here with his wife but all of his children seem grown and moved on. She states she is the mother of 4 with 2 living. Living in the household is a black servant girl, Rena Peason, and Mary (S?) McCulla, a widow, and her son. I have no idea who this is but probable a close relative of Hugh McCulla who married Henry Burns sister, Margaret. His age should be 59. Henry and Marg/Mary can read and write and own their farm. Margaret states she had four births w/ two living, Mary McCalla had two births with two alive.
Burns, Henry head w/m Aug 1840? , 49 (yrs old), mar.30 yrs, (born)AL, (father) SC, (mother) SC; Marg, B. wife w/f Jan 1850 , 50 (yrs old), mar.30 yrs, (born)AL, (father) SC, (mother) SC; Rearson, Renay servant, b/f Mar 1889 , 21 yrs old, (born)AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL
McCulla, Mary (S.?) head, w/f, Feb 1851 , 49 yrs, wd (born)AL, (father) SC, (mother) SC; " , Maarvin H., son, w/m, Aug 1881 , 18 yrs, (born)AL, (father) SC, (mother) AL;
1900 Census - Calhoun County, Jackson Twp., AR [vol. 4, enum. dist. 26, sheet 3, line 62] Richard Henderson is listed here with his wife and all their living children, Ophelia stated that they have been married 27 years, had 10 children with 7 living. Richard is illiterate, while she can read but can't write. He owns his farm and the sons apparently work on it. According to the birth dates of the children they move to Arkansas between 1888 and 1894 when the last child was born. Bracketed information was not stated in this record.
Richard Henderson, male (b.)Aug 1847, 51 (yrs old), (born)AL, (father) SC, (mother) NC; Ophelia Henderson, wife (b.) Dec 1848, 52, (born) AL, (father) Ireland, (mother) GA; Walter, son (b.) May 1877, 23 yrs, (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; Eliza (Elijah) B., son (b.) Jul 1879, 21 yrs, (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; Willard R., son (b.) Apr 1883, 17 yrs (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; (Irvin) Manson son (b.)Aug 1886, 13 yrs (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; (Nora) Viola, dau. (b.) Jul 1, 1885, (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; Edward M., son (b.) Sep 1888 (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL; Mattie (Rebecca), dau. (b.) Jun 1894, 5 yrs, (born) AR, (father) AL, (mother) AL;
Cemetary Records of the Roxana Methodist Church Cemetery, Lee Co., AL.6.5 miles SW of Waverly on County Road 54- NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SE 1/2 Section 29, T20, R24
Mason Henry Hilliard Burns Hugh L. McCalla Aug 6 1840 - Jun 30 1907 Jan 20 1838 - July 18 1892 Age 66 years, 10 Months, 24 days
1910 - US Census, Jackson Twp., Calhoun Co., AR. Roll: 44 Page: 205 (this one doesn't seem as accurate) Henderson, Richard head m w 59 mar. 30 AL SC SC Farmer / Gen. Farming ________ , Ophelia wife f w 59 mar. 30 AL AL Ireland(mother) ________ , Manson D. son m w 23 s AL AL AL ________ , Ed M. son m w 21 s AL AL AL ________ , Mattie B. dau f w 15 s AL AL AL
1920 - US Census,Jackson Twp., Calhoun Co., AR, Roll: 55 Page: 241 Henderson, Richard head m w 70 (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL ________ , Ophelia wife f w 71 (born) AL, (father) Ireland, (mother) AL; ________ , Manson son m w 33 (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL __________________ , Eddie son m w 31 (born) AL, (father) AL, (mother) AL
U.S. Census Cemetery records of the Roxana Methodist Church, Lee Co., AL., Taproots, April 1982, Vol., 19, no. 4, The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc. research and records of Pam Kelly, 1023 Lantuck Rd, Valley , AL 36854, email - Burns, Cranford. Henry and Lexer Grant Burns Fam., Henley Secretarial Service, Mobile, Alabama., 1974 Burns, Ralph records and coorespondence 2008. probate record (c Jan 1856) of the estate of Alexander Burns, Tallapoosa Co. Ala. , Dadeville, AL 36835 other Burns family records of Alabama and South Carolina may be found through Larry Montgomery email at plcm@quicklinknet Townsend, Leah. Ph. D. South Carolina Baptists 1670-1805, Clearfield. originally pub. 1935/ reprinted Gen. Pub. Co., Inc., Baltimore. 1974,1978, 1990, 2000, 2003.

Spouse: Lurana Ward Burns 1813–1904


Birth9 Apr 1812South Carolina
Marriage License24 Jan 1834Tallapoosa County, Alabama - Margaret Greer
Marriage29 Jan 1834Tallapoosa County, Alabama - Margaret Greer
Census20 Oct 1850Slave Schedule, Tallapoosa County, Alabama
Census (family)23 Oct 1850Tallapoosa County, Alabama - Margaret Greer
Death13 Mar 1887Spring Hill, Hempstead County, Arkansas
BurialNew Hope Cemetery, Hope, Hempstead County, Arkansas


SpouseMargaret Greer (1814 - 1861)
ChildMartha Ann Burns (1835 - 1874)
ChildSalmon W. Burns (1838 - )
ChildHenry Hilliard Burns (1840 - 1907)
ChildRachell Evalina Burns (1842 - )
ChildMargaret K. Burns (1843 - )
ChildSamuel Alexander Burns (1850 - 1889)
ChildElizabeth Aldora J. Burns (1853 - 1897)
ChildOphelia Priscilla E. Burns (1852 - 1924)
ChildMary Lewella G. Burns (1857 - )
FatherSamuel Watson Burns Jr. (1794 - 1851)
MotherMartha Jordan (1799 - 1851)

