Individual Details

Thomas Hart

(1794 - 1875)

Exact year of death not known, assumed to be between 1870 and 1880.
Thomas may have been married more than once given the 11-year age gap between his daughter Mary Ann Hart Langston, born 1817 and his son Louis R Hart born in 1828.
It would appear that there are no surviving early marriage records for Union County, South Carolina. My best guess is Thomas's 2nd wife may have been Mary Greer listed as an orphan daughter of Robert Greer in 1817 Union County SC probate records.
There is a lot of room for error as to how Thomas fits into the Hart's in Fairforest, Union County, South Carolina.
Thomas is most likely a son of Thomas Hart, born about 1754 in current Jefferson County, West Virginia or perhaps Orange County, North Carolina and Elizabeth Pearson.
Nobody has ever quite proven exactly who their parents are, This Thomas's grandparents are assumed by me, to be Aaron the Elder Hart and perhaps Rachael or Jane (said to be Swan).
In the 1790 SC Census, Union District, there were 5 Hart Families:
1, Aaron "the Elder" Hart, born 1733
2, Aron Hart (maybe Jr). born 1766
3, Elisha Hart, born about 1760 (thought to be a son of Aaron SR. Married to Nellie (Nelly) Bogan.
4, Thomas Hart (thought by some to be Thomas the Elder Hart born, 1686, Byberry, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania that lived to be 104 years old, married to Ester Miles, parents of anywhere from 4 to 19 children, depending on who you ask.)
5, Josiah Hart [Joseph, though to be the same person], born about 1745.
1800 Union, SC census, Thomas, Oliver, Joseph, Nelly and Aron Hart.
1810 Union, SC census lists 2 Thomas Harts and a John Hart.
1820, three Thomas Harts are listed.
Two Thomas Hart's are listed in Union County, SC in 1830 and only one is listed there in 1840. In 1850 Thomas Hart age 58 is living in Knox County, Tennessee as a widow with 3 of his daughters, Jane, Almada Manervy and Lettie N. His son Lewis and daughter Mary Ann Hart, now married to Absalom Langston are still living in Union County, SC.
1860, Knox County, Tennessee, Thomas, age 64 is listed as the head of household #1960 with his daughter Almada, age 25, William and Letty Luttrell both age 19.
Five households away in #1965 is his son Louis Hart, age 31.
1870 Knox County, Tennessee, Thomas is listed in dwelling #177 between his daughter Minerva McLemore and her husband John McLemore (married May 31, 1866) with John's children by his first wife, said to be a Luttrell in dwelling #176 and his son Louis Hart in dwelling #178.


Birth1794South Carolina
Death1875Knox County, Tennessee
BurialUnion Cemetery, Knox County, Tennessee


SpouseJane Greer (1799 - )

